Abdul Basit's Photo

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  • 0 references
  • Fluent in English, Hindi, Panjabi, Punjabi, Urdu; learning Spanish
  • 54, Male
  • Member since 2015
  • Student of Computer programing Humber College Toronto
  • Graduation in Hotel and restaurant management
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Exploring the uncharted, crafting innovative solutions, and discovering new wonders

I am a curious and creative individual on a quest for growth, connection, and inspiration. My passions include:
• Unlocking Human Potential: My dedication lies in self-improvement and empowering others to take charge of their health, wellbeing, and personal growth.
• Nurturing artistic expression: I embrace creativity in all its forms, from writing and art to music and movement.
• Embracing Nature's Beauty: I find solace and inspiration in the great outdoors, whether hiking, camping, or simply appreciating the beauty of the natural world.
• Savoring Life's Flavors: I love exploring new cuisines, sharing meals with loved ones, and indulging in the joy of food and drink.
• Building Meaningful Relationships: I cherish my connections with family, friends, and community and strive to support and uplift those around me.

My mom has proudly endorsed me as "the greatest person on this planet" and "best beach body ever" (thanks, Mom!). With a heart full of love, a mind full of wonder, and a spirit of adventure, I am always seeking new experiences, challenges, and opportunities to make a positive impact in the world.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I am using Couchsurfing because I have faith in the influence of establishing connections and fostering a sense of community. I genuinely enjoy engaging with unfamiliar individuals, exchanging narratives, and acquiring knowledge about diverse cultures and viewpoints. In addition to being eager to show off my hometown and all of its beauty to guests, I also cannot wait to live among the people and travel the world firsthand. I am seeking profound bonds, novel companionships, and indelible encounters. Let us partake in the act of sitting on a couch, consuming a meal, and experiencing amusement together.


I possess a wide array of interests and bikinis, displaying my versatility and unique nature. I engage in thrilling activities such as skiing on snowy slopes, riding my mountain bike on challenging paths, and climbing steep vertical surfaces. Musicians will enjoy my attempts at learning the ancient didgeridoo (yes, I have also tried the hilarious did gueridon’s and my rhythm on the percussion instruments. Speed fans will enjoy my interest in fast automobiles, as I prefer slow driving and taking in the countryside when I cruise in my slow car.
When I am not running on adrenaline, you can find me in the kitchen trying out new dishes and enjoying different cuisines from around the globe. I read a ton of books—history, physics, and philosophy are among my favorites. And yes, I do like to see my favorite teams win at a cricket match or a nice TV drama.
My diverse array of passions and interests reflects my enthusiasm for life and my curiosity. I am open to trying new things and am constantly looking to connect with others that share my interests. "I can't wait to get in touch with people who appreciate life's diversity and beauty, whether we're simply having a meal and a joke, venturing into the vast outdoors, or musical exploration."

  • design
  • diy
  • ethics
  • dining
  • cooking
  • marathon
  • running
  • reading
  • tv
  • traveling
  • cars
  • outdoor activities
  • skiing
  • cricket
  • rock climbing
  • beaches

Music, Movies, and Books

I am extremely passionate about live music. There is an exhilarating sensation that comes from witnessing a live concert, immersed in the company of fellow music aficionados. I am an individual who frequently explores and enjoys a wide range of musical genres, appreciating the variety of sounds and styles they offer. Rock concerts exhilarate and invigorate me, while blues events transport me to a realm of poignant and expressive narratives. Electronic beats energize me, while jazz improvisations inspire a sense of wonder in me. Metal's raw intensity and unfettered energy captivate me. I have a strong desire for the shared vitality of live music, whether it be at renowned festivals or more intimate club performances. I am constantly seeking out emerging artists, novel musical styles, and fresh encounters. The excitement of exploration, the surge of adrenaline, and the feeling of camaraderie converge to provide an indelible experience. Live music is my source of joy and contentment, where I can freely express myself, establish connections with people, and commemorate the unifying force of music.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

"I hiked to Machu Picchu and watched the sunrise over the Andes, feeling a deep connection to the ancient Inca civilization and the natural beauty of Peru."
"I learned to play the guitar and wrote my own music, performing at a local festival and sharing my creativity with a live audience."
"I volunteered at a wildlife conservation project in Africa, helping to rehabilitate injured animals and release them back into the wild and gaining a new appreciation for the importance of conservation."
"I completed a solo road trip across the United States, driving over 3,000 miles and discovering hidden gems and unexpected adventures along the way."
"I learned to cook a new cuisine (e.g., sushi, pasta-making, etc.) and hosted a dinner party for friends and family, sharing my culinary creations and enjoying the joy of sharing food and company."
"I completed a challenging physical feat (e.g., running a marathon, completing a triathlon, etc.) and felt an incredible sense of accomplishment and pride in my abilities."
"I travelled to a new country and immersed myself in the local culture, learning a new language and making lifelong connections with the people I met."
"I started a new business or side hustle, turning my passion into a reality and learning valuable skills along the way."
"I completed a creative project (e.g., writing a book, making a film, etc.) and shared it with the world, feeling a sense of pride and fulfillment."
"I overcame a personal challenge or obstacle and felt a sense of growth and resilience as a result."

Teach, Learn, Share


"I'd like to teach you all about the art of photography. Here are some tips and tricks I've learned over the years to help you improve your skills."
"I'm fluent in English, and I'd love to share some language lessons with anyone who's interested in learning."


"I've always wanted to learn how to play the guitar. Can anyone recommend some good resources or tutorials to help me get started?"
"I'm interested in learning more about sustainable living and reducing my environmental impact. Does anyone have any tips or resources to share?"


"I've been working on a writing project, and I'd love to share some of my work with you all.
"I've discovered some amazing songs, and I want to share them with you all.

What I Can Share with Hosts

Cultural insights: I can share my cultural background, traditions, and customs with my hosts.

Language skills: Teach my hosts a few phrases in my native language.

Cooking skills: Share a traditional recipe from my culture and cook a meal together.

Music or art: Share my musical or artistic talents with my hosts.

Travel stories: Share stories of my travels and adventures.

Food: Share a traditional snack or dish from my culture.

Games or activities: Teach my hosts a traditional game or activity from my culture.

Photos or videos: Share photos or videos of my hometown, family, and friends.

Personal stories: Share stories of my personal growth, challenges, and triumphs.

Gratitude: Express my gratitude for the hospitality and kindness of my hosts.

Local knowledge: Share my knowledge of the local area, including hidden gems and tips.

Skills or expertise: Share my skills or expertise with my hosts, such as photography or writing.

Creative work: Share my creative work, such as writing, art, or music.

Recommendations: Share recommendations for books, movies, or TV shows.

Laughter and joy: Share my sense of humour and joy with my hosts.

Countries I’ve Visited

Canada, China, Cuba, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Canada, United Arab Emirates, United States

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