Pedro Cordeiro's Photo

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Accepting Guests

  • Last login about 4 years ago

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  • 120 references 109 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English; learning French
  • 41, Male
  • Member since 2013
  • Busy, but very interested in finding more spare time to m...
  • No education listed
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Travelling around by bicycle:


I am a 37 years old guy that spent part of the life in the Algarve and is now back in here.
I am a passionate driven person, interested in meeting new People.


Life is too short, we must live it well, trying to learn something new everyday :)

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I joined couchsurfing in April 2013.
I have hosted 146 sufers.
I have been hosted by 46 hosts (same host in two different cities).

Guests hosted so far (country's alphabetic order):
Algeria - Susane
Austria - Maxie & Bennie
Austria - Susi
Austria - Jessica
Austria - Marina & Michaela
Australia - Kim
Australia - Katherine
Australia - Rachel & Mel
Belarus - Margo
Belarus - Katia
Belgium - Goele
Belgium - Liselotte
Brazil - Daniela
Brazil - Luciene
Canada - Thomas
Canada - Jess & Caro
Canada - Kelsey
Canada - Laurence
Canada - Tayler
Canada - Karin
Canada - Margot
China - June
Colombia - Adriana
Croatia - Ivan
England - Carla
England - Lily
England - Rhian
Egypt - Menna & Nadine
Estonia - Maila
Estonia - Kairit & Kertu
Finland - Riika
France - Nadine
France - Rosanne
France - Manguelone
France - Loriane
France - Isabelle & Nicolas
France - Sophie
Germany - Julia & Odette
Germany - Sibel
Germany - Christiane
Germany - Leslie
Germany - Anja & Nicole
Germany - Fatima & 2 friends
Germany - Martha
Germany - Johanna
Germany - Karolina
Germany - Maya
Germany - Maren
Germany - Daniela
Germany - Grit
Germany - Tina & Anna
Germany - Manu & Steffi
Germany - Jill & Svenja
Germany - Sabrina
Germany - Zoé
Greece - Eleni
Hawaii - Maria
Holand - Lisa & Ricky
Hong Kong - Kayan
Hong Kong - Crystal
Hungary - Edina
Hungary - Narcisz
India - Shraddha
Israel - Yael
Italy - Chiara
Italy - Anna & Simona
Japan - Nagisa
Latvia - Juliya
Lithuania - Zita
Malaysia - Carriel
Malaysia - Karmern
Mexico - Maria
New Zeland - Tory
New Zeland - Jenny
Poland - Marta & Asia
Poland - Beata & Weronika
Poland - Irena & Karonila
Poland - Dominika
Poland - Paulina & Aga
Poland - Johanna
Poland - Gosia
Poland - Kamila & Agnieska
Poland - Asia
Poland - Julia
Poland - Malgorzata
Poland - Malgorzata
Poland - Kasia
Portugal - Jose
Portugal - Isa & Kika
Portugal - David
Russia - Liuba
Russia - Zhenya & Anna
Russia - Svetlana
Russia - Naty
Russia - Natalia
Singapore - Angie
Slovakia - Viera
Slovenia - Mateja
Slovenia - Sandra
Slovenia - Nina
South Korea - Haneul
South Korea - Hyeyoum
South Korea - Hyojung
Spain - Maria
Spain - Carolina
Switzerland - Elina
Switzerland - Nadine & Cloe
Turkey - Dilay
Turkey - Neslihan & Muge
Turkey - Melisa
Turkey - Ozge
Ukraine - Liana
United States of America - Heidi & Lauren
United States of America - Allie & Patty
United States of America - Andrew
United States of America - Caitlin
United States of America - Karen & Kaslin
Vietnam - Tuan

Hosts I had the pleasure to have (chronologic order)
Poland (Warsaw) - Marta
Poland (Augustów) - Sarah
Lithuania (Kaunas) - Zita
Lithuania (Ignalina) - Elena & family
Latvia (Daugavpils) - Maria
Latvia (Riga) - Katre
Latvia (Riga) - Marta
Estonia (Parnu) - Diana
Estonia (Tallin) - Katre
France (Paris) - Isabelle
United Arab Emirates (Dubai) - Jihad
Thailand (Bangkok) - Chana
Cambodia (Phnom Penh) - Maria
Singapore - Sharon
Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) - Alina
Germany (Hamburg) - Daniela & Simon
Spain (Madrid) - Kelly
Poland (Radom) - Karolina
Poland (Kielce) - Artur & Asia
Brazil (Atibaia) - Du, Ludi & Luca
Brazil (Campos do Jordão) - Edir
Brazil (Ubatuba) - Mark
Brazil (Mangaratiba) - Mariana
Brazil (Macae) - Bianca and Marcelo
Brazil (Campos dos Goytacazes) - Andre
Brazil (Vila Velha) - Vitor
Brazil (Canavieiras) - Dilvo
Brazil (Ilhéus) - Vagner
Brazil (Taboquinhas) - Tadeu
Brazil (Ipiaú) - Érica
Brazil (Jequié) - Philipe
Brazil (Jequié) - Aristides
Brazil (Salvador) - Ellie
Brazil (Lauro de Freitas) - Ramir
Brazil (Praia do Forte) - Regi
Brazil (Aracaju) - Maverick
Brazil (Campo Grande) - Rafael & Lucia
Brazil (Ponta Porã) - Eli
Argentina (Concordia) - Andrea
Uruguai (Tacuarembo) - Ernesto & Gimena
Uruguai (Melo) - Florentina
Uruguai (Minas) - Andres
Portugal (Coimbra) - Ula


Traveling, Bike Ridding, traveling, sailing, traveling, airplanes and aviation, traveling, trying different types of food, traveling, wine, hanging out / meet new people... Did I mentioned traveling before?

  • dining
  • wine
  • aviation
  • traveling
  • cycling
  • sailing
  • tourism

Music, Movies, and Books

Favorite movies: Shawshank Redemption, Intouchables, Seven Pounds, Pulp Fiction,Forrest Gump, Schindler's list. Anyway, I cannot say that I am a movie fan, I rather seize the time out from home...

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Sometimes, with a small gesture you can make someone smile... That small things can be amazing...

Countries I’ve Visited

Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Cambodia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Monaco, Mozambique, Netherlands, Norway, Paraguay, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Vatican City State

Countries I’ve Lived In

Denmark, Mozambique, Portugal

Old School Badges

  • 3 Vouches

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