Chris Swain's Photo

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Accepting Guests

  • Last login 12 days ago

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  • 65 references 48 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English; learning Spanish
  • 51, Male
  • Member since 2015
  • Data Analyst
  • B.S. in Aeronautical Science
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

UPDATE (Oct 2022): Life changes... but it is always good! Our little family has changed with separation and divorce. We're still a loving, happy family, but now living in 2 separate homes (close by!). Chris is still welcoming travelers. The home is now occupied by Chris and his teenage son.

UPDATE (Feb 2022): We're back and accepting guests! No travel and no CS guests since the pandemic began but we're now past that and looking to welcome as many travelers as we can. Our family is vaccinated and a couple have had confirmed Covid. CS guests can be any vaccination status and will not need to wear masks in the home. The private bedroom is on a different level of the home so if you'd feel more safe keeping a good distance, we are fine with that. As always we aim to help YOU on YOUR journey. Whatever works for you, works for us. Just let us know how we can help make your time here more enjoyable! -Chris

UPDATE (Nov 2019): I'll be in Cambodia for this year's trip. As always, I'll be chatting up every stranger I pass and look forward to making new friends and enjoying new life moments in a far away land. If you're in Cabodia from Nov 8-18, message me here or Whatsapp +18282909040

UPDATE (May 2018): Chris is heading to South Korea this time! My travel dates are from Sept 20th until October 6th. Hope to meet tons of people, eat interesting foods, and learn about the history and culture of the Korean peninsula!

UPDATE (September 2017): Chris (me) is heading to Malaysia for 2 weeks during the second half of September. I'll be traveling solo and always interested in meeting new people, walking all over, exploring, and eating good food along the way!

UPDATE (June 2017): Chris (me) has now gotten into road biking and mountain biking. If you stay with us on a weekend, and are interested in a ride, bring your bike with you and I'll show you some great country road rides or mountain trails. Lisa is a big knitter, so bring your knitting supplies or a desire to learn if you're interested!

UPDATE (April 12, 2016): Now that we've welcomed our 20th CS guest, we kind of know what we're doing and based on the feedback we've gotten, we want to give you an idea of what to expect if you stay with us. In a nutshell, we provide a safe, secure, very laid back family atmosphere, in a well kept, tidy home, that has a private and spacious bedroom and private bath, with the bonus of having two rather fun, outgoing, "adults" at the helm that love to be social and will most likely invite you out for at least one night to have drinks and talk about life and its' many adventures.


I'm 50, 2 kids, college educated, self employed, good-natured man living the typical American lifestyle. I spend my mornings with my wife and kids as we prepare for the day, my afternoons working at a job I love, and my evenings helping the kids with homework and cleaning dishes that my wife filled with delicious food.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

It took 42 years, but I finally took a trip out of America this year. Best of all, I did it solo. It was a life changing event, broadening my horizons and gaining me an incredible appreciation for distant places and newly found friends. I look forward to making another trip in the near future. In the meantime, I want to open our home and have visitors enjoy my hometown.


Right now I'm into being healthy, eating right, working out in our home gym. I'm also a huge fan of hiking, either for a simple day hike, or a week spent backpacking on the Appalachian Trail.
I've also gained a huge appreciation for simple conversation with new friends. Our home has a pub which is perfect for entertaining. It doesn't get nearly enough use. Besides giving people a nice place to stay, my wife and I are hoping to share a drink in the pub with everyone that passes through. Everyone has a story, we'd love to hear your's.

Music, Movies, and Books

Books on finance and adventure travel are tops on my list.

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Canada, Czech Republic, England, France, Honduras, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Qatar, Thailand, United Arab Emirates

Countries I’ve Lived In

United States

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