Martin & Calpurnia的照片


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  • 164 评语 148 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 English, Spanish
  • 40, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2014
  • English Teacher, Musician
  • Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
  • 未列出家乡
  • 个人主页已完成 100%


I'm an English and Spanish Teacher from Mendoza, Argentina with my lovely dog Calpu, and the new members of the flock, two lovely cats, Shannon and Foggy 🤍🧡🩶 My mission is to share and learn as much as possible about other cultures. Also, as backpacker I am, I consider that the best idea is to interact with locals directly, and not the kind of tourist that keeps safe behind the tour guide. It is very special for me to give and to share, and couchsurfing is perfect!

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing

As couchsurfer, I have shared with lots of people from other countries, at home and in their places. It's a wonderful experience!


Sharing, having a good time


Music is very important for me, as musician I am. Rock, Blues, Tango and Folk are on top of my interests. The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Pearl Jam, Eddie Vedder, Glen Hansard, Silvio Rodriguez, Pez, Massacre, Astor Piazzolla are my favorites.

Sci-fi movies are the best. Back to the Future, X-Men, Star Wars, A Clockwork Orange... Also Forrest Gump, the best movie ever. Any Tom Hanks' movie is perfect. Fantasy! Films by Tim Burton and/or Johnny Depp, such as Edward Scissorhands, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, The Pirates of the Caribbean, Alice in Wonderland, etc.
TV/Netflix series, such as Peaky Blinders, Vikings, Sherlock, Twin Peaks, The IT Crowd, The Fall, Rebellion, Trapped, and a lot to discover. Any suggestions?

And books... I love reading. I am always trying to persuade people to read, and, in order to make them have a great reading experience, I have a list of books to recommend. First, Roald Dahl. I am such a big fan of him, I enjoy every single word he's put into his writings. The BFG, Danny the Champion of the World, Henry Sugar, My Uncle Oswald, Mr. Willy Wonka himself, Going Solo! Also Kurt Vonnegut (Cat’s Cradle, Slaughterhouse 5, God Bless Mr. Rosewater, Jailbird), Harry Potter (Slytherin) Mark Twain, Frank McCourt, Thor Heyerdahl with the 'Kon-Tiki Expedition', Jon Krakauer’s ‘Into the Wild’, Mario Puzo's 'The Godfather', Harper Lee’s ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’, J.D. Salinger’s ‘The Catcher in the Rye’, and Arthur Conan Doyle’s ‘Sherlock Holmes’ are on top of the list.
As for Drama, I'm not a big fan of the genre but I have enjoyed some writings by Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams, also read some Oscar Wilde and William Shakespeare works in College, and it was a good experience but I need to find new authors.


I’m a busker so, I consider an amazing thing to be standing on the streets playing music for people and being happy.


I like sharing experiences, culture and different activities with people from other countries. This way I have learnt many things, and also met wonderful people. Also I love teaching some Spanish to my guests. Very important and helpful for their travels!


A room, a bed, a good time, a great walk to the mountains.


Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Peru, Scotland, United States, Wales


Argentina, England, Ireland

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