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  • 12 references 8 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, German
  • 55, Male
  • Member since 2011
  • No occupation listed
  • BSc in Maths.
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Doing some charity work for an old age home for the homeless and mentally retarded.


Milton here, a warm, friendly, calm, caring and passionate Earthling in love with Earth and all that it offers, perhaps still stuck in my own Utopia where I still dream of a borderless, currency less world etc etc... I feel blessed like the rest of you to have been able to spend sometime on this Earth which is the “only” heaven that we know of in the entire Universe (until we find another one). Aren’t we all lucky just to be around, no matter what our created circumstances are?? Trying to be a rebel with many causes and one of them surely is Humanism.
I work in travel and tourism industry which has given me a perfect platform to meet people and travel around.

If you manage to finish all the info furnished, I might come out as a boring type to some of you, but I can be wacky and ready to party at the drop of a hat. All said and done you have only one life, so make most of it.


Knowledge is power but Wisdom can be humbling.

The Earth has a cancer and its called greed. Its gnawing away from all sides leaving the Earth gasping for breath. Can you and I still ignore the reality??? I was a fierce anti-communist and a fierce capitalist to start with but as time and reality caught up with me, turned myself into an anti-consumerist and now I am a fierce humanist. A deep sympathy for nature and its wonders make me want to dedicate a good part of the rest of my life to the conservation and preservation of mother nature to leave a positive legacy to our progeny.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I can host at the moment but have to check in advance as am travelling around a bit for some charity work.


Had hosted and it was a great experience. would love to host whenever I can and surf wherever possible. Generally would love to be a great host in whatever ways possible and when I surf try to be as less intrusive as possible.


Music, books, people, sports and Nature, nature and nature. Yes love our nature the way it “was” and to some extend the way it is in certain parts of the world. Obviously love travelling and meeting with other creatures of the earth and getting to know their way of life and their feelings and their stories.

  • books
  • causes
  • partying
  • boating
  • politics
  • traveling
  • socializing
  • music
  • sports
  • tourism

Music, Movies, and Books

A list could be boring, right?? Was an avid movie watcher during my younger days but feel the movies of today has lost the charm of movies of 80's and 90's but I beg to be corrected. For Music am an in and out 80's and 90's pop music although I do listen to the current ones.
Reading is a habit that I would love to find time to occupy myself with. Philosophy, travelogues, fiction and non fiction etc.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Lots actually, since I believe every moment spend on this earth is enormously precious:-). But more specifically the feelings I had while standing on the deck of a house boat in Kerala, anchored in the middle of a lake, the banks thick and crowded with coconut trees, just before sunrise after heavy overnight rains, the sky was incredible with thick dark grey clouds and a golden hue in the horizon. My feelings were indescribable; it was so amazing, so out of the world, I guess only a poet could describe it. I could exaggerate a bit by saying, just being in that moment, made me feel life was worth it:-)

Teach, Learn, Share

If you are patient enough, I can talk to you a lot about almost everything though am not too keen on politics Every day is a new experience and like to reinvent my self. Don’t like to carry on from the past, cos we have an abundance of opportunities to make life for self and others around you interesting. I believe life is still evolving and we are being part of it, just leave a positive mark!

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Brazil, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Malaysia, Netherlands, Qatar, Russian Federation, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, Vatican City State, Viet Nam

Countries I’ve Lived In

India, Oman, United Arab Emirates, United States

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