Photos de Christina Rasmussen

Profil partiellement vérifié

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  • 23 avis 10 Confirmé et positif
  • Parle couramment  Danish, English, French, Norwegian Bokmål; apprend  Dutch, Portuguese
  • 38, Femme
  • Membre depuis 2011
  • Working as urban planner at the municipality of Kristiansand
  • Architecture and urban planning
  • de Kristiansand, Vest-Agder, Norway
  • Profil renseigné à 100 %

À propos de moi


No boundaries and babel fishes for all... would be great!


Life-lover, optimistic and happy person who just wants to discover the world and all the nice people living on it!

I love the city, the nature, cooking, reading...I am easy-going and curious about everything and everyone.


Inhale life and beauty - the only way to take on things positively, with open heart and mind - the only way to make things really meaningful - the best way to move on in the world

Pourquoi je suis sur Couchsurfing


I started the CS experience in Curitiba, in Brazil and since then haven't been able to stop. Surfing couches when travelling, hosting people, going to meetings and organised some events with the language group in Kristiansand. Life-situation has brought me to a host-stop for a year or so...but now I'm back again!

I think as well that I have been a CS way before, regarding the way I have hostet friends from many places and shared experiences with many people as I travel.

Usually I tell people that they are welcome where ever I am in the world...! I'll be glad to host and help CS'ers when I can :-) WELCOME!

Lately I have changed my profile to maybe accepts guests - the thing is that I realise that I am so much away travelling, that I have been declining many CS'ers a couch, just because I haven't been home and available. But do try your luck - I'm still just as fond of meeting new people!!!!


When surfing, hosting and meeting - I have only met incredibly nice people! Some of them are dear friends today. Thanks for that, so far :-)

Centres d'intérêt

The list is long but to pick a few... I am a nature-lover: riding since the age of 5 (herewith interested in equine ethology), loving hikes and trekking but still a novice there.

I am also a city-lover: being an architect and urban planner, I am just fascinated by cities, the urban spaces and dynamics.

I am interested in all kinds of art and creative expression: architecture, photography, gravure, painting, music, hand-sketching (often much better than shooting 100 pix/minut with the digital camera)...

I LOVE food: I am a rather good cook, love cooking for people and therewith enjoy nice wine and drinks. I enjoy traditionnal stuff, experimenting with new flavours or just the dripping juice of a tasty fruit. And now as well I'm learning to use the nature around us, the wild plants of our backyards and forests! Fascinating subject!

And I am interested in sharing my interests with others and hearing about theirs!

  • arts
  • architecture
  • photography
  • sketching
  • beauty
  • cooking
  • wine
  • reading
  • traveling
  • painting
  • music
  • hiking
  • surfing
  • rock climbing

Morceaux de musique, films et livres

* A Touch of spice - wonderful greec-turkish movies about culture, life and food under the Cypriot revolution. A beauty that was shared by a good friend and CS'er. I recommend it to all!
* Eternal sunshine on the Spotless mind - great!
* Babette's feast - a must!
* Some like it hot - a classic
* Cabaret - in the sharp artistic realisations.
* Departures - Japanese beauty!
* O Brother where are thou - extremely funny adaptation of Homere's Odyssee
* About Time and Pirate Radio - the favourites in English comedy

Lately discovered the Swedish group Wintergatan - love the music, the vibe and the way those guys adress music and it's creative process. Recommend it absolutely! Otherwise I'm quite into alternative, experementing and indie music...and just what makes me feel happy really. Brasilian music, slightly folk stuff, classical (usually the more modern sound), Danish rock, Tako Lako (Danish Balkan music - go and see them, listen what ever...they are incredible!)

I sing in a choir, and play guitar in betweens. I hope to take up some piano again sooner or later.

Alf Bryn, 'Tinder og banditter' - climbing story from the first alpine expedition in Corsica in the beginning of the 1900s
Muriel Barbery, 'The elegance of the Hedgehog'
Alessandro Baricco, 'Silk' and 'Novecento, pianiste'
Selma Lagerløf, 'Gøsta Berlings saga'
Icelandic mythology and legends
Douglas Adams, 'Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy'
Tolkien, 'Lord of the Rings'
Some Brasilian novels, short stories and poetry

Une aventure extraordinaire que j'ai vécue

I start to think that most of the things I have seen and done are amazing since I find almost every little thing extraordinary. But working on a ranch in Canada was one great experience that I would warmly recommend - the place, the people, the work... Fantastic! Seing Iceland was another amazing experience - no word would match the beauty of the scenery and overwhelming feeling in front of those immense and mystic landscapes! And Brazil was extraordinary an experience as well - this country and the people I met are following me in my heart for ever ;-)
Starting rock-climbing in Norway has also been a tremendous experience: the control of the body and mind, learning to master my fear of hights, meeting fantastic people (climbers are so chill and nice!)

Enseignez, apprenez, partagez

I love sharing interests, opinions, experiences... May it be story-telling, language sessions or learning a new program - I am in for any kind of skill and experience exchange.

Ce que j'aimerais partager avec mes hôtes

My lovely and cosy home, and a view on the city of Kristiansand. Maybe a weekend in the woods or Norwegia nature...or just a little walk. Depends on you as well ;-)

Pays que j'ai visités

Brazil, Canada, England, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, United Kingdom

Pays dans lesquels j'ai vécu

Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Netherlands, Norway

Badges à l'ancienne

  • 4 Recommanders

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