Josephat Foya's Photo

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  • 50% response rate
  • Last login 8 days ago

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  • 3 references 1 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Swahili; learning French, Spanish
  • 21, Male
  • Member since 2022
  • Creative Designer, Social media Manager
  • Diploma in human Resources, Studying Degree in marketing ...
  • From Tanzania
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Hi there! I'm Josephat, a graphic designer and social media manager based in Tanzania. As a creative professional, I'm passionate about visual storytelling and using design to communicate ideas and emotions. I enjoy working on a variety of projects, from branding and packaging to web design and illustration. In my free time, I love exploring new places, meeting new people, and learning about different cultures. I believe that travel is one of the most enriching experiences a person can have, and that's why I joined Couchsurfing. I'm excited to connect with like-minded travelers and share my knowledge and skills with them. Whether you're looking for tips on design, social media, or just want to hang out and have a good time, feel free to send me a message! Cheers!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I'm excited to join Couchsurfing because I'm passionate about travel and meeting new people. As a graphic designer and social media manager, I'm always looking for ways to expand my horizons and connect with like-minded individuals. Couchsurfing seems like the perfect platform for that – it allows me to stay with locals, learn about their culture, and make genuine connections that I wouldn't be able to make otherwise. I'm eager to explore new places, try new foods, and immerse myself in different ways of life. But more than that, I'm excited to meet people who share my curiosity and sense of adventure. I may be new to Couchsurfing, but I'm open-minded, respectful, and eager to learn. Whether you're a fellow traveler or a local who wants to show me around, I'm ready to dive in and start exploring. Let's see where this journey takes us!


  • basketball

Music, Movies, and Books

Afrobeats, hiphop and others. Drama and action movies. how to win friends and influence people

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

One of the most amazing things I've ever done was to design a logo and branding identity for a local non-profit organization. The organization was dedicated to providing education and resources to underprivileged children, and they needed a visual identity that reflected their mission and values. As a graphic designer, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to work on such an important project. I met with the organization's leaders to discuss their vision and goals, and then got to work designing a logo, color scheme, and typography that captured the spirit of their mission. It was a challenging project, but also incredibly rewarding. Seeing the organization use my designs on their website, social media, and marketing materials, and knowing that I had played a small role in helping them achieve their goals, was a truly amazing feeling. It reminded me that design isn't just about aesthetics – it's about using creativity to make a positive impact in the world

Teach, Learn, Share

I believe that teaching, learning, and sharing are essential to personal and professional growth. As a graphic designer and social media manager, I'm constantly seeking out new skills, techniques, and ideas that can help me improve my craft. But I also recognize that I have a responsibility to share what I've learned with others, and to give back to my community. That's why I'm passionate about teaching and mentoring, both in my professional and personal life.

In addition to my work as a graphic designer and social media manager, I also love to teach others how to cook Tanzanian food. As someone who grew up in Tanzania, I've been exposed to a rich and diverse culinary tradition that I'm always eager to share with others. Whether it's through private cooking lessons, group workshops, or community events, I love to teach people how to prepare traditional Tanzanian dishes like ugali, pilau, and samosas.

But I also recognize that I have a lot to learn from others, and I'm always open to new ideas and perspectives. That's why I value collaboration and teamwork, and seek out opportunities to work with people from diverse backgrounds and skillsets. Whether it's in design, social media, or the culinary arts, I believe that we all have something to teach, something to learn, and something to share. And by embracing these principles, we can all grow and thrive together

What I Can Share with Hosts

When I stay with hosts on Couchsurfing, I'm always eager to share my knowledge and experiences with them. As a graphic designer and social media manager, I can offer a unique perspective on creative work and branding. I'm happy to share my tips and tricks for creating effective social media content, designing logos, and crafting a strong visual identity.

In addition to sharing my expertise, I also love to share food with fellow travelers. As someone who enjoys cooking and has a passion for Tanzanian cuisine, I'm always excited to introduce new flavors and dishes to others. Whether it's through preparing a meal together or sharing some of my favorite recipes, I believe that food is a wonderful way to connect with others and share our cultures.

Beyond these specific areas, I'm also happy to share my experiences and insights from my travels and adventures. Whether it's recommendations for local sights and attractions, or tips for navigating new cultures and environments, I'm always happy to share what I've learned with others.

Ultimately, I believe that sharing is a two-way street, and I'm always eager to learn from my hosts and fellow travelers as well. Whether it's about their own creative pursuits, culinary traditions, or travel experiences, I'm always excited to learn and grow through the connections I make on Couchsurfing

Countries I’ve Visited

Malawi, Zambia

Countries I’ve Lived In


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