Photos de Louise Nielsen

Profil non vérifié

  • Membre non vérifié par paiement
  • Numéro de téléphone non vérifié
  • Pièce d'identité non vérifiée

Accepte des invités

  • Dernière connexion il y a environ 3 ans

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  • 5 avis 2 Confirmé et positif
  • Parle couramment  Danish, English, German; apprend  Latin
  • 45, Femme
  • Membre depuis 2010
  • Teacher
  • I have studied German and Comparative Religion
  • Aucune ville natale indiquée
  • Profil renseigné à 100 %

À propos de moi


I have been living in Aarhus since 1998. I was also born here but grew up in a small town fifty kilometres from here. I have studied at the University of Aarhus and lived in Vienna, Freiburg and Berlin. I like get to know new people from foreign cultures and I really like to travel.

Pourquoi je suis sur Couchsurfing


I only had positive experiences with couchsurfing and will definitely use this kind of travelling the next time I have the opportunity.

Centres d'intérêt

Literature, philosophy, politics, religion, history, languages, music, theatre.....

  • literature
  • politics
  • traveling
  • music
  • history
  • languages
  • religion

Morceaux de musique, films et livres

I have a lot of favourite authors. To name a few: Flaubert, Dostojevskij, Kafka, Schiller, Brecht, Zadie Smith, Imre Kertész, Milan Kundera.

I like watching a good movie in the cinema. The last really great movie I watched was "Das weisse Band", other favourite movies are "The unbearable Lightness of Being", "1900", "Paris, Texas", "White" and " The Usual Suspects".

I listen to a lot of music and love going to concerts. I´m a great fan of Leonard Cohen, Sonic Youth, PJ Harvey, Nick Cave, Radiohead and the Beatles.

Une aventure extraordinaire que j'ai vécue

Going to Sri Lanka - didn't sleep the first nights!

Pays que j'ai visités

Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Norway, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom

Pays dans lesquels j'ai vécu

Austria, Denmark, Germany

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