Fotos de Kasia and Krzyś

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Registre-se no Couchsurfing para ver o perfil completo de Kasia and.

Visão geral

  • 7 referências 5 Confirmado e Positivo
  • Fluente em: English, Polish; aprendendo: English, Spanish
  • 38, Outro
  • Membro desde 2010
  • HR and Programming
  • Nenhuma formação acadêmica listada
  • Nenhuma cidade natal listada
  • Perfil 100% concluído

Sobre Mim


We would like to meet new people, new places, amusing histories, delicious taste...
We want to show new places to our kids


Hi! We are a family of four. Kasia (38) and Krzyś (41), our son is 5 and doughter is 2.

We are here for some times but we had a log break.
After 7 years we decided to back here and try to find someone who wants to host our family.
Our kids are older so it is time to travel and show them a piece of wonderful world.

We love spend time actively outside. If there is a forest or a river or a beach - we will be there soon.

Please visit my instagram profil @hey_mama_kasia (it's in English)


If you were born with wings - use them and fly!

Por que estou no Couchsurfing?


We were in Spain many times by couchsurfing. We visited: Mataro, Reus, Bilbao, Zaragossa, Malaga, Alicante, Tarragona, Cambirlls. We visited also London and Turku in Finland.


Kasia: ashtangayoga, music, books, films
Krzyś: running, programming, music, films

  • books
  • cooking
  • vegetarian
  • yoga
  • running
  • movies
  • traveling
  • music
  • software

Músicas, Filmes e Livros

Kasia: Daughter, Palpitaion, Nouvelle Vague, Bonobo, Sigur Rós
Krzyś: a lot of different genres and artists but in my top of the year on Spotify there were some tracks from Burial, Cliff Martinez, Clint Mansell and Moderat (in alphabetical order ;))

Uma Coisa Incrível que Eu Fiz

In The Czech Republic we sledged few kilometers whilst others skiing :)

Ensine, Aprenda, Compartilhe

We can learn you how to juggling by three balls and we can learn you English.

Países que Visitei

Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Slovakia, Spain, United Kingdom

Países em que Morei

Poland, United Kingdom

Registre-se no Couchsurfing para ver o perfil completo de Kasia and.

Meus Grupos