Photos de Jo Lamerant

Profil vérifié

  • Membre vérifié par paiement
  • Numéro de téléphone vérifié
  • Pièce d'identité non vérifiée

N'accepte pas d'invités

  • Dernière connexion il y a environ 4 ans

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  • 16 avis 12 Confirmé et positif
  • Parle couramment  Dutch; apprend  English, French
  • 37, Homme
  • Membre depuis 2011
  • Radiographer
  • Radiography
  • Aucune ville natale indiquée
  • Profil renseigné à 100 %

À propos de moi


We (Stephanie and I ) are leaving on a trip in september to Asia via Russia, Mongolia and China.
Taking our time to enjoy the world, see how far we get, no fixed plans or time.


We find it hard to describe ourself, but let's give it a try. We are always up for a chat, laugh, drink, simply having fun:-) .
Just enjoying and exploring all what this world and the people in it have to offer.
If you want to find out more, you can read some references, our better you can host us ;-)


Feeling lucky to be able to live the life we want, we realise not everyone has the means to do so. So we try to enjoy it as much as possible.
Explore, Dream, Discover.

Pourquoi je suis sur Couchsurfing

I (Jo) started couchsurfing while travelling in New Zealand and Australia some years ago. I really enjoyed it so I started hosting people whenever I had the chance back home. Together with Stephanie I did some hosting the last 2 years, we are looking forward to morer cs-experiences while on our next trip together.


Been hosted and have been hosting a couple of times. Every single one has been great so far.

Centres d'intérêt

We love to go snowboarding and surfing .
As well as trying to visit music festivals during the summer.
Hanging out with friends with food and drinks.
Travelling when we get the chance.

  • animals
  • running
  • traveling
  • music
  • surfing
  • scuba diving
  • snorkeling
  • skydiving
  • snowboarding
  • sports
  • friends

Morceaux de musique, films et livres

Open minded to all kinds of music, from Hardcore to punk, hiphop to rock, and everything else you can think of.
We do not read that much (or at all) when at home, but when travelling we read some more, mostly whatever we can find on the way.

Une aventure extraordinaire que j'ai vécue

Erasmus to Malta (Jo) Epsom, England (Stephanie).
Skydiving in Fox Glacier New-Zealand, absolutely amazing ,what a view!!!
Rafting with a 7m waterfall drop in Rotorua, NZ.
Snorkeling Great Barrier reef, awesome underwater world.
Diving in Fiji.

Enseignez, apprenez, partagez

I think everyone has something to offer. Sharing your life with other people only can result in positive things.

Pays que j'ai visités

Australia, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Chile, Croatia, Fiji, France, Malta, Montenegro, New Zealand, Peru, Portugal, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom, Viet Nam

Pays dans lesquels j'ai vécu


Badges à l'ancienne

  • 1 Recommander

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