Le foto di Kelsi Wymard

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Informazioni generali

  • 2 referenze 1 Confermato e positivo
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente English
  • 29, Donna
  • Membro dal 2014
  • Veterinary Student
  • BS - Animal Sciences (Ohio State), DVM - LMU
  • Città di origine non indicata
  • Profilo completo al 100%

Chi sono


Don't react, just watch.


Some boring stats: I graduated from The Ohio State University with a Bachelors degree in Agriculture (Animal Sciences) in 2012, and am currently attending Lincoln Memorial University in Tennessee to obtain a
Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine (class of 2020). I was born in WV and raised in PA!

Some not so boring stats: When I'm not drowning in medical books, I'm usually spending time with my two furbabies - Daisy (black labrador) and Schmidt (cranky kitty). I absolutely love the outdoors and am game for any outdoor activity you can throw my way. I really enjoy rock climbing and hiking, and I'm very slowly being introduced to the world of whitewater. I love adventure, but some days all I really want to do is lie in my hammock with a good book and some tea. I also do quite a bit of hula hooping and yoga. Flow art has offered me a remarkably beautiful outlet to express my creativity and I am grateful for it every single time I pick up my hoop. If you're a hooper or another variation of a flow artist, lets link up and dance! :)

- My dog goes everywhere with me, so all hosts must be dog friendly! She is a very well-trained (service dog) black Labrador that loves everyone and everything and is sure to bring a smile to your face :)


Find whatever makes you happy and do that.

Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing

I was introduced to couch surfing by a good friend I met soon after he returned home from thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail. We met through a mutual friend and all shared a beautiful day soaking up some sun rays along a river that is special to all of us. He was the first person I experienced that "I've met you before" feeling with that I would come to know so well in the forthcoming years of my life. After that day, I began searching for others like this friend and myself, people that understood and accepted and loved, without judgement; people that are all searching for the same thing. This is why I joined couch surfing. There is something to be said for the type of individual that can open their hearts to strangers. How beautiful the world would be if we could all do this more. Traveling ignites a fire inside of me I've searched for my entire life, but nothing in this universe compares to connecting with another human soul on a level that words do not exist to describe. I believe in the fundamental ideology of oneness and so the more human beings I meet and interact with and come to really know, the more I feel like I am able to know and understand myself. Not so deep down, within each and everyone of us, exists a simple and primal fundamental oneness, and when we can connect or tap into that, our potential is limitless.


  • animals
  • dogs
  • yoga
  • reading
  • music
  • backpacking
  • rock climbing
  • medicine
  • hula hooping

Musica, film e libri

Books/Authors: Alan Watts, Edgar Allan Poe, The Awakening (Kate Chopin) -- way too many to mention

Music: Modest Mouse, Griz, Pigeons Playing Pingpong, Trevor Hall, Nahko, FKJ, Rebelution, Tash Sultana, The String Cheese Incident, Gramatik, Wet, Alina Baraz, Xavier Rud, Perpetual Groove, moe., Rising Appalachia, SOJA, ODESZA, Stevie Nicks, Ben Howard, Marshall Tucker Band, James Taylor, The Allman Brothers, Dawn Golden, Red Hot Chili Peppers, This Will Destroy You, Pink Floyd, Iron and Wine, The Eagles, The Beatles, Ellie Goulding, The Heavy Pets, Jack Johnson, Brother Ali, Big Gigantic, Great Lake Swimmers, Lord Huron, Lettuce, Mandolin Orange, Moon Taxi, The Motet, Pretty Lights, The Revivalists, Subsquabi, Lotus
- I could go on forever with this one. If you are the type of person that loves sharing music, I'm your girl.

Movies: Anything that makes me laugh!

Una cosa incredibile che ho fatto

- Whitewater Rafting on the Rhine River in Switzerland
- Hiking small sections of the Appalachian Trail & the PCT
- Founded the Self Defense Club at The Ohio State University

Insegna, impara, condividi

I love teaching hula hoop/flow tricks!

Cosa posso offrire ai padroni di casa

Good conversation and a yummy vegetarian meal!

Paesi che ho visitato

Cayman Islands, Dominican Republic, England, France, Germany, Jamaica, Netherlands, Puerto Rico, South Africa, Switzerland

Paesi in cui ho vissuto

United States

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