Eric Rissler's Photo

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  • 2 references 1 Confirmed & Positive
  • Learning Spanish
  • 36, Male
  • Member since 2014
  • I am a deck builder by trade
  • High school graduate
  • From Lancaster, PA, USA
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Hey, my name is Eric.
I am the oldest of a large family, with 4 boys and 4 girls.
I was raised horse and buggy Mennonite
(aka Amish).
Traveling is a love of mine! To meet, explore and experience new cultures is one of the finer things of life. Along with experiencing other cultures, I've developed an appreciation of varied cuisines.
Also, I recently got into motorcycle riding. Along with my close friend (Jonathan Brown), I am pursuing a ten-year dream of mine to travel to South America via motorcycle.

You will find me to be a tempered, nonintrusive soul :) I am a Christian by choice and seek to live my life in accordance to the Bible.
And I would be much obliged if you opened your couch to me.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

As stated in my bio, I'm couch surfing on this trip to enhance our experience. I hope to meet many interesting people and receive helpful tips on local points of interest.


I have a broad range of interest.
Obviously traveling is one; good food, premium coffee, cultures, different ethnic groups, technology, motorcycles, real estate, architectural design, modded cars, any vehicle with a diesel engine, target practicing, deep-sea fishing, new experiences, volunteer service, christian faith, new ideas, movies, a good book, etc.

  • books
  • design
  • dining
  • coffee
  • motorcycles
  • technology
  • movies
  • reading
  • traveling
  • cars
  • fishing
  • surfing
  • volunteering

Music, Movies, and Books

I listen to a large range of music. Lately a lot of metabolic dubstep, female vocal trance and chill house /chillstep.
A few of my favorite movies are:
"Go Get The Gringo"
"Pirates of the Caribbean"

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I tripped, fell, and simultaneously dropped a chunk of concrete onto the center of my back, thereby fracturing my spine and momentarily severed all cerebral input. ..... Wait, what?! That's not amazing! That's scarry!

How about losing 65 pounds? That's more like it. ;)

Teach, Learn, Share

Teach me and I will learn and then share with others. Okay, okay, I know it's not what I'm supposed to fill in here...
How about this.
If we cannot learn from the mistakes of others we are doomed to repeat them.
You only have one time around, make it the best you can!

Every person you pass has a life as detailed and intricate as yours

Surprisingly people are not out to judge you. In fact they probably won't even notice you. So live life! Be yourself!
This is helpful if you are a self-conscious type of person.

And finally a mindblower....
Every choice, every decision, you have ever made in life.
Has led to you to this moment right now, reading my profile.
How's that for a cool thought?

What I Can Share with Hosts

A tired version of me.... Jk
Some interesting stories and a lifelong friend.

Countries I’ve Visited

Bangladesh, Canada, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Honduras, India

Countries I’ve Lived In

United States

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