Kara Callahan's Photo

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  • 1 reference
  • Fluent in English; learning Spanish
  • 41, Other
  • Member since 2008
  • I work with people with disabilities, providing in-home s...
  • Bachelor's in Psychology from University of Northern Iowa.
  • From Iowa City, Iowa, USA
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


My mission is to bridge the gap between cultures and to make our generation the most culturally aware yet. Live without borders!


I am a current Peace Corps nominee, awaiting my invitation to some random corner of the earth where I will live for 2 years and 3 months helping strangers become healthier. I advocate for rights of both people and animals, believing that minimizing suffering in the world is paramount. I value education and cultural experiences, and that is why I love the idea of this website. I also think there needs to be a healthy balance between work and FUN!!! The balance should be about 40/60. :D


I live my life to help others. I am still searching for the ideal way to do this which is why I have applied to join the Peace Corps. I believe it embodies all of my values and affords me the opportunity to live in an authentic way among other peoples. I think we are all entitled to enjoy the Earth's bounty and I believe that we are capable of living as one people in a world without borders.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I am new, but I am traveling to Europe next month and a friend suggested I sign up for the site. I am extending my couch to any and all who want to see a quieter side of American life. This is not a big city but a town amid farming communities. My couch is also open to anyone just passing through and in need of a place to crash. Whatever- I think this is such a great idea to network travelers I will help out in any way I can!!


I love the outdoors. Frisbee golf is my one true love, but I enjoy hiking, camping, biking, rollerblading, and just walking enjoying the cool summer evenings. I love to read, play with my kitties and spend time with friends. Garage sales rock. Most of all in my life, I am passionate about travel and getting an accurate feel for life in another country by living as they do.

  • animals
  • education
  • walking
  • traveling
  • garage sales
  • outdoor activities
  • cycling
  • hiking
  • camping
  • golf
  • teaching

Music, Movies, and Books

I love most music, the major exception being country/western. My personal collection emphasizes folk, bluegrass and blues/rock. Kurt Vonnegut is still probably my favorite author, and I like indy films with something different to offer. I also love documentaries.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I went to Japan and climbed Mount Fuji. I was criminally out of shape at the time and accomplishing such a physical feat was an almost spiritual experience.

Teach, Learn, Share

I can tell you most anything you want to know about factory farming in the united states and the excessive consumption we engage in here. I could also talk about philosophy for hours... my brother and best friend is going for his doctorate right now. If you have never driven on the right side of the road I can teach you to do that, too! : )

Old School Badges

  • Pioneer Badge

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