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  • 25 references 22 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English; learning German
  • 28, Male
  • Member since 2015
  • Student, Teaching Assistant, and Economic Researcher
  • Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Economics (Honours), Ph...
  • From Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

-----More Relevant, About Me, Section-----

I am currently studying a PhD and have a passion for economic modelling, programming, good (and bad) jokes, philosophy, travelling, politics, and exploring the world.

I enjoy studying (all subjects), thruhiking, travelling (with couchsurfing), renovating, gardening, being productive, good (and bad) jokes, reading, jazz music, and discussing anything from history to cooking. To sum it all up, I love good conversations and great adventures.

I like to laugh and do not shy away from mucking about and having a good conversation on anything. I am an ENTP....though last night I took the test again and was an ENTJ. These tests can be a bit odd.

I like to learn about people's experience and think that one of the best ways you can learn in life is by sitting down, having a beer, and talking. So if you want to go on an adventure or conversation then shoot me a message so we can have a beer, go on a hike, an exploration expedition throughout the town, skydive, or take a chance on any other of life's opportunities.

-----Most Relevant, Couchsurfing Philosophy, Section-----

Couchsurfing is my way of Paying It Forward - a way of life and philosophy that I find important to uphold.

The world truly works on a Pay It Forward system, the likes of which enables charity between all peoples of all creeds. The common heritage, common behaviour, common physique, and of all things, the common desire for prosperity, binds us all together - such that within each person we can see a little bit of ourselves. Given this, if we love ourselves then how could we hate and not give to those others who contain so much of who we are. Thus, the greatest love for yourself comes from showing love to others, for it is within them that you lie. There is only one thing that stops such charity, love, and grace, and that is to build walls against the understanding of others and to create barriers to our connections to one another.

Couchsurfing is one of the ways we can break down the barriers that stop us from connecting to eachother.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

To Pay It Forward, meet new people, exchange experiences, have adventures, connect with others and their city. Most of all, I love wild adventures and believe in following the virtue of serendipity when travelling.

Couchsurfing is a great way to help me do this and help me help other do this. So far couchsurfing has delivered on this more than I ever imagined. I also hope you can give me things to add to my bucketlist.


I enjoy skiing, reading, deep discussions, wood working, coding, trap shooting, psychonauting (though its rare these days), beer, hiking, kayaking, biking, and all kinds of things. I am an all round adventurous person. Most of all, I enjoy people. You'll often find me telling good(and bad) jokes to my mates, though I am not very koala-fied to tell them.

Music, Movies, and Books

I enjoy a wide range of music from classical to jazz to blues to electronic. Favourites include: koen sound, deadmau, Johnny Cash, George Formby, Led Zeppelin, Johnny Horton, Frank Sinatra, and of course, Glen Miller. Oh and Pink Floyd too.

Favourite books....this is a tough one. Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl is up there. Godel Escher and Bach is also a book that, whilst I still need to finish reading, is definitely going to make it into my favourites list. Perfume is another great book, and let's not forget a Clockwork Orange.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Moved out and declared independence at 15. Called someone's punch threat a bluff in Yorkshire. Got punched in Yorkshire. Spent two years on exchange in the United States. Fell in love. Had my heart broken. Had a yacht party out on peel island. Flew a plane from Richmond to Charlottesville for a hiking trip. Scuba dived the Great Barrier Reef. Ignored my mother. Learnt to listen to my mother. Got dazed and confused in Amsterdam. Skied from Switzerland to Italy for groceries. Climbed a telephone tower on a rooftop in Phnom Penh. Raced the Greyhound by hitchhiking and won. Joined and left a cult. Went a month without eating. Swam at night in the James River and woke up half naked on the shore. Spent 5 days hiking alone in Shenandoah. Featured on Cambodia's national tv news for a seminar I ran. Biked the Creeper Trail and Colonial Trail. Went macadamia nut hunting. Gave some bums a rickshaw in exchange for some whisky. Learnt Kendama from the European Champion at a communist cafe in Romania. Watched starving and destitute children in Cambodia give me the biggest smile I have ever seen. Raved at an airport field in Berlin that took firetrucks to shut down during a pandemic. Got tear gassed at a mass riot in Sri Lanka.

Teach, Learn, Share

I have plenty of stories and knowledge to share. I can also provide you with a good ear to listen with and good hands to work with.

What I Can Share with Hosts

Good conversation and great adventures.

Countries I’ve Visited

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Cambodia, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Poland, Romania, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Australia, Germany, United States

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