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  • 19 references 13 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English
  • 39, Male
  • Member since 2011
  • Adventure course guide
  • Too many degrees to be useful ...
  • From Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


After spending far too many years studying, and trying to figure out how I should use my degree in the best way possible, I bought a one-way ticket to Canada in July of 2017 and have been working/travelling these parts ever since. (Yes, I'm another one of those invaders from a land down-under.. but at least I'm not Australian ;-) ).

Right now, I'm planning to spend the autumn and winter of 2018/2019 travelling through the United States and eastern Canada, and then working out where to go next!


Well, -big surprise since I'm on couchsurfing- I love to travel! Beautiful landscapes, old cities, museums.. all the different experience and flavours that this world has to offer. I like to laugh, and to be constantly seeking out new experiences.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


When I had a place to share back in NZ I really enjoyed opening it up to fellow travellers; showing them my favourite parts of the city, cooking together, playing board games, swapping stories over a bottle of wine ;-). It's something I'm definitely going to keep doing once I have a place to call my own again.

Now I'm travelling, I try to always check CSing to see what's happening in the places I visit, as you always meet really interesting people. It's a really neat way of connecting people of all sorts of different backgrounds, bonded by a love of travel and community.


I'm happiest when I am outdoors, whether that's walking 7-days in the wilderness, a 30 minute walk in a field, rock-climbing, canoeing, skiing. There are so many places in the world that take your breath away.

When I'm not out and about, I enjoy settling down with a book (in front of a blazing fire if possible), eating and socialising with friends- I'm a big board games fan- cooking, or going out to watch a band/musical/even opera sometimes!

  • cooking
  • politics
  • outdoor activities
  • hiking
  • camping
  • cricket
  • history
  • film
  • climbing
  • skinny dipping
  • boardgames

Music, Movies, and Books

Bill Bryson is one of my favourite authors. I also enjoy Cadfael (a lesser known treasure for fans of crime fiction), the Aubrey-Maturin series, and yes, Game of Thrones.. Recently I have started reading John le Carre; right now it's The Night Manager (inspired by the excellent BBC adaptation, of course).

I also really enjoy non-fiction, of almost all varieties!

Too many movies to list here... generally I prefer movies that make me think, rather than block-buster action flicks, but sometimes those are good too. The best movie I have seen recently is the Shawshank Redemption (how had I not seen that earlier...).

Music: Arcade Fire, Naked and Famous (KIWI yay!), Villainy, Birds of Tokyo, The Beatles

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Book a ticket to the other side of the world without a job to go to- that was pretty scary!

I am going to rephrase this as a bucket list, and hopefully I can tick some of these off sometime...

- dive with great whites
-see Everest
-walk the Inca Trail
-go on a safari
-visit Alaska
-visit Antarctica
-see the northern lights
-climb Kilamajaro

Teach, Learn, Share

I enjoy learning about new cultures, would love to learn another language someday. I don't have many practical skills but will happily take people out to explore the wonderful outdoors :-).

What I Can Share with Hosts

I'm pretty respectable in the kitchen so happy to cook a meal (together or as a way of saying thank you :-) ). Otherwise if you host me I can promise plenty of conversation on a wide-range of topics, bad jokes (sometimes so bad they become good), and company on any adventure you propose!

Countries I’ve Visited

Australia, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Canada, New Zealand

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