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  • 34 references 29 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English; learning Spanish
  • 49, Male
  • Member since 2008
  • Workin the Land
  • From some of America’s meaner streets to it’s finer insti...
  • From Oakland, CA, USA
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


( update: in Japan, searching for a special Tosa Ken puppy :) headed for Kochi Japan

Carving a gradual ascent up 250' to the summit of my back 20 acres with a 75k lb excavator, to get a rich mans view of the ocean, on a working man's budget. Designing the structure to build there with a view, juggling all the other aspects of my little empire.

And generally not wanting to pay CS corporate monthly fees to play. Hence the low response rate of late.


I’m too complicated for sound bites but too simple not to use em anyway, the paradoxes are plentiful.

I believe in love but I would have been a good soldier. A life force at best-- a fucking breeder at worst. And Artist gone Hick. A big heart and a short temper, a Philosopher and a Jester, a City Boy gone Country, an Intellectual gone reductionist, a Farmer gone Rancher, a Pagan fundamentalist with Buddhist tendencies, A Rolling Stone.... with a Rock Garden.

Some have called me "crazy", but that was before I lacked the economic standing to vie for "eccentric." Most people think I’m good for a laugh and more good stories than they get around to exhausting. A good one to have by your side in a pinch, one of the dancingest white men you're likely to meet, and an honest mother lover by all accounts.

What’s relevant is that I’ll not have any disrespect of my home nor would my code of honor allow me to disrespect anyone who takes me into theirs.

On my land I’ve pretty much always got work to do, so if there’s a mutual desire to socialize cool, if not I’ll gladly give you all the info and help you’ll need to enjoy the surrounds, and at the very least, you have a place to crash.
When I travel I’m relatively self sufficient and wouldn’t want anyone to force the social thing more than was natural. I try to use my words as best I can, but talk is cheap. And I’m a firm believer that words, alone, can not predict human chemistry.


I do have my own philosophy, I’ve been living true to it for decades and I probably could express it fairly clearly. But I don’t know that it’s relevant. I’m not looking to screen the philosophies of those who might choose to shelter here, I’m not looking to preach to the choire, And I don’t need to know yours unless... you feel like sharing it.

I’ve lived a full life. When I leave, I leave a lot behind; that said, there is a peace of mind I can’t seem to manage any other way but to leave it all behind and hit the road. I don’t know if it’s the simple matter of limiting ones reality to what can be carried (or stuffed in a kayak) I don’t know if it’s merely a testament to finding a lifestyle as simple and immediate as suits my feeble attention span, the magic of not knowing what’s around the bend, or that of infinite possibility. Don’t know, just know after awhile I need to go.

I’ve got a master plan ( tell ya later), part of it includes searching the world. And part of it includes nurturing and sculpting my little piece of it. And now…part of it includes opening my gates to fellow travelers, and letting the world come to me.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I pitch the notion as
" google earth for humanity" to all manner of worthy folks I meet, and you can quote me on that one.

Sometimes for road trips of my own, other times, to offer a wide spot the road for others.

I've hosted about 16 people over ten occasions now, some solo, a couple three or four folks at a time. Still getting the bon fire area dialed in ( just bought a pair of speakers for outside tunes today, just gotta build a little porch awning to hang em under )

I've had a couple DEElightful hosts, whose references speak for themselves.

I've cultivated a few real world friendships as a result of CS encounters.

And I fly fish the ever changing and often intriguing stream of "nearby travelers" reaching out, as a form of vicarious travel, when I can't stand being grounded a minute longer.

For the most part I've enjoyed it immensely. I've had some that seemed to leave too soon. And one young woman ( must be the entitlement generation ) who ate the home cooked from scratch organic goodness like it was complementary peanuts on a flight, filled her glass as if she brought the wine, talked a lot of shit about saving the world, but never found the time to say thanks, or to leave a reference.

I've had a few interesting sounding souls I've missed for one reason or another. And some folks who clearly think the world owes em something. And some I strait up shined on instinct. Like anything that deals with the greater public the possibilities are endless.

My advice to hosts and surfers both is to bear in mind that this is an inherently noble notion, it's a sort of exercise in idealism, It's a wonderful idea, the only limitation is us. But do remember nobody owes anybody anything in this.


The CS organization is new to me. The spirit of the thing is not, i've been living it for years. The way I've traveled has always inclined me to avoid the ways of a tourist and I've often found myself in the homes of folks I've only just met and fed my soul with the experiences that can only come from those less mercantile, inherently more genuine, invitations.


In the big picture; I try and keep my antennae tuned to the miracle of existing at all. To that end I find my inspiration in the natural world more often than in cities, more often with living things than things. With the possible exception of some music, art, I’m more impressed by nature’s works than mans. Though I suppose that distinction is dubious, unless one believes man came from outer space.

My interests are vast, but of late; I search the world for, buy, breed, cross and sell the most impressive canines I can find. I’m raising diary and meat goats, llamas, and chickens. I’m in the planning stage for Orchards; primarily nut, some fruit ( Veggies will likely have to fall to an interested woman on the farm, cause I doubt I’ll find the time)
I’m designing several structures with end of the world potential and generally heading towards total self-sufficiency and the ability to defend it.

  • dogs
  • arts
  • exercise
  • traveling
  • music
  • kayaking
  • sports
  • philosophy
  • nature
  • breeding
  • brain chemistry

Music, Movies, and Books

Life might be a mistake without em. But I can’t possibly omit many just to name a few. Bring music, I love new music, I’m sure I will have something you’ve not heard.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

One thing ?? That’s more absurd than picking favorite music

Teach, Learn, Share

I always need I.T./ computer help. Mac savvy guests just may be held captive, but will be tended to like queen bees.

As for what I might teach, I've got a fair bag of tricks by now having walked in quite a few worlds.
I’ve been an Athlete, a Sculptor (ceramic and cast bronze ), and Actor ( I’ll submit an old L.A. mug shot ((head shot )), a Farmer without a farm, a fixer and builder of houses, and just about anything else that can brake, a landlord, a dog breeder, a goat farmer with a farm at last, among the things I'm inclined to mention.
A father through most of it, a husband more often than not. And managed, against all odds, a sort of rags to riches story ta boot.

Hopefully I've garnered some knowledge worth sharing.

I’d like to improve my Spanish; I’d like to pick the ripest fruit from the best minds I can find. I’d like to enjoy many a good belly laugh with people from all corners of the world and walks of life, and find amongst the millions, my tribe.

What I Can Share with Hosts

See: " teach, learn, share"

Countries I’ve Visited

Argentina, Australia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Romania, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, Uruguay

Countries I’ve Lived In

Australia, New Zealand, United States

Old School Badges

  • 3 Vouches
  • Pioneer Badge

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