Daniel Cohen Stuart's Photo

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  • 5 references 1 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Dutch, English; learning German, Russian
  • 26, Male
  • Member since 2018
  • -
  • Global Project and Change Manager
  • From Rotterdam, South Holland, Netherlands
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Hello fellow travellers around the world,

I am a Dutch student currently studying something called 'Global Project and Change Managent'. With this study I hope to achieve my dream, which is making the world a better place than I found it and leaving it with a lot less problems for our future generations. This is also why I travel, since I think that you can not try to change something if you dont understand it first. To make this understanding better I challenge myself as much as possible with new knowledge on a wide range of topics. So I am happy to talk about your favourite philosopher, an interesting theory or amazing book you read, but also the best movie you ever saw. I should now say that apart from having a somewhat serious outlook on life, I believe it is most important to enjoy it! Therefor I also like to have a drink, go for an all-nighter or just chill in the park and tell stupid jokes. It's all about balancing serious things with simply having fun for me.

To make a long story short (sorry about that), I am a driven person with a wide range of interest, that likes to enjoy life and loves meeting new people. I already look forward to meeting you if you let me stay over, or to meet you if you are visitig Zwolle in the Netherlands :).

Small sidenote: I am currently trying to learn Russian so for anyone who wants to come over and speaks it, let me know! Also I dont own a credit card or have a PayPall acount, so that is why I unfortunatly cannot verify my account...

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

The main reason I am on couchsurfing is because I want to start meeting more people outside of hostels while travelling, and to meet travellers when I am at home. I have noticed that there mostly just a few different types of people you'll meet in hostels and I believe that there is a wider range of possibilities with couchsurfing


  • arts
  • literature
  • photography
  • politics
  • martial arts
  • astronomy
  • philosophy
  • physics
  • psychology
  • sociology

Music, Movies, and Books

The best book I have read in my life so far might be a book about the life of the philosopher 'Baruch Spinoza', as he was quite the visionary in my opnion. When it comes to movies the lord of the rings trilogy is my favourite and it was also the reason I travelled to New Zealand.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

One of the most amazing (and also quite challenging) things was walking the tongariro crossing in New Zealand or the fact that I travelled New Zealand and Indonesia mostly on crutches :)

What I Can Share with Hosts

I think the best I have to offer is just being a conversation partner which is interested in a lot of things.

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Netherlands, New Zealand

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