Eric and Jenny Hanson的照片


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  • 上次登录为 almost 13 years之前

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  • 10 评语 7 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 English; 正在学习 Spanish
  • 40, 其他
  • 成为会员的时间:2008
  • vagabonding and photography
  • Northern Arizona University, and the school of global travel
  • 来自Scottsdale, AZ and Virginia Beach, VA
  • 个人主页已完成 100%



To live fully in the moment creatively and adventurously.


Eric- I grew up in Arizona before I spent 2007 traveling around the globe. Worked in and visited 13 countries. Love the thrill and spirituality of travel.
Jenny- I grew up in Virginia, but have lived in Florida for the last few years. Have been to probably 20 something countries and am hoping to get many more in this year for sure! Different cultures, diveristy, and spontaneity make me happy.


God has given us life and a story to live.

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing


Have enjoyed the presence of couchsurfers before, want to keep the revolution going!


Our first Couchsurfing experience went down in Ireland. We were hosted by a man named Eamon on his dairy farm. We milked cows, we went (wave) surfing, met another Couchsurfer who took us in for the next few days. It was all a pretty incredible experience. Thanks Eamon and Alan!
We continued couchsurfing in England, most notably staying with a Danish guy in Liverpool for a whole week. He was about the most generous person I've ever met. He kept us laughing (and drinking) the entire time. Thanks for the Cavern Club mugs Anders!
In Rome a guy named Christian took us in and hosted us for three nights. Christian took us all over, to restaurants we never would have eaten at, to the Vatican at night, even to and from the train station every day.

Couchsurfing has added so much depth to our backpacking experience. It is quite a beautiful thing that is happening all over the world and it is a blessing to be a part of it. Can't wait to host a few of our own!


travel, photography, writing, reading, hiking, philosophizing, rock climbing, yoga, snowboarding, backpacking, anything outdoors.

We run a photography-based art business. 10% of our revenue goes to rescuing sex workers (they are most often forced into it) in Bangkok, Thailand. Check it out at

  • arts
  • writing
  • photography
  • perfumes
  • yoga
  • running
  • drinking
  • clubbing
  • reading
  • traveling
  • outdoor activities
  • hiking
  • backpacking
  • surfing
  • bungee jumping
  • snowboarding
  • rock climbing
  • business
  • volunteering


Movies: Braveheart, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Fight Club, Muppet Christmas Carol, Motorcycle Diaries, Dumb and Dumber

Books: Eric- Lord of the Rings, Through Painted Deserts by Donald Miller, Harry Potter books, The Man Who Was Thursday by GK Chesterton,

Jenny - anything by Thoreau (Civil Disobedience is the best thing ever written maybe!) or Emerson , To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Atlas Shrugged by
Ayn Rand, Little White Bird by J.M. Barrie


I met my wife in Africa. We were both traveling around the world and crossed paths in Swaziland. So, in essence I traveled around the globe to find me a wife. We were on a volunteer trip for 11 months that took us to 13 countries, respectively. So we met in Swaziland, started liking each other in Thailand, and started dating in Hong Kong! It's a cool story that we love sharing with people! :D

Eric -I taught English at a Buddhist monastery in Cambodia and bungee jumped the tallest bungee jump in the world in South Africa.

Jenny - I moved to Australia when I was 19 and lived there for 3 years. Climbed the Great Wall of China with 25 friends. Got followed by spies in Cuba when I was 16.


Argentina, Austria, Cambodia, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, France, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Mexico, Mozambique, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico, South Africa, Spain, Swaziland, Thailand, Viet Nam, Virgin Islands, U.S.


Australia, United States


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