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  • 15 references 9 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Italian, Maltese; learning French, Russian, Spanish
  • 39, Male
  • Member since 2010
  • Chairperson of an NGO & Art & Italian Teacher
  • University of Malta
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Born and raised in the small Island of Malta. I consider myself a creative individual who has at heart the culture, the arts and the tourism sector.

I turned my passions into my income which is enough to sustain my sustainable life on a daily basis. I believe a lot in the concept of giving, which can come in different forms, be it knowledge, listening, entertaining, sharing jokes, respect, ecc ecc... You give to life, and life will give you back five times more.

While I have been teaching and working in the tourism sector since 2009, in 2012 I started my own non-profit organisation named Outdoor Artists, with the aim to promote and develop cultural activities and workshops in Malta. Throughout the years I have given a lot to the community and it is something I am proud of.

In the meantime I also have found a small home close to the capital city of Malta, and I have hosted in it more than 30 workaways since 2021, all leaving a positive impact on my project.

Through couchsurfing I am at increasing my cultural network and as well learn and cohabit for a short time with locals coming from different parts of the world.


Enjoy life as much as possible, give to the person what s/he has given to you, show respect, and don't harm anyone.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I am finding out if you are a male and have a certain age, the harder it becomes to manage and find a couch :). Hence why I am open for Exchange and workaway offers. Please see below for more details:

1. Exchange offer:

I can offer an exchange of the same number of days for a bedroom in my home in Malta, which is situated close to Valletta. The days can be saved as a voucher for up to an expiry date of a year. In case we have a positive connection you can also join my artistic workshops and learn about Maltese culture.

Workaway offer:

With over 20 years of experience I can offer to help with Digital Marketing, Activities and excursions, workshops, setting up business, general cleaning and gardening. This in exchange of a room or a couch at your place.

My participation involves integrating people. The idea is to host and to make one meet other people from different nations. This does really help and it also serves as a good promotion for my country and the people within.

As well I sometimes invite couchsurfers to volounteer with me, by participating in activities around Malta (i.e. beach and cultural activities) as well as help in the residence.

Since I am an activities organizer, I also know my country quite well, and I am ready to be helpful as much as possible.


Visual Arts
Performing Arts
Computer software
Board Games

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

1. Created the Malta Outdoor Artists organization!
2. Helped hundreds of people around the world!

Teach, Learn, Share

Artistic skills
Charismatic skills

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain

Countries I’ve Lived In

Italy, Malta, Portugal

Old School Badges

  • 1 Vouch

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