Zdjęcia użytkownika Sheila Satin

Zweryfikowany profil

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Przyjmuje gości

  • Wskaźnik odpowiedzi: 100%
  • Ostatnie logowanie około 5 godzin temu

Aby zobaczyć pełny profil użytkownika Sheila, dołącz do Couchsurfing.


  • 410 Opinie 105 Potwierdzona i pozytywna
  • Płynny w English; uczy się Hindi, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai
  • 45, Kobieta
  • Użytkownik od 2004
  • satincrystals
  • traveling around, meeting new people, writing penpals and...
  • Nie podano miasta rodzinnego
  • Profil jest kompletny w 100%

O mnie

Please note:

I don’t always pay for this service, so leave your WhatsApp or Facebook if you contact me.

I only add friends that I have met in person (this is the original couchsurfing way).

Bringing people together to form unconditional friendships.

I am very easy-going and open-minded. To me, being open-minded means that everything I know could be true or false, and either way, it doesn't matter.

I can be a bit indifferent and detached, but I have found that in the end that is really the best way to be. I am not a big talker, but still social with an adaptable, go-with-the-flow mentality. I try to learn my lessons immediately so not to repeat them. I often hum or sing random songs when I am happy, sometimes not even knowing I am doing it, annoying Matthew in the process as he tells me that record player's needle is "stuck". I know what I like and who I like; it's all about the wavelength.

Moved up to San Francisco to work with my sister in summer of 2009. A year later we were tired of the responsibility and now we are exclusively and flexibly online.

I like to go out to socialize, especially dinner parties, house parties, pub/dive bars, wine bars, new restaurants, outdoor cafes or just stay in and be lazy, watching sitcoms, movies on the big projector, reading or emailing. I do not like huge crowds or being too uncomfortable, so I avoid the big festivals, camping and mega clubs.

I usually travel and go out with an entourage. It's rare I'll go on my own. If you're looking for something to do, just email me!

My sister and my Website: http://www.satincrystals.com

"do something with your life; a job doesn't count."

"all in due time"

"all of your dreams come true, one way or the other"

the law of attraction, the energy of the universe, positive affirmations, no judgments, being who you want to attract.

"do nothing, accomplish everything"

"We will all die soon, none of this will matter"

Dlaczego jestem na Couchsurfing

I have been the Long Beach City Ambassador, Oakland City Ambassador and San Francisco City Ambassador! I am the ambassador you come to if you want to hang out with local hosts and travelers who want to experience local life. You probably won't see me at the regular meetups!

I always love to get people together in the areas I'm living or visiting so we have a group of like-minded, drama-free, fun-loving friends to hang out with :)

I look forward to meeting with you when you are in my city. My friends and I have random activities planned every week in Oakland, so I invite you to join us! This is open to those who live in the area as well!

Serious inquiries only - if you plan on following through with actually meeting up!! I really appreciate people who stick with their word. FLAKES (People who do not follow through) ARE MY BIGGEST TURN-OFFS.

I've stayed with random people all over Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and Asia. I've hosted tons of people living in Boston, California and New York.

I have been involved in hospitality exchanges since 1999 (way before couchsurfing.com existed) when hospitality clubs were still only in paper-booklet format that you had to order by mail and write to your potential hosts by postal mail!!! I love keeping in touch, so I am still friends with several of those I met in 1999.

Please note: Couchsurfing is not my life; it is a part of my life.


traveling, jewelry making, yoga, singing, penpalling, lounging, social drinking, black russians, cooking, shopping, cats, sunshine, taking candid photos of friends, making new best friends, movies, sitcoms, moss, barnacles, archery, bold colors, dressing up, lotion, wine flights, europe, spicy foods, sushi handrolls, small towns, locals, organizing superawesome parties, planning stuff.

NOT interested in: flakes, drama (unless it's on tv), tardiness.

  • cats
  • books
  • dining
  • cooking
  • wine
  • yoga
  • drinking
  • house parties
  • movies
  • reading
  • tv
  • traveling
  • socializing
  • archery
  • friends
  • bars
  • city life

Muzyka, filmy i książki

MOVIES: Donnie Darko, Lord of the Rings, Can't Hardly Wait, The Matchmaker, Liar Liar, Bring it On, Eternal Sunshine, Stealing Beauty, Just like Heaven, In her Shoes, Harry Potter, Bottle Rocket, Inception, Darjeeling Limited

MUSIC: Green Day, Robbie Williams, Lorde, Ladytron, Madonna, Killers, Blink 182, Depeche Mode, The Streets, Postal Service, Alanis Morisette: pop, emo-punk, alternative...stuff with words in it!

READING: Harry Potters, Hunger Games, Scott Westerberg's "Uglies" trilogy, Divergent series, Chronicles of Narnia, Christopher Pike books, Vampire Academy Series, Tuck Everlasting, Birthmarked series, Exodus & Zenith, The Selection series, Matched series, Maze Runner series...very into dystopian novels right now.

TV: Frasier, Walking Dead, Seinfeld, Downtown Abbey, Just Shoot Me, America's Next Top Model, Ugly Betty, Three's Company, Project Runway, Friends, Sherlock Holmes, I love Lucy, Malcolm in the Middle, Hell's Kitchen, Lie to Me, Fringe, Lost, Cheers, Community, Hot in Cleveland, Wings, Everbody Loves Raymond, Bates Motel, Game of Thrones, The Fall, Handmaide's Tale, Schitts Creek and true crime shows.

Jedna niesamowita rzecz, którą zrobiłem(-am)

meeting my very best friends '00 and ongoing...

leading ocnightlife, bostonnightlife and longbeachnightlife, oaklandfriends and sanfrancisco's she-list from 2003 and onwards.

love parade in berlin '99.

speaking at the intl. conf of alt.medicine in peru '07.

gaining perspective with my father's sudden departure from this earth '06

renting a castle in england for my friend's 30th birthday '10

buying our first house '13 and second in '16

taking care of many cats since childhood and first dogs since '17

gaining Portuguese residence '24

Ucz innych, ucz się sam, udostępniaj

cooking. ecommerce. penpalling. keeping in touch. organizing events. jewelry making. throwing parties. archery.taking care of cats and dogs.

Czym mogę się podzielić z gospodarzami

food, walks, pets, local friends

Kraje, w których byłem(-am)

Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Laos, Latvia, Mexico, Morocco, Myanmar, Netherlands, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States

Kraje, w których mieszkałem(-am)

United States

Dawne odznaki

  • 66 Poręczs
  • Odznaka Pioniera

Aby zobaczyć pełny profil użytkownika Sheila, dołącz do Couchsurfing.

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