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  • 3 references 2 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English; learning Arabic (Gulf), French
  • 40, Male
  • Member since 2008
  • Right now, spending most of my time watching the skies.
  • University
  • From Dublin
  • Profile 95% complete

About Me


To free all Willies


I love travel as a means to both meet strange creepy, fun weird people and... to expend energy!
I love being exhausted. Nothing better than a meal when you're hungry, or a bed when you're exhausted. Two days hitchhiking, or walking to a special location is worth the feel of a mattress!

I like stargazing, reading, football, walking, cycling, etc etc etc.

Best thing in life is a chat with a friend over a drink, or a chat while walking in a deserted city during the wee hours of the morning. Can you tell I'm an insomniac!?!


I love reading, walking, partying, talking and eating!

I'm interested in left-wing politics, since my upbringing was in Ireland at a very political time.

I love astronomy too, I don't think there's a greater man-made show than a meteor shower or another activity as humbling as star gazing.

  • walking
  • partying
  • drinking
  • politics
  • reading
  • traveling
  • cycling
  • soccer
  • astronomy
  • hitchhiking

Music, Movies, and Books

O Brother, Some Mother's Son, The Jerk, Gladiator and of course Braveheart! Love J and C horrors, but political documentaries too like Outfoxed or The Fog of War. People, forget Moore and look at Pilger!!

As for books, I couldn't list my favourites! Anything about history, travel stories, example On The Road. In fact, I won't even attempt to be comprehensive here!

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I was walking home one night on probably what was the tenth coldest night of the year in Philadelphia. I had no money to grab a bus back and so was treking the icy mile home. The wind was biting cold, the sort you can feel numbing your legs even inside the jeans. Well, a homeless man approached me and asked for any change. As i kept walking slowly, I laughed and said that if i did I'd be getting a taxi or bus. He promptly turned around and said 'here's two dollars, that's enough for the bus.' I couldn't believe that this man who was sleeping in that weather felt enough concern to share what could have been half his money with me. It almost made me laugh and cry.

PS- I kept walking without accepting his money, and then returned with some cash for him! Just in case you were wondering!

Countries I’ve Visited

Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In


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