Michal Cichecki's Photo

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  • 30 references 17 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Polish
  • 45, Male
  • Member since 2010
  • Operations Program Manager
  • Master degree in Management
  • From Lodz, Poland
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


After completing around the world trip I have my soul entirely on my Baltic Sea odyssey!


The beauty of the around the world trip I did in 2011 was the movement. There was so much time for reflection, which is rare thing in these days of modern living. It was wonderful to share food and conversation with people I had never seen in my life before. It made the trip so special. I covered long distance. The dream was over, but another was just beginning.

I finished my circumnavigation of the globe on March 25, 2011. I went to my own bed for the first time in weeks and slept for ten hours. I probably hadn't slept for so long for more than a year preceding my journey. I remember that I woke up the next day full of new ideas for my next adventures. I knew that it would be hard going back to normality, but I was inspired, and my batteries were recharged.

Someone said that the greatest success comes not from money, power, or fame, but from making dreams come true and from a happy family, and a happy home. The around the world trip was my dream. For months, when I woke up in the morning, I was eager to go after. And if I come back home and Laura and Klara - my little daughters, are in the door waiting for me, I consider myself successful beyond measure.

There is so much more to see in the World - now I have my soul set entirely on my Baltic Sea odyssey, and I really do love the idea of travelling with my family this time.

Join our 6000 km long journey alongside the Baltic Sea coastline. To learn more check out my weekly blog at www.dusty-dreams.org


The further we travel, the more we put ourselves out there into situations that are way outside of what we maybe used to do. The more we travel, the more we are expanding our minds. The more we travel, the more interesting people we become. The more we travel, the more stories we have to tell.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I have always dreamed of people coming to my home from far, far away. Now you are here. My home is your home. It's not my home. It's your home. I'm a guest in it.


Aris from the United States met in Venice
Mulchand from India met in Bombay
Dharmesh from India met in Bombay
Amitava from India met in Calcutta
Yvonne from Singapore met in Singapore
Leni from Indonesia met in Singapore
Angie from Singapore met in Singapore
Ze Xuan from Singapore met in Singapore
Yosh from Japan met in Singapore
Connie from the United States met in Hong Kong
Anne from Taiwan met in Shanghai
Jun from South Korea met in Shanghai
Ivy from China met in Shanghai
Mayuko from Japan met in Osaka
Pablo from Spain met in Kyoto
Fiona from Taiwan met in Tokyo
Malgosia from Poland hosted me in Denver
Piotr from Poland met in Chicago
Vishal from Nepal met in New York
Yael from Israel stayed at my home
Yuval from Israel stayed at my home
Kurt from the United States stayed at my home
Dayna from the United States stayed at my home
Marcus from Austria stayed at my home
Gaelle from France stayed at my home
Rena from Germany stayed at my home
Wei Jie from Singapore stayed at my home
Alice from France stayed at my home
Jean Luc from France stayed at my home
Amelie from Germany stayed at my home
Johannes from Germany stayed at my home
Yun Huai from Taiwan stayed at my home
Li Tzu from Taiwan stayed at my home
Lisa from Sweden hosted myself and my family in Domsjo
Eva from Sweden hosted myself and my family in Umea
Radek from Poland met in Pori
Minna from Finland met in Pori
Nathaniel from UK hosted myself and my family in Turku
Malgosia from Poland met in Helsinki
Kirsika from Estonia met in Tallinn
Ines from Portugal met in Haapsalu
Marika from Estonia met in Haapsalu
Harald from Estonia met in Kuressaare
Agnese from Latvia met in Riga
Uldis from Latvia met in Riga
Dzintars from Latvia met in Ventspils
Anna from Czech Republic stayed at my home
Charlotte from France dtayed at my home
Maria from Poland stayed at my home
Sabine from Germany hosted myself and my family in Kiel
Lotta and Lasse hosted myself and my family in Flensburg


Smoking cigars has become one of the greatest pleasures in my life. And this is an absolute sensual and deeply personal experience associated with those few minutes of relax in the middle of the hectic day or that mellow hour after work - with moments of calm in an otherwise crazy world. I smoke cigars to slow myself down. I like to sit down with a glass of wine and enjoy a book while I smoke. It doesn't cloud the mind - rather it clarifies things and allow rare insight in contemplation, providing a center of sanity and peace.
As enjoyable as cigar can be when smoked in solitude, I find it just refreshing to smoke in the company of others who also enjoy this pastime. I know of no other thing in the world that better symbolizes camaraderie. Cigars, too, are great equalizers. If a boss offers an employee a cigar and they light up together, social position and class distinctions suddenly are forgotten and the room is filled with good fellowship. Why does this happen? I am not sure.

  • books
  • traveling
  • blogging
  • cigar enthusiast
  • friends and family

Music, Movies, and Books

Dedication to life-long learning means for me just reading. So I collect books on cigars, travels, business, sales, personal development, and every aspect of success. Old books, some rare, some common, all good, all helpful, all with gems of knowledge. Think And Grow Rich and You Can Work Your Own Miracles by Napoleon Hill, You Can If You Think You Can and The Power Of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Pale and How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie are only a few from many, which had such a positive impact on who I am now, on my life and my success.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I spent almost two fantastic years in the United States working with horses, symbols of independence, freedom and power. Moreover, I was very, very close in joining Riding Academy in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the autumn of 2004. By some strange move of the Hand of Fate I didn't, but it brought with it the seed of an equivalent benefit. I have started being influenced by people like Monty Roberts, Pat Parelli, Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling and Buck Brannaman. They opened my mind to the horses point of view and gave me some extraordinary techniques to try. The rest I learnt from horses when alone with them. The work I did became a form of my physical expression and art. Having been drawn more to the psychological approach, the relationship with the horses became much more important than riding. And although I don't work with horses on a professional level now, they are still in my heart and give me the motivation and means for self-improvement.

Teach, Learn, Share

I have always had a comfortable feeling that nothing is impossible if one applies a certain amount of energy in the right direction and this led me to a wild experience of having a few dozens of sponsors for my around the world trip.

Teaching others every great thing you learnt is one of the most beautiful things in life, so I like to share the stuff that inspires me and what I have learnt from others. People often ask me about that experience in finding sponsors, so I tell the stories how it went for me. I am in love with an idea of sharing something what might be useful for others.

Success in finding sponsors has only a little bit to do with luck. Some may come across it accidentally, but strategies do exist. I do not know if the strategies I used can be useful to you, but I can tell you what I did and what I think. I will explain how I approached things. But what worked for me might not works for others.

Someone said that the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Those who truly believe in their dreams are willing to work for them, to take the necessary steps to turn fantasy into reality, and wishful thinking into positive action. I know that it's not always easy to follow our dreams, but I believe in the power of setting goals and working towards them.

The around the world trip I did in 2011 was my dream. The dream became an adventure and the adventure proved to be a pivotal point in my life.

Countries I’ve Visited

Canada, China, Cuba, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Syrian Arab Republic, United Arab Emirates, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Ireland, Poland, United States

Old School Badges

  • 2 Vouches

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