Clara Schwimann's Photo

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  • 64 references 58 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish; learning Chinese (Simplified), Russian
  • 24, Female
  • Member since 2019
  • Enjoying life
  • Bachelor International Business & Master Internationa...
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

🇧🇷 In Brazil from the 21th of February 🇧🇷


Never stop learning to live fully by knowing people, languages, cultures and so much more with an open-mind.

I traveled from March 2021 to April 2022 in Latin America and now coming back!!

Next adventure : Studying in Foz do Iguaçu Brazil for 2 years!! 😎


Never forget that life is a gift. So, live it to the full.
Don't be afraid to ask, it opens doors.


I'm Clara, 24. French mum and Austrian dad. I was born in Germany and grew up in France with my parents and little sister. So, as you can see I got the travel and cultural interest bug from my parents and family already haha !

Ich bin offen, ich interesse mich für alles, besonders über Reise, Sprachen, Astronomie und vieles andere 😁 ich bin auch immer respektvoll und zuverlässig. Es ist für mich das wichtig wenn man couchsurfing macht.

Me considero como una persona abierta, respetuosa, sincera y honesta.

Estou aberta a conhecer e provar novas coisas. Eu gosto conhecer gente e lugares interessantes. Quero compartilhar com as pessoas e aprender de elas.

I like practicing many different kind of sports like soccer, badmindton, table tennis, volleyball, swimming, hiking, climbing, etc...
I even experienced water-skiing several times! It's an amazing feeling, like flying on the water... until falling XD
I don't mind watching soccer games too ;D

Alors pour tout ceux qui hésitent à voyager à l'étranger, n'hésitez plus et lancez-vous, il n'y a rien d'équivalent et pour ceux comme moi qui aiment les langues, c'est le meilleur moyen d'apprendre une langue et sa culture, ça j'en suis convaincue.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

As I was an au pair in the region of Galicia, I tried couchsurfing in Valencia for the first time in 2019.
It was an amazing experience and I immediately wanted to continue living such experiences😁
Now that I have some experience as guest and host, I can say that couchsurfing is awesome. I learned a lot about cultures, languages, people and myself.

Plus, I think couchsurfers are living heroes haha : Always helping and giving everything they have and receiving as much!!
So I'm looking forwards to meet as many people as I can and learn as much as I can from them. Always happy to share.

I really got the Latin vibes doing couchsurfing a lot during my year there which made me even more in love with the principal of the application and getting to know a country through its people! I loved sharing and learning from strangers, who become friends after sharing some time together. I enjoy every moment, every new meet up, every new experience. Always with respect and tolerance.

So let's new adventures begin!!


  • music
  • latin music
  • languages
  • films
  • nature
  • sports in general
  • laughing
  • learning languages
  • dance
  • learning new things
  • language learning
  • conservation
  • open minded
  • astronomia
  • nature walks
  • travelling around the world
  • night sky
  • gay friendly
  • learning about different cultures
  • cultures of the world
  • travelling and meeting new people
  • globetrotter
  • languages exchange
  • constellations

Music, Movies, and Books

I listen to many type of music and I like dancing! Me encanta mucho bailar, cantar y la música en general.
Amo danzar e cantar mas não estou experta kkkkk

I love films, all kind of movies except horror!
I like movies that teach us a lesson, such as biopics or films inspired by true stories.
I read also a lot and all kind of books from information to fantasie to drama....
But since the begin of my studies I had less time and during traveling it's hard to find time, but I enjoy reading and learning new things in general! I'm curious of the world.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

-2x paragliding for my 16th birthday
-Aupair in Australia
-seeing wild dolphins
-diving and discovering the Great Barrier Reef
-sleeping in a tent in the Natinal Park Karijini (WA, Australia)
-observing the beautiful australian sky without light pollution
-beautiful experiences in Spain as Aupair
-me fui a dedo y encontré así por casualidad una familia maravillosa en Punta Arenas, Chile. Acabé quedandome 4 meses allí. Cuando llama el destino, hay que seguirlo.
-subir la montaña 7 colores a 5000m de altura en Cusco, Perú
-cruzar la Amazonas por barco de Iquitos, Perú a Leticia, Colombia
-living the Iguaçu waterfall on the Brazilian's and Argentina's side (more and more soon!!)

Teach, Learn, Share

I took part in a Chinese class at University some years ago and I would like to keep learning this language.

Sharing life experiences and time together is a gift and I will do my best to be an exemplar guest.

Ich kann gerne meine Erfahrungen teilen und ich würde gerne einfach Zeit zusammen verbringen. Es ist für mich ein Geschenk eingeladen zu werden und ich gebe immer mein Bestes, um der beste Gast zu sein.
Ich koche auch gerne.

Intercambiar experiencias y pasar tiempo juntos es un regalo y haré mi posible para ser el perfecto huésped.

Estou muito curiosa e eu adoro viajar, aprender mais sobre as línguas, a comida, as culturas y suas tradições.
Eu gosta de cocinar.

Je trouve que partager du temps ensemble est un cadeau et je prendrais soin de profiter de cette opportunité pour être un hôte exemplaire et attentif.

Je suis d'une nature curieuse et j'aime beaucoup le voyage et tout ce qui va avec.
Les cultures, les traditions et langues m'intriguent et me poussent à aller vers les autres.
J'aime aussi cuisiner et apprendre d'autres façons de faire en cuisinant ensemble.

What I Can Share with Hosts

a fun and respectful company
eine interessante und kluge Gesellschaft
uma boa e autêntica companhia
una compañía agradable y auténtica

I can teach French, German, English, Spanish, Portuguese.🤗
Posso ensinar francês, alemão, inglês, espanhol.
Ich kann Französisch, Englisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch beibringen.
Puedo enseñarle el francés, inglés, alemán y portugués.
Je peux vous apprendre l'allemand, l'anglais, l'espagnol et le portugais. 😜

I would like to share nice conversations about cultures, languages, cooking, life experiences, ect.
I don't mind doing things that my host is interesting in or what ever he/she proposes. I'm very open learning new things and enjoying new places, experiences, interests...

Estou curiosa e tengo una menta aberta.

Quiero poder intercambiar ideas y mucho más con mi anfitrión.

J'aimerais beaucoup partager d'intéressantes conversations sur des thèmes comme les cultures, langues, l'histoire, partager des expériences passées, des voyages réalisés, ect. De surtout passer un bon moment sans tabous ni apprioris. Je suis ouverte à toutes nouvelles expériences. J'adore apprendre et le plus simple c'est d'apprendre avec les gens qu'on rencontre. Comme je l'ai déjà dit, je suis ouverte d'esprit et curieuse d'apprendre.

Countries I’ve Visited

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Peru, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland

Countries I’ve Lived In

Chile, France, Germany, Portugal

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