Joamir Vazquez's Photo

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  • 100% response rate
  • Last login about 16 hours ago

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  • 64 references 53 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Spanish
  • 48, Male
  • Member since 2010
  • Manager
  • PHD Marketing
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


I'm a Nudist, liberal and free sprit like to be nude at my place, so you are welcome to have that experience. Have friends and visit different countries.

A good Traveler has no Fixed plans, and is is not intent on arriving.


Im a very easy going person. I want to meet a lot of people who can tell me the best places in the word to go to.

Im Scorpion I love live; to exist, to be alive, to subsist or feed.
Work hard is my day by day. Make goal and do my best.Be the best person and friend. Also I'm open minded person (bi-sexual )

I'm very laid back, down to earth, extremely open minded, liberal, non judgmental. I'm free spirited and I dont't have many personal boundaries that prevent me from enjoying life to its fullest. I enjoy sharing new experiences with travelers and hosts...creating lifetime memories.

I enjoy people who like cooking, good beer and/or wine, hanging out at the beach, talking about sex, camping, kayaking, live music, happy hour, movies, being naked, game nights at home, creating new experiences, and most importantly - those that are open minded/free spirited with a "live and let live/Carpe Diem" mentality and those who just want to relax and enjoy this carefree hedonistic lifestyle that I've grown to love so much.
You can find me on Facebook : Joamir Vazquez


Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else's life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary

Read my profile before you send a Request.

I love to share new experience with people from others places. Now about other culture. And the experience of being nudists.

Make it easy - let go - give in - and PLAY!! Explore the world...explore YOUR world - step out - question EVERYTHING - have fun!! Step outside of your personal comfort something fun/exhilarating, you'll be amazed at how awesome life CAN be! Boundaries are boring and prevent you from enjoying everything that life has to offer! The exhilaration of expanding your boundaries...priceless.

If you have any questions about that - feel free

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


My experience on couchsurfing is great !
CONSCIOUS SEXUALITY, Atheism, CS addicts, Looking for a job / Offering Jobs, Massage Exchange, Miami Parties and Events, Naked at home, Travel Companions around the world !, Worldwide Volunteering
Advice for Surfers, , Gay travelers, Quit your job and travel!!!!!,


My interests are many:
Meet and talk
Be a student for ever (I love learn)

Music, Movies, and Books

I love International movies.( film fest)
In spanish (salsa,balada,rock)
Dance music.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

1. Mona Lisa 2. Nilo river 3. Africa

Countries I’ve Visited


Countries I’ve Lived In

Puerto Rico, United States

Old School Badges

  • Pioneer Badge

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