Eva Soto的照片


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  • 23 评语 17 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 Catalan, Valencian, English, Spanish; 正在学习 Italian
  • 34, 女
  • 成为会员的时间:2009
  • Student and activist. Bilingual nanny and babysitter.
  • Latin American Studies and Spanish Literature at PSU
  • 来自Barcelona
  • 个人主页已完成 100%



to experience, to learn, to learn, to learn... to teach, to share, to do.


I'm mostly a student activist whose primary interest is learning how change in society happens. I'm also an artist willing to learn and create things all the time. My biggest obsessions are (radical) politics, books, movies, music and traveling. The order of preference depends on the moment of my life. I love Barcelona and Madrid, but I want to meet the whole world. Right now, I am in a phase in which I need to go back to Venezuela for a bit, with my long-term partner, to reconnect with my roots and have him learn the language and the culture.

I am very interested in the subjects of identity and minorities. Thought-provoking conversations and life-changing experiences are my favorites :)Moving to Portland was probably the best decision Dan and I have made, although there's a lot to do in order to make this a home. I'm enjoying the town and the people I'm encountering. I hope to build community where I stay.


Yo soy yo y mi circunstancia

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing


I share experiences and involve myself in yours.


I started April 2009 and


Montréal at Sébastien Tremblay, Laurent Levesque, GWENAELLE 's place
Seattle, (Washington, US) - at Channing's house.
at Klaire's.
Portland, (ORegon, US) - Tara and Whitney
Maracaibo, (Venezuela) - Connie and Fabricio
Portland, (ORegon, US) - Joshua Lilley
Portland, (ORegon, US) - Beth Brown
Portland, (ORegon, US) - Ilan and Stephanie
Chicago, (ILlinois, US) - Benjamin Haley

Jesse Boyd (Australia) in NY
Niall Barry (Ireland) in NY
Juris Aboltins (Latvia) in NY
Katie K (West Virgina, US) in NY
Marc S (Germany)
Paola González (Venezuela) in Maracaibo

Juris Aboltins (Latvia)
Katarina and Charlotte (London)
Nate Brown and Brad Hoggan (Vancouver, BC)
Mikael H (Austin)
Rafael Álvarez (Barcelona)
Anna Delgado (Barcelona)
Anna Pitarch and Guillem Rodríguez (Barcelona)
Georgina Capetillo (Washington DC) and her friend from Italy.
Annika Lutz (Reading, Pennsylvania)
Noemi C (Toronto, Canada)
Ricardo Ancona (Yucatan, Mexico)


Creating. Food. Like-minded people. Latin America. Cats. Music. Books. Films. Thoughtful, meaningful Tattoos. Nature. Traveling. Hosting. South America. West Coast. Spain. Anti-capitalist discorse. Comparative Literature. Long, awesome conversations. Gernika. Writing. The smell of Waffles. The Smell of Old Books. Dogs. Walking. The Woods.

  • cats
  • dogs
  • culture
  • writing
  • books
  • literature
  • tattoos
  • dining
  • walking
  • politics
  • movies
  • reading
  • traveling
  • music
  • history


Fiction MOVIES. (just some of them) The Shining, Melancholia, American Beauty, Kill Bill 1&2, 3 Iron, The Great Dictator, Blade Runner, The Rear Window, Moulin Rouge, Dogville, In the mood for love, Volver, All about my mother, Bad education, Old Boy, Sex and Lucía, Lovers of the Arctic Circle, Motorcycle Diaries, Spirited Away, Mononoke Princess, 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days, Machuca, etc. Documentaries - Frontline episodes, The Panama Deception, Our Brand Is Crisis, Last Train Home, Touch The Sound, , The Corporation, Hype, Waste Land, Crude, etc.. BOOKS: Haymarket books (google it!), One Hundred Years of Solitude, Little Bunch of Madmen, Julio Cortázar, Poet in NY, The tunnel, to kill a mockingbird, The Little Prince, La plaça del diamant, Love in the times of cholera, Greguerías, Borges, Alejandra Pizarnik, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, the Fountainhead, Bocas del Tiempo, Ficciones, Immortality, etc. Latin American literature blows my mind!And non-fiction works such as The Country Under My Skin, Open Veins of Latin America, Bitter Fruit, We Say No, Savages, One River, Ecology Against Capitalism, etc.Short, Flash Stories.MUSIC> Tycho, Emancipator, The Great Mundane, Pretty Lights, Menomena, The Beatles, Björk, Röyksopp, Najwa, Portishead, The Postal Service, Sigur Rós, Fever Ray, Air, Yann Tiersen, Fischerspooner, Shpongle, Ugly Casanova, Mirah, Bon Iver, Gorillaz, Arcade Fire, Modest Mouse, Radiohead, Iron & Wine, The One Am Radio, Animal Collective, System of a Down, Joan Manel Serrat, Silvio Rodriguez, Eminem, The Fugees, check this website, www.lastfm.com/user/Nakito_LaMaga


I saw my favorite singer song writer Joan Manel Serrat in the "Palau de la Música Catalana" in Barcelona. Amazing. Beautiful. And then again in Carnegie Hall, NY.

I moved to Portland, OR.


I have yet to travel Argentina, North Africa, Palestine, and any other place that will make my eyes stay wide open.


My major concentrates on theory of economic development, sustainability, social justice, etc., and my regional focus is on Latin America. I've traveled to Venezuela 7 times for a couple of months at a time, so I can definitely share my opinion on what that country has to offer and what it's so frustrating. I'm also really, really interested in Spanish History and I could sit for hours and talk about it!Literature, History, Cinema, Vegetarianism, Economic Systems, Political trends, Environmental stuff, Latin America, Spain... All this said, I'm very chill and I love to listen, and to just have a relaxing evening :D and I want to learn everything you want to share with me. I probably am as much of a talker as I am a listener :)


Canada, France, Netherlands, Venezuela


Spain, United States


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