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  • 12 references 11 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English; learning Spanish
  • 44, Male
  • Member since 2012
  • Mediocre poet, aspiring novelist, and semi-professional v...
  • Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Science (Commercial P...
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


I'm setting out (in a Prius v) to explore the USA (lower-48's major cities). It might be ambitious and pretentious, but I'm looking to stay the night in a new location [city] every evening for one year


I was once a pilot, then worked for Lockheed Martin-- but now I'm living out of a Prius-v named Falcor and traveling the U.S.
My middle name is Cosmo, but it tends to describe my personality with precision. At 33 years old--I still have a wild passion for life, but I've finally began maturing....slightly.
I'm a casual poet, aspiring writer, energetic jester, and a random man who is desirous of adventure and knowledge... I'm slightly better than the average heterosexual male at cooking. is where you can read all about this yearlong journey/experiment in the human condition that I will be living until March 2014. And if you live in an American city, I'm going to be in your area sometime within the year. Let's experience this human interaction thing in person.


"All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be."
Pink Floyd said it, but I've always enjoyed it and try to live it.
From Fight Club: "It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything."
And that whole bit on life being too short, I buy into that one as well.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I am on an extreme budget, hoping to find a place to stay for one evening as I traverse this country. I'd be more than willing to help with chores, assist in cooking or lift heavy objects.....whatever makes life easier while I'm in your life for a short spell. Hearing about the madness of my road trip might keep you entertained if the mood beckons.
I'm looking to taste 365 cities in 365 days on as self-guided bucket list tour, with extreme attention centered around: sporting venues, college campuses, National Parks (holder of the park pass), friends I have scattered across this land, and new interesting people that are willing to show me what makes their existence beautiful. I'm looking forward to meeting new enchanting personalities along the way.
Basically, the cheeper I live, the longer I can stay out, and the more I can experience--and share this experience with everyone I stay with.


I've surfed a half dozen times or so.
I'm also staying with friends who are scattered across this country, camping, or sleeping in my decked out Prius in Walmart parking lots... though I haven't shopped at one since 2003.
I haven't been able to host, since I'm out on the road at this time. If anyone wishes to sleep in my Prius, it won't be comfortable, but I can doll it up for the occasion. We just need a safe place to park, and it will be difficult at best. Mostly uncomfortable.


I absolutely love learning and experiencing new morsels of life.
I have a hardcore crush on the following things: films (especially documentaries), listening to wonderful music, sharing music with friends, watching sports (mainly Arizona-based squads and Arsenal F.C.) , writing poetry, the occasional karaoke session, conversing with people about important issues, sharing amazing dinners with large groups of people, chocolate milk, sushi, any ethnic cuisine, swimming in various bodies of water, traveling, roller coasters, playing craps in Las Vegas, and adult discussions on religions/politics/existentialism/anything else.
I'm also addicted to laughing until I cry.

  • writing
  • books
  • poetry
  • documentaries
  • beauty
  • cooking
  • chocolate
  • wine
  • clubbing
  • politics
  • movies
  • traveling
  • watching sports
  • socializing
  • survival
  • music
  • karaoke
  • camping
  • sports
  • swimming
  • religion
  • parks

Music, Movies, and Books

Music: Classic rock, indie rock, pop music, and much more--mostly anything with enchanting lyrics.
Film: Wes Anderson is my favorite director and Fight Club is my favorite film, but documentaries mean a lot to me.
Literature: Chuck Palahniuk, Jack Kerouac, Hunter S. Thompson, John Steinbeck, Nick Hornby, and too many more

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I wrote a novel that I'm giving away for free. (

1. Backpacked Europe - Spent way too much money, but the overall experience was vital to my survival and personality.
2. Working at my last job. It paid well and allowed me to save some money for this journey. However, I hated it with every morsel of my body. It created the thirst to taste life again, amazing moments don't always have to be positive.
3. This journey. My friends are calling it crazy, but I want to see if there are those willing to show me that friendship can be extended to a complete stranger. I want to make sure that Americans are still friendly and helpful and loving. I hope that the concepts of true beauty haven't been completely killed off by money and ego.

Teach, Learn, Share

I'm excited to meet people who are different from me and those who come from different backgrounds. It's always fun to find those who also love sports and film like me, but some of my best friends have none of the same hobbies as myself.
I'm confidant in stating that I want this experience to be life-changing for both me and my host, let's evolve human relationships together. Or share a bottle of wine or discuss issues or get lost in conversation or laugh too hard or walk around a nearby trail or whatever.....

Countries I’ve Visited

Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Czech Republic, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Puerto Rico, United Kingdom, United States, Virgin Islands, U.S.

Countries I’ve Lived In

United States

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