Le foto di Kim Spencer

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  • Ultimo accesso oltre 13 anni fa

Iscriviti a Couchsurfing per visualizzare il profilo completo di Kim.

Informazioni generali

  • 48 referenze 32 Confermato e positivo
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente English
  • 36, Donna
  • Membro dal 2008
  • Staffing coordinator for nurses-I get nurses to fill in s...
  • Tried that, hated that, stopped that
  • Di Leesport, Pennsylvania, United States
  • Profilo completo al 95%

Chi sono


Pay off my travelling debt!


I used to live in Amish country and every time I saw Amish kids working in the fields, I had the urge to kidnap them so I can take them home to feed them McDonald's and let them watch Spongebob...I frequently move across the country on a whim taking only what will fit in my car (seriously, I've done this three times in three years: PA-FL, FL-ME, and PA-CA!)...I have the coolest dog ever, a mutt adopted from a rescue league who only recently learned how to bark...I <3 drunken Wal-Mart adventures...I shook Obama's hand so, on some level, I feel I now have super powers...I think cemetaries are stupid...I once put my boss's stapler in Jello (kudos to "The Office" for the inspiration).


I could be hit by a bus tomorrow so what's life without taking chances today?

Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing


I love hosting!!!! I have met so many great people. I also like being involved in the local CS scene and enjoy planning meet-ups and events

I spent 4 months in the summer of 2009 couchsurfing around this amazing country! I met so many amazing, giving people; it really strengthened my faith in humanity.


My best experience hosting so far was my first one. I decided to dive right in and hosted 8 people from NYC during a huge amish trip and met over 40 people in all from around the world.

My surfing experiences have almost all been amazing. I have met so many people from all walks of life.

I've surfed in the following places: New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, Detroit, Kalamazoo MI, Grand Rapids MI, Chicago, St. Louis, Telluride CO, Salt Lake City, Yellowstone, Boise ID, San Francisco, Burning Man, Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, San Diego, Phoenix, San Antonio TX, Austin TX, Dallas, New Orleans, Raleigh NC, Baltimore, Dayton OH, Springfield MO, Oklahoma City, Albuquerque NM, and Scottsdale AZ.


I like meeting new people and learning about other cultures and having meaningful conversations. I enjoy talking about "big issues" in politics and am a hard-core democrat. I like going out and having fun (bars are always good), but am not really into the club scene.

  • dogs
  • clubbing
  • politics
  • traveling
  • surfing

Una cosa incredibile che ho fatto

I found my sister on MySpace after we were separated for 10 years. A year later, I found myself homeless in Florida and moved to Maine to live with her! She is now the one person in my life I know I can always count on.

Distintivi “vecchia scuola”

  • 10 Garantiscis

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