Paudee Ó Dálaigh's Photo

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  • 14 references 6 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Irish; learning French
  • 45, Male
  • Member since 2008
  • TV
  • I reed gud and I spell gud 2
  • From Dunquin, County Kerry, Ireland
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


To live in the now :)


Grew up in a village called Dún Chaoin (= beautiful fort) You can see it in this photo, on the extreme right and as you can see it lives up to it's name:

It is the most westerly point in the E.U., it's a Gaeltacht (= Irish lanuage speaking area) and Irish was my first language as everybody in the area only spoke in Irish, I only learnt English when I went to school. There everyone calls me Pádraig "Beag" which distinguishes me from my father who has the same name. "Beag" signifies 'junior' but literally translates as 'small' this made me grow up with a bit of a complex, ha ha. I was an introverted when I was younger then I started training in fighting: Kung-Fu, Judo, Muay Thai but found I enjoy Boxing the most. All this training gave me the confidence i have today.
I DJ too: mainly house & techno in pubs and house parties regularly.


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the things you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
-Mark Twain

A TOURIST is someone who knows where they're going but can't remember where they've been.
A TRAVELER is someone who knows where they've been but doesn't know where they're going! So, which one are you...

My personal philosophy: "Carpe Diem!" A friend of mine said he was sick and tired of people talking to him in the pub every weekend saying "I'd love to... do a bungee/ go to Asia / go scuba diving etc." all talk, never doing it. He said you should only talk about something after you've done it, cuts out all the bullshit, and I have to admit there is some wisdom there.

By reading my profile here you'd think that I'm some kind of pumped-up adrenaline junkie, but honestly I'm pretty laid back. I just like to test myself. How do you know what your potential is, if you don't know what your limits are.

The best rule of travel I've heard is: "never judge a country by it's capital city".

"Believe nothing,
no matter where you read it or who has said it,
not even if I have said it,
unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


Just be open to any new experience, that's what is really amazing about meeting people on CS you never know if you are going to have a laid back evening chilling out, or a crazy lunatic party that goes on for three days! ;)


I got involved in this Couchsurfing malarky through two good friends Eoghan Kirby & John Cunniffe who kept on telling me to get involved. then we went to Pamplona, Spain for the Running of the Bulls and they met up with some other couchsurfers there at a rendez-vous point in the city center and met a girl called Louise and a guy called Marco and they were on the same vibe as us and we had a great time. They told me to get involved too so here I am...


Boxing, train every day but less so when traveling. Started surfing when i was living on Bondi Beach- nearly drowned twice, not funny, gotta admit I'm only a beginner at it. Good buzz though. Got into SCUBA diving hold the Advanced Open Water course done dove in Australia, Egypt & Ireland, it blows my mind every time, looking at fish looking at you. Give any eXtreme sports a go, bungee,
Skydiving: halfway through my license... MENTAL!

  • fish
  • poetry
  • running of the bulls
  • running
  • partying
  • pub crawls
  • house parties
  • reading
  • traveling
  • socializing
  • fishing
  • surfing
  • scuba diving
  • sailing
  • bungee jumping
  • skydiving
  • sports
  • boxing
  • extreme sports
  • mathematics
  • beaches

Music, Movies, and Books

Books: usually non-fiction but did enjoy: Irvine Welsh, Iain banks, Alex Garland, Paulo Cohelo. I could spend a day in a bookshop and only find an okay one, but a good book is like a good movie the best ones are always recommended.

"Withnail and I" my favorite movie, if you havn't seen I highly recommend it. "Amelié" just beautiful and "La Haine" gritty: the French always have such style.
Any stand-up by Bill Hicks, what a legend! Crazy stuff, unbelievably funny but has a good point in the end.

Listening to a lot of The Roots recently, they are very good live. I've been to loads of festivals/gigs over the years too many to list, the highlights: Féile '95, any weekender @ Sir Henry's (R.I.P.) in Cork City, Leftfield (both album tours), Chemical Brothers, Carl Cox. But for all the DJ's i've ever seen, it has never been better than live music. One of the most memorable gigs of my life was seeing Horace Andy with a three piece brass section and a drummer in a small club in Cork City, so simple just raw reggae.
But on my MP3 player I listen to everything except cheesy chart music. Old school rock to Sigur Ros, Aphex Twin to Mowtown & Hip-hop.

One thing I don't get is Arcade Fire, sorry must have missed that boat! You could sit there all night explaining it to me with some graph paper and an overhead projector and I guarantee you at the end I will not get it!!!

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Dove in the Great Barrier Reef, had to pinch myself to see that I wasn't dreaming WOW! It honestly took my breath away.

Skydiving, just for that emotional roller-coaster of fear, anticipation, adrenaline and TERROR on the door of the plane before jumping! Then complete relief and elation when you land... getting goosebumps just thinking about it.

Been in a boxing match: training as hard as you can to fight someone else who's been training as hard as they can to the same. It's a strange sensation because you can' actually feel any pain when you are hit, with all the adrenaline pumping through your body, you just notice that you slow down more, you will feel it the next day though! After the fight you both shake hands and whoever wins, wins and whoever loses lives to fight another day. Then you all go to the pub!

Went and did the Running of the Bulls in Spain that was absolutley ga ga! Crazy and irresponsible- yes, but some adrenalin rush. Half a metre away from hospitalisation. Wouldn't recommend anybody to actually run it- went there recently with my buddies and exclusively told them not to do it, people get killed doing it. Ran five times to date and going back next year ha ha haaaaaa....

OH SORRY! That's FOUR things, I always was crap at maths... ;)

Teach, Learn, Share

I can show you how to fold a T-shirt for packing in two seconds flat!

Oh yeah, never pack your bag before traveling while still drunk... bad idea.

visited 17 states (7.55%)Create your own visited map of The World or Like this? try: Fridge Poetry

Countries I’ve Visited

Australia, Belgium, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Russian Federation, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom

Countries I’ve Lived In

Australia, Ireland

Old School Badges

  • 3 Vouches
  • Pioneer Badge

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