Fotos de Michelle Martin

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  • 12 recomendaciones 4 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien English; está aprendiendo French
  • 35, Mujer
  • Miembro desde 2011
  • Counselor (almost) & Energy Healer/Psychic Reader
  • Masters in Counseling
  • De Kansas City, MO, USA
  • Has completado un 100% de tu perfil

Sobre mí

I'm sensitive, passionate, warm, playful, and grounded. I love discussing community, creativity, culture, spirituality, and mental health. I'm a member of an intentional community in Kansas City called the Holmestead, and I love it! I am close to becoming a mental health counselor (working on licensure). I eventually hope to focus on cult survivors and religious trauma as well as queer and neurodivergent clients. I also run a small spiritual business providing energy healing and psychic readings. My specialties are clearing emotional blockages and reading Ogham, which is a Irish symbol system somewhat analogous to runes.

My partner Ryan and I are both polyamorous bisexual Pagan Trekkie burners. We don't drink and aren't big on mind altering substances. While we enjoy having fun, we aren't all that wild. We also love making music and take karaoke *very* seriously. 😉 Both of us are fully vaxxed and boosted.

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing

I like how Couchsurfing enriches the travel experience by basically replacing consumerism with relationship building, I've had really amazing and life affirming experiences with Couchsurfing. Admittedly, I haven't couchsurfed in a few years. I'm working a few psychic fairs out of town this year and it seems like a good opportunity to get back into it since some of my most treasured travel experiences have revolved around meeting the good and kind couchsurfers I've had the pleasure of connecting with.

I've lived in shared houses for years (by choice) which has prevented me from hosting. I hope to get my other community members on board eventually. However, I have shown couchsurfers around Kansas City or met up for an evening and am still happy to do that. I can show you my favorite spots and maybe introduce you to some lovely people if the timing is right.


Spirituality, creativity, singing, alternative lifestyles, learning, walks, mental health, innovations, the outdoors, traveling, new perspectives, music, sci-fi.

  • books
  • singing
  • cooking
  • meditation
  • traveling
  • music
  • outdoor activities
  • business
  • psychology
  • religion
  • spirituality
  • mental health

Música, películas y libros

My music tastes can be summed up as very lush, dramatic, and between genres. I love Nick Cave and Röyksopp the most!

I love sci-fi. Favorite authors are Ursula K. Leguin, Becky Chambers, Arkady Martine, and Octavia Butler.

Also, Star Trek for life. Tell me about your favorite Star Trek series!

Algo increíble que he hecho

Once in Ghana, my friends and I stayed with a random family for the night, when we couldn't find our guidebook destination and we met someone at a bus stop who invited us home. They treated us like queens and gave us the only bed. I will never forget that level of hospitality given to absolute strangers. The mother said, "I must be kind to you, because someday my son will be traveling in a new land, and strangers will need to help him too."

Enseña, aprende, comparte

I'll happily provide free readings for hosts and visitors! I have compiled a lot of reliable resources on Ogham and Irish Pagan practices that I'm always glad to share because those are hard to find. And I can teach 101 energy work, divination, and intuitive development skills.

I'm also happy to help anyone find accessible mental health resources if I can. I also have resources for cult recovery.

Qué puedo ofrecer a los anfitriones

I'm a considerate guest and clean up after myself and am happy to pitch in to help with chores! Happy to offer free readings and share any knowledge I have that is of interest. If I'm in town for a fair and you're curious, happy to get you admission.

Países que he visitado

Belize, Benin, Canada, Cayman Islands, China, Dominican Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Jamaica, Jordan, Mexico, Portugal, Togo

Países en los que he vivido

Canada, Ghana, South Korea, United States

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