Le foto di Adam Barone

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  • Documento di identità non verificato

Accetta ospiti

  • Ultimo accesso oltre 3 anni fa

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Informazioni generali

  • 2 referenze 1 Confermato e positivo
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente English, Spanish; lingua che sta imparando French
  • 45, Uomo
  • Membro dal 2012
  • Writer
  • B.A. in Journalism and Philosophy
  • Città di origine non indicata
  • Profilo completo al 100%

Chi sono


Right now my current mission is to continue kicking ass as a freelance copywriter and brand strategist as I hopefully make the long-term transition into becoming a full-time rock star as the bassist and keyboardist of my band Claiming Neptune.


I am a pretty easy going fellow, and I like to say, "yes." I think it's one of the best words around...next to "more," "wow," and "hahaha!"

I recently repatriated myself back to the ole US of A after spending 2 1/2 years traveling the Americas by motorcycle and living in Mexico City and Riviera Nayarit (in Mexico).


I don't have a life philosophy really other than find something you want to do your best at, and then do it.

Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing


After staying with a few fine folks while out on my recent travels, I'm ready to host.


It actually changed the course of my life. More on that later...


Motorcycles, writing, making music, books, magazines, art, politics

Sports: American football, rugby, baseball

Music: A wide range, concentrated in rock, rap, blues, island music and blends of all of the above

  • arts
  • writing
  • books
  • motorcycles
  • politics
  • traveling
  • music
  • live music
  • blues
  • skiing
  • sports
  • baseball
  • american football
  • soccer
  • rugby
  • swimming
  • freelancing
  • journalism

Musica, film e libri

I don't see the point of this question. I don't talk about books and movies much. It occupies enough time just absorbing them.

Una cosa incredibile che ho fatto

I have gone on two cross-country motorcycle trips and one intercontinental trip. I played semi-pro and college football. I've worked as a journalist, copywriter and musician.

Insegna, impara, condividi

I now live in Austin, Texas. There's a lot a lot going on here to put it mildly. Live Music Capital of the World. Major college town. Lots of cool stuff to do out in the hill country...lotsa swimming holes and such. Gotta love Mother Nature. I'm still new around here, so I've only scratched the surface.

When visiting the New England region (my old stomping grounds) of the USA...

- If you want to go to a Red Sox game in Boston and don't have tickets, and you don't care where you sit or stand...there's a way you can get in. Message me for details. (It's a local secret, and I can't in good conscience make this public...though I will gladly share with anyone who contacts me directly)

- Visit Portsmouth, NH when you're good and hungry. This is a showcase town of top-quality restaurants.

- For a truly authentic New England skiing getaway, go to Wildcat Mountain in Jackson, NH.

Paesi che ho visitato

Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Ireland, Mexico, Nicaragua, Northern Ireland, Panama, United Kingdom

Paesi in cui ho vissuto

Mexico, United States

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