Mehdi Aidour's Photo

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  • 0 references
  • Fluent in Arabic (Morocco), English, French
  • 26, Male
  • Member since 2018
  • Sales
  • University of Massachusetts Lowell
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 75% complete

About Me

Hello there to whoever is reading this! I just finished a 40 minute meditation and I feel extremely present as I'm typing this. If you are a fan of meditation, fitness, or just self-development in general I think we would have a lot to talk about. I'm very passionate about sales and always looking for a new way to expand my knowledge of business, marketing, advertising, etc. My daily habits include gym, meditation, reading, and drinking a looot of water. My goals at the moment are getting shredded, improving my sales skills, learning about business, and meeting like-minded individuals who are always seeking that next accomplishment, skill, or lesson. In the next five years, I see myself being a dating coach in LA and I'm working daily towards that goal. I'm told I'm a great communicator and I love discussing cool concepts and out-of-the-box thinking. The more out there, the better. I'm always trying to maximize my output in a positive sense and minimizing negativity 100%. I love a challenge. If you're an entrepreneur, you and I will probably share a similar value system. Well, that's a little about me. I look forward to meeting what I hope will be some very interesting people!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I'm a Store Manager for a company called CubeSmart (they're great if you ever need storage rooms of all sizes, let me know in advance and I might get you some kind of discount). I love what I do because it allows me to grow as a salesman, not to mention learn the ins-and-outs of running a business and managing your own store. The store does require that I move around to different cities for days at a time to work with certain people and also to cover certain shifts. I won't have a car for another few months so I decided CouchSurfing would be a great idea and I saw it as an opportunity to meet interesting people as well. I work early in the morning to around 7 so I would only be back at around 8. I would also love to hang out with my host, grab a drink, or even just talk about cool stuff. That is, if the host wanted to, I understand that some people like to keep to themselves and I totally respect that. Look forward to meeting yall!


  • meditation
  • traveling
  • business
  • entrepreneurship
  • self-development
  • sales
  • motivational speaking
  • public speaking
  • health and fitness

Music, Movies, and Books

I mostly read books related to business, success, and sales. I'm currently reading The Way of The Wolf by Jordan Belfort. I'm also a huge fan of Stephen Covey's Habits of Highly Efficient People. I also dabble in books like The Power of Now. Huge Game of Thrones fan! As for music I'm all over the place with The Beatles, J. Cole, Nas, Sia, Pharrel, Kanye, Jay-Z, literally anything that inspires me at the moment.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I've traveled to France and I lived in Morocco for the first nine years of my life. I was a great track and field runner in high school and college. My parents actually were huge in long distance running. They dominated 5k's in the New England area back in the 90's. Dabbled in Rugby and got injured pretty badly.. so that's the end of that .

Teach, Learn, Share

I occasionally teach kids from all over the world English on Cambly. It's a pretty cool experience actually. I worked as a canvasser fundraising money for Save The Children helping starving children get clean water, food, and go to school (did that for a few months, super stressful job, but so worth it considering all the lessons and kids I helped save.)

What I Can Share with Hosts

I love sharing any knowledge I have on self-development, dating, business, marketing, sales etc. (I also love learning any wisdom people have to offer.) If you need help with anything related to communication or goal-setting I am your guy. I truly think that everything you do and everything person you meet has a lesson or purpose for you to learn from and I live by that.

Countries I’ve Visited

France, Morocco

Countries I’ve Lived In

France, Morocco, United States

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