Alesha Guy的照片


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  • 0 条评语
  • 精通 English
  • 31, 女
  • 成为会员的时间:2013
  • I work in the dish pit, at the Old Faithful Lodge.
  • High School
  • 来自Monroe, Michigan.
  • 个人主页已完成 50%



Spread the love and Expand the minds!


My name is Alesha Guy, and I am 20 years old. This year is the second year I have worked at Yellowstone National Park, and it has really opened my eyes to traveling. My boyfriend just finished school to be a traveling technician and this has given us great opportunities to see the United States. I grew up in a very catholic town where there wasn't much to do. To put it in perspective I come from the home town of General Custer the guy that killed a bunch of native Americans through an ambush, and my town is super proud of it. ugh!! Before my grandfather passed away I traveled a lot with him but at the time I was just a young girl. the older I am getting the more I want to see and explore different parts of the country.


I believe in human nature. I believe we are more than just names and the job we do, we are beautiful creatures with the amazing powers of the human mind. it just takes a little exploration of ones own mind maybe through such things as mushrooms. Terrence McKenna people, he was a wonderful intelligent person touching on a base many people wouldn't go near. We are ever expanding.

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing


I have never done the couchsurfing thing but I would very much love to start. I did however know a girl that used this wonderful website and found an amazing place to live in Bozeman Montana. I got to meet the people she was staying with and they turned me on to good music such as A Tribe Called Quest and glass blowing, it was amazing just hanging out with them in their own hometown.


I enjoy working with clay/ceramics or any type of art.
I love getting into my own head and just spilling out onto paper, clay, or any surface my feelings.
I have recently started getting into hiking and working out, considering I am a smoker it's a bit of a difficult task, but enjoyable none the less.

  • arts
  • working out
  • movies
  • traveling
  • pottery
  • music
  • hiking


I love old horror movies and just odd movies in general. To be completely honest the movie scene now just makes me want to puke, everything has to be EPIC EPIC EPIC!! CGI filled bullshit.
I love punk, ska, reggae, old school hip hop, and folk.
I read a lot but by far my two favorite authors are David Sedaris, and Chuck Phalaniuk.


Working in Yellowstone.
It's hard to describe the full experience without doing it yourself.


I would love to teach to the community different things I have been learning about the actual rights we have as humans, I have been watching the Zeitgeist, Esoteric Agenda, Waking Life and other movies opening up the door to knowledge many people don't even know exists. I would love to learn more about the Buddhist teachings or stuff along those lines, reaching nirvana in the best way possible.
Oh, and also I am an avid Lucid Dreamer and would love to help people tap into that part of them.
As I was growing up I had terrible night terrors and I had to teach myself they weren't real upon that I learned how to control my dreams, remember them, and now I basically live in my own universe in my head.


United States


United States

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