Fotos de Louis Clarke

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Visão geral

  • 8 referências 6 Confirmado e Positivo
  • Fluente em: English, Spanish
  • 33, Masculino
  • Membro desde 2012
  • Civil engineer
  • Civil engineering
  • De Perth, Western Australia, Australia
  • Perfil 100% concluído

Sobre Mim

I'm a civil engineer on paper, but I never wanted the office grind. My work specialises in humanitarian engineering projects in different parts of the world, with three or so months of the year being on-site and the rest of the time working remotely from wherever I want to be.

If you are looking for me to host, there's a very good chance I'm not in the country. Don't be afraid to ask though - even if I'm not around, my parents are likely on the farm and enjoy hosting (you can read more about that in couch description bit).

Anyway, beyond the technical specifications. I'm a typical engineer in that I I'm a very logical and rational person, and that my belief systems and philosophy draws heavily on physics, chemistry, anthropology etc. I love discussions on things that matter, especially the "taboo" topics of politics, religion, relationships, philosphy - things with some meat to them.

Not all doom and gloom, though. I've got a dry and irreverent sense of humour, and love wine, beer and kicking back. Also a real lover of the outdoors, and nothing gets me going like an overly ambitious hiking trip.

Por que estou no Couchsurfing?

I used to live in a sharehouse in Queensland where we hosted countless couchsurfers from all over the world, and I fell in love with the idea and the people. I couchsurfed for the first time while backpacking through India when I was 19, and since then I do it as much as I can while travelling as it's an amazing way to make new friends and really get to know the place I'm in.

The altruism behind Couchsurfing - giving your time and opening up your home to someone you don't know, for no material gain - is something the world needs far more of.


Well I love sailing, and the time I've spent spent crewing on charter yachts has been the some of the most enjoyable of my life. I grew up on a farm, and have a profound love of the outdoors, especially untouched wilderness.

My work focuses on providing critical infrastructure to vulnerable communities around the world, and this fills my life with meaning and purpose without which I would be lost.

  • photography
  • walking
  • reading
  • traveling
  • guitar
  • outdoor activities
  • backpacking
  • camping
  • sailing
  • agriculture
  • beaches
  • mountains

Músicas, Filmes e Livros

Huge, indiscriminate movie fan. I could make a list of highbrow movies, but honestly I enjoy a good zombie or action movie as much as an intellectual arthouse film. What I love about movies is that they thrill, challenge, or simply make you feel - and at the end of it you're unscathed.

I'm a big reader, and unlike movies I'm a bit more refined in my tastes (except Stephen King, which is my guilty pleasure). Albert Camus, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Cormack McCarthy, Steinbeck J.M. Coetzee, Tim Ferriss, Chuck Palanuik, Richard Dawkins ... I could go on!

Uma Coisa Incrível que Eu Fiz

After walking over many hills along a little trail, I found myself at a small beach in Karnatica, India. Found a little beach hut to sleep in, and met a group of four German girls and a Canadian guy who had already consumed a fair quantity of rum before I got there. That was the beginning of a very interesting night. When the the rum wore off, I found myself sitting with a group of travelers around a camp fire on the beach. The moon was full, and you could hear the waves lapping the shore. I had a guitar in my hands (not sure where that came from), and I was leaning companionably against a bull who was enjoying the warmth of the fire with us. He was wearing my fedora, as bulls do. I thought for a moment about the incongruity of the situation, and then played him another song.

Ensine, Aprenda, Compartilhe

What can I teach? Well, sailing is a passion of mine and I would love to teach anyone who wanted to learn! Growing up on a farm I know a lot about the outdoors, from agriculture to camping to even butchering. There are a million things I would love to share with others. I can obviously help with English as well.

I love to learn everything! I have a growing interest in photography, and I am fascinated in all the sciences. Knowledge is power.

Países que Visitei

Argentina, Austria, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Fiji, France, Germany, India, Italy, Kenya, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Uganda, United States, Uruguay

Países em que Morei

Argentina, Australia

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