Fotos von Tricia Chirumbole

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  • Letzte Anmeldung vor etwa 2 Jahre

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  • 4 Referenzen 4 Bestätigt & positiv
  • Keine Angabe zu Sprachen
  • 46, Weiblich
  • Mitglied seit 2009
  • Dialogue and group facilitation trainer/consultant
  • BS Psych, MBA - social entrepreneurship, most learning fr...
  • Kein Heimatort aufgeführt
  • Profil zu 100 % vollständig

Über mich


To grow in compassion, speak my truth, have fun with it all - even the sour or the tedious - and live in between the details!


Hi all!

I am a "move with the wind" type, who also has a good deal of fire in the belly and a strong drive to be aware, be involved, and contribute to the world around me. I am kind of quirky, sometimes funny - love improv! and happy to try to get you to play some games - pretty energetic, full of random ideas, goofy inventions, and plans to reinvent all parts of the worlds - sometimes hapless, sometimes not so bad!

Dancing is one of my greatest joys - all types - in the street and the living room are the best. I also love hand drumming and drum circles, yoga, biking, improv, making and playing games, frisbee, being goofy, learning just about anything, designing stuff that I may someday make, reading, meditation, meeting new people, talking with strangers, stimulating convo with anyone, brainstorming, gardening, kayaking, traveling, experimenting with food - including healthifying and veganizing - brewing beer and kombucha, EATING, scavenging and picking up random things and making stuff, and a few more things :)

I have been an independent worker for quite some time. Had one "failure" in the social enterprise world - finance and small biz in Africa with a crowdfunding-like finally have found another mission that speaks to my heart and I am working on developing work in the area of group communication and collaboration for communities or organizations of any type to engage in more authentic, open, and effective ways...need to work on the elevator pitch!

PHILOSOPHY your truth bravely, stay humbly open to the truths of others and the truths that you can't see yourself unabashedly and challenge yourself to open more to love, to share more, and to take everything with a lighter heart and a deeper consideration!.....that needs polished up a bit before I publish my book :)

Warum ich bei Couchsurfing bin


I surf here and there, even though I keep failing to post my reviews in good time! I have hosted when in DC all types of friends of friends and wanderers, but not through CS. We JUST hosted our first couch surfers - a traveling family! And we look forward to more great hosting experiences!


I love couchsurfing and promote it to everyone! I have had some incredibly warm and attentive hosts, who welcomed me beyond anything I could have imagined. It has also been a fun learning experience, getting to know people in different parts of the world in a more intimate way than if you just chatted at a cafe or met at a conference or something. I also like that you are getting a glimpse of lives and meeting people that you may never have encountered at all! Some people welcome you into their community and just absorb you into their gatherings and activities like you've been there forever! Kind of cool to fade that way. Group homes are the best in my experience :))


Wow, I think I did this one up in the intro. A few more? Playing, laughing, sunshine, theater, geeky speakers, discussion of philosophical/ethical topics (tho I am not the greatest repository of knowledge, so don't get too excited here!), taking on challenges, and connecting with people in an intentional and meaningful way.

  • culture
  • books
  • theater
  • dancing
  • dining
  • beer
  • yoga
  • running
  • modeling
  • meditation
  • gardening
  • reading
  • traveling
  • socializing
  • homebrewing
  • cycling
  • kayaking
  • business
  • mathematics
  • psychology

Musik, Filme und Bücher

The Education of Little Tree is standing out for me right now - it is such a sweet book that is full of wisdom..and based on a real story, which I appreciate. Some of my favorites tend to be biographies, autobiographies, and historical non-fiction told from the human side of the story. I also really enjoy reading various spiritually-focused texts: I really resonated with Eckhart Tolle's, The New Earth, I have a number of Pema Chodron writings that I am slowly reviewing, a good book that partners thoughts on science and Buddishm called "The Joy of Living" is worth a look and I am currently reading some works on the Gnostic Gospels. I really do enjoy fiction as well, though I have not giving that much love lately and would appreciate some good suggestions! Some classics like Twain and Vonnegut make me laugh. Anything on really compelling topics or experiences gets some play. For movies I also enjoy historically-based, heart warming types, comedies, and really original pieces. I also like documentaries. JUST watched Blues Brothers for the first time and really loved it:) Music: "world music", which is really broad, but probably the category where I am most likely to start smiling and dancing, I also like a lot of indie rock, classic rock, jam-bany type stuff, some bluegrass and blues, a good deal of classical and chamber music, and some ambient and electronic music (I know, my terminology is not in the know here!).

Eine tolle Erfahrung, die ich gemacht habe

I believe my recent time living in Ghana was one of my most amazing experiences - no one event/sight, but the experience of really living somewhere totally different, and doing it alone w/ little resources and little planning!...still pretty important to me, though it has been at least three years back, but I have visited twice since and recognize that I will continue to go back to Ghana and other parts of Africa - and now I finally have some half-respectable African drumming and dancing rhythyms!

Lehren, lernen, teilen

I can teach: yoga, active/compassionate listening, Open space facilitation, some basic business stuff, basic psychology/creativity stuff, HS math if you're really interested...I like to learn just about anything, but really into culture, natural healing, eco-building, spirituality and meditation...probably a lot more, but I am running out of typing juice just about now!

Länder, die ich besucht habe

Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Laos, Liberia, Netherlands, Nigeria, Portugal, Puerto Rico, United States, Viet Nam

Länder, in denen ich gelebt habe

Ghana, United States

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