Fotos de Jelle Moer

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  • 7 recomendaciones 4 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien Dutch, English; está aprendiendo German, Indonesian, Portuguese, Spanish
  • 27, Hombre
  • Miembro desde 2016
  • Language Teacher
  • International Land & Water Management
  • De Zoetermeer, South Holland, Netherlands
  • Has completado un 100% de tu perfil

Sobre mí

hi there, my name's Jelle Moers and I'm from The Netherlands. I enjoy travelling a lot and I love to meet interesting people from all over the world! I'm currently working as an Online Dutch teacher and I have taught English before as well. So if you would like to improve your English (or Dutch, fuck it why not...) then I could also always help out with that!

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing

I love the idea of couchsurfing, sharing is caring! it's not only sharing your home but so much more. It's sharing cultures, languages, lifestyles and a lot awesome experiences and kicks.


exploring countries, hiking mountains, digging music, cruising skateboards, dunking basketballs, writing haikus and whistling lord of the rings tunes.

  • writing
  • hiking
  • basketball
  • tennis
  • long-term travel
  • football
  • longboarding
  • snorkling

Música, películas y libros

- my interest in music ranges from jazz till punk rock and anything in between
- any movie that made me cry (that is basically any movie which involves a dog)
- like with travel and music, my range of interest in books is very broad and I'm always open to learning something new, some of my favourite writers are jack kerouac and Murakami

Algo increíble que he hecho

sleeping in the drivers seat of my worn-out ford falcon in between the mountains in the middle of nowhere in central Tasmania while gazing at a strip of galaxy unfolding above me.

Enseña, aprende, comparte

well, as I'm an English teacher I would love to share my knowledge. And of course, I would love to share my upbeat energy and way of livin'. All I ask for in return is that you let me ride along so that I can admire your daily deeds

Qué puedo ofrecer a los anfitriones

anythin' I got in my pockets, could be a cookie, could be a hundred bucks, could be a pocket flask filled with fine whiskey, anything really.

Países que he visitado

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Morocco, Spain, Thailand, United States

Países en los que he vivido

Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Netherlands, Spain

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