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  • 29 references 24 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Persian (Farsi)
  • 36, Male
  • Member since 2017
  • Civil Engineer
  • B.Eng / MBA
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

A Mountain Climber with a Thirst for Knowledge

There's nothing quite like the feeling of conquering a mountain peak – the fresh air filling your lungs, the world sprawled out beneath you, and the satisfaction of reaching your goal. Mountain climbing isn't just a sport for me, it's a metaphor for life – the challenge, the perseverance, and the ultimate reward. However, my love for staying active extends beyond scaling mountains. I'm a big believer in a healthy lifestyle and enjoy a wide variety of sports and exercises to keep my body and mind sharp. Sharing this passion as a physical fitness instructor allows me to motivate others to embrace a healthy lifestyle as well.

But my adventures aren't limited to the physical world. I'm an omnivorous reader, constantly feeding my curiosity with books across diverse genres. Whether it's delving into the profound questions of philosophy, exploring the intricacies of the human mind in psychology, getting lost in the rich tapestry of Persian and English literature, or unraveling the fascinating world of linguistics, I find myself constantly engaged and enriched. This love for learning doesn't stop at casual exploration; I'm a meticulous researcher, always eager to dive deep into topics that spark my interest.

Looking to Connect with Fellow Adventurers and Scholars

While I'm happy to share more about myself through conversation, I believe the best journeys are often shared. Couchsurfing provides a unique opportunity to connect with people who share my passions for adventure, intellectual exploration, and healthy living. Perhaps you have a favorite mountain you can recommend, or maybe you can share a hidden gem from Persian literature. I'm always eager to learn from others and expand my horizons.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

The quote by Joan D. Chittister, "Hospitality means we take people into the space that is our lives and our minds and our hearts and our work and our efforts," truly resonates with me. For me, Couchsurfing is more than just finding a place to stay – it's about embracing the spirit of hospitality.

I'm excited about the opportunity to connect with people from all walks of life, to share experiences, and to learn from each other. Couchsurfing allows me to open my world to others, dismantling barriers and fostering genuine connections. Together, one conversation and one shared experience at a time, we can create a more understanding and welcoming world.


mountain climbing
rock climbing
Learning languages

  • hiking
  • mountaineering
  • riding bike
  • walking in nature

Music, Movies, and Books


I'm a curious reader who enjoys diving into different genres, from captivating fiction to thought-provoking philosophy and psychology. Alain de Botton is a favorite author – his ability to make complex ideas accessible is truly inspiring. "The Consolations of Philosophy" is a must-read for anyone seeking a fresh perspective on life's challenges. I've also devoured other works by de Botton, including "The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work" and "How Proust Can Change Your Life."

Looking for a good self-help book? Look no further than "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson. It's a witty and relatable take on finding happiness.


My bookshelf boasts a diverse collection of novels, from classic coming-of-age stories like "The Catcher in the Rye" to heartwarming tales like "A Man Called Ove" and captivating adventures like "MOMO." I'm also drawn to international literature, with favorites like "The Greek Zorba" and "White Nights."


While I appreciate a good film in any genre, action, comedy, drama, and sci-fi hold a special place in my heart. "Braveheart" is a timeless epic, while "Shape of Water" offers a unique and visually stunning story. For a good laugh, I recommend "Before Sunset," and "The Commuter" delivers a thrilling action-adventure. "The Accountant" is a captivating mystery, and "Ragnarok" provides a fun sci-fi adventure. For heartwarming stories, I loved "Coco" and "Capitan Fantastic."

Teach, Learn, Share

Sharing Knowledge:

If you're looking to conquer your first mountain peak, I'd be happy to share some basic climbing tips or training routines. As a fitness instructor, I can also offer pointers on various exercises and healthy lifestyle habits to keep you feeling your best.

Learning New Things:

One of the things I love most about travel is discovering hidden gems. Tell me about your favorite local spots, hikes, or anything in your city that most tourists wouldn't know about! My curiosity extends beyond places; I'm fascinated by different cultures. Whether it's a unique tradition, a local custom, or even a favorite dish from your region, I'd love to learn more about your way of life. Are you interested in language exchange? It doesn't matter if you're a seasoned polyglot or just starting out – I'm always up for learning a few phrases in your native tongue, and I can return the favor with English or Farsi basics.

Sparkling Conversation:

Big questions and the intricacies of the human mind are two things I find endlessly fascinating. Up for a philosophical debate or a conversation about psychology? Let's delve deeper! I'm also an omnivorous reader, constantly on the hunt for my next great adventure between the pages. If you're looking for recommendations, I'd be happy to share some of my favorites from various genres. Of course, I'd love to hear your recommendations too – who knows, you might introduce me to my new all-time favorite book!

What I Can Share with Hosts

My Most Valuable Treasures:

Time: It's the most precious commodity we have, and I value using it wisely. I believe in making the most of each day, whether it's pursuing a personal challenge, soaking up new knowledge, or simply connecting with loved ones. I enjoy a healthy balance between productivity and relaxation, savoring the journey along the way.

Knowledge & Experience: I'm a lifelong learner, constantly seeking to broaden my horizons. My experiences in various sports have instilled in me discipline, teamwork, and the thrill of pushing my limits. Language learning has opened doors to new cultures and perspectives, allowing me to connect with people from all walks of life. Literature serves as a window into the human experience, offering profound insights and sparking my imagination. Civil engineering combines my passion for problem-solving with the satisfaction of creating something tangible and beneficial to society. These diverse pursuits enrich my life and equip me to tackle new challenges with a well-rounded perspective.

Beyond the Surface:

This is just a glimpse into what fuels my fire. I'm always eager to learn from others and share my own experiences. Let's delve deeper into these topics or discover new passions together! Perhaps you have a hidden talent for a particular sport, or maybe you can recommend a captivating book that'll change my perspective. I believe the beauty of travel lies not just in exploring new places, but also in the connections we forge along the way.

Countries I’ve Visited

Armenia, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Turkey, Vatican City State

Countries I’ve Lived In

Canada, Iran

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