Damien, Florence +kids Filippi's Photo

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  • 19 references 14 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Dutch, English, French, Italian; learning German, Spanish
  • 44, Other
  • Member since 2010
  • communication at the musical instrument museum / insurance
  • Public relations
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


to launch our own microbrewery at home!


We are a family of four: Damien (1980), Florence (1975), and our two babies... well, let's say children now (2008 -2009).

We have no pets, and are non-smokers.

Damien works at the musical instruments museum (one of the big museums of the city), and Florence has lived in Brussels since she was born.

We would be very pleased to tell you everything we know about the cultural and touristy life of the city!

Damien is half-Italian, and even if he has never lived there, he's proud of his italian origins as well.


be open to others, and others will be open to you

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


On the limits of our possibilities, we would be very pleased to welcome you and to show you everything we know about Brussels or Belgium!
If you want to cook with us or to brew a beer by yourself, we'll be happy to show you!


We hosted so far:

- Agathe and Jimmy (Nancy, France)

- Pauline and Thomas (Valence, France)
- Clayton and Melissa (Sydney, Australia)
- Cécile & Mathieu (Toulon, France)

- Nicholas and Aor (Bangkok, Thailand)
- Mathieu... then Cécile (Toulon, France + once more in 2014)

- Genna and Jesse (USA)
- Nelly & Pauline (Toulouse, France)
- Franz & his companions (Germany)
- Ash, Harita and Archie (New Zeeland)

- Sam & Maya (USA)
- Robert (USA) (+ second time in 2016)

- Marianna & Aaron (USA)
- Morgane & Julien (France)

- Ludo, Aglae and their kids (Ormes, France)
- Cécile & Mathieu (Toulon, France) + 2014
- Athmane (Taroudant, Morocco -> Damien alone)
- Hassan (Zaouit Irs, Morocco -> Damien alone)

we met also several persons from Couchsurfing during events (see our friendships' page)

On CSurfing spirit, we made different home exchanges these last years


we love to travel but with the children, we stay limited to short trips - or travels around 1000 km from home. Rest of the world will wait some more years. But there are so many things to see around here already!

Here in Brussels, we both love to cook. We try as much as possible not to buy stuff in supermarkets (but it's not always easy).

We are very proud of our Belgian culture, and love to make it know to others.

Oh yes, Damien is really proud of his musical collection for sure!

  • pets
  • culture
  • cooking
  • beer
  • politics
  • traveling
  • cycling
  • surfing

Music, Movies, and Books

Damien has +/- 1500 cds 300 LPs... Florence maybe 50, bu use spotify.
Books: it's the contrary!

When you come to us (if you do...), Damien will tell you everything he knows about music in Belgium. He has a huge collection of it, mainly devoted to rock music, or "chanson française", but due to his his job, he knows a little about jazz and classical music as well. But don't worry, we can speak about something else than music for sure!

last musical discoveries:
Damien: Tom Waits last record, Henryk Gorecki (symphony 3rd), the raveonettes (raven in the grave), Olof Arnalds (Innundir skinni), Pascal Pinon
Florence: Julien Doré, Ridan, Aldebert

Last films we saw and loved:
Damien: True gritt, 12:08 east of Bucharest, Moon, Freaks, Le Nom des gens, Une séparation, sugar man, inside Llewyn Davis
Florence: Lost (->Season 4), The King's Speech, Mildred Pierce

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

What could we say... Damien has traveled Brussels->sea by cycling in 1 day (aprox. 165km). Florence has gone alone to Quebec with our first son while he was a 'baby'... to be honnest, we don't see us as extrodinary people, but more as ordinary people trying to have a extrodinary everyday life.

One thing for sure: having 2 children, it's simply incredible. And we've seen nothing yet!

Teach, Learn, Share

If you want to know more about Belgium, you are at the right place. We love to discuss about politics, sense of life even with strangers;

What I Can Share with Hosts

just ask, I'll see what I can do!

Countries I’ve Visited

Canada, Denmark, Dominican Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain

Countries I’ve Lived In


Old School Badges

  • 1 Vouch

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