Known as Brazil’s most efficient city, Curitiba is sophisticated and innovative. It has excellent transportation, recycling programs, nature reserves, and has even taken steps to remedy homelessness and poverty within the city. Visitors can marvel at the exhibits of the Oscar Niemeyer Museum, featuring the works of Brazil’s renowned visionary architect. To see another unique structure in Curitiba, head to the Wire Opera House, a unique domed theater made of steel tubes and glass.

Perhaps the most beautiful spot in Curitiba is the Botanical Garden, featuring extensive gardens in the French style with lakes, waterfalls, and fountains. Its most recognizable feature is the 458-square-meter art nouveau greenhouse which radiates brilliant light when night falls. If you’re looking for a great way to explore the natural wonders of Brazil, rent a car and make the drive inland to the famous Iguazu Falls. They are the largest waterfalls system in the world, something that must be seen to be believed.


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