Fotos von Harry Jame

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  • 1 Referenz
  • Spricht fließend English; lernt zurzeit French, Spanish
  • 32, Männlich
  • Mitglied seit 2009
  • Musician
  • Tertiary (almost)
  • Aus North Wales
  • Profil zu 100 % vollständig

Über mich

After several years of unfocused indulgence, assorted directions, and enthusiastic indecision, I have reached 25 and consolidated my passions: travel and music. I am now setting off around the world, busking for my supper and hoping to collaborate with as many local artists as possible. Having recently somewhat established myself and my musical endeavours on social media I hope to explore and build a network of like-minded creatives and make music as much and with as many people as possible, immersing myself in the melody and sharing it with the world.

As for the rest of me; I don't like shortlisting my characteristics so if you're interested drop me a message and we can become acquainted!

Warum ich bei Couchsurfing bin

I think it's one of the best ways to meet the locals, and that's what I'd really like to do. I want to share music, whether it's sharing our own, or music we like to listen to, or even having a jam. I love the diversity of musical styles around the world so I'd love to embrace and explore the local sounds and maybe make some sounds of our own!


Music: Both playing and listening. Music shapes my life and I would be utterly lost without it.
People: People fascinate me, and hopefully the more I get to know the closer I'll become to an epiphany about the meaning of life...
Writing: Everything from music to novels to angry rants and everything in between.
Food: Both cooking and eating it, I think food is often overlooked.
Film/TV/Books: to unwind after a long day, or to stimulate my creativity, we shouldn't forget how influential these things are to everyday life.
Conversation: I love stimulating conversations about everything from random ramblings to heated philosophical debates, so long as it's not about who did what on the latest soap and what the weather may or may not be like for the rest of the week.

  • horses
  • arts
  • writing
  • cooking
  • tv
  • traveling
  • music
  • guitar
  • piano
  • logic
  • theatre
  • film
  • performing
  • exploring
  • creating
  • discovering
  • maths
  • songwriting
  • conversing
  • philosophising
  • numbers
  • collaborating
  • anything cerebral

Musik, Filme und Bücher

just too much!

Eine tolle Erfahrung, die ich gemacht habe

It's hard to pinpoint one or two amazing things, but the first to pop into my head: When I was 13 I stood on top of Volcan Irazu in Costa Rica at the centre of central America, and saw the pacific ocean on one side and the atlantic on the other. You have to be very lucky because of how cloudy it gets, and that's when I think I truly caught 'the travel bug'.

Lehren, lernen, teilen

I love teaching, and I think it is one of the best ways to learn and share. To teach (well) is to inspire, and like a metaphysical fire, inspiration is something that can spread with exponential reach and vigour, and I can think of no greater gift - to receive or give to someone else (which is a gift in itself).

Was ich mit Gastgebern teilen kann

MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC (Did I mention I like music?), cooking, stories (from past to potential), debates, my wealth of useless and trivial facts, puns, and anything that tickles our passion. I've been told I have a unique way of thinking about things. Let's find out!

Länder, die ich besucht habe

Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Costa Rica, Cyprus, France, Germany, India, Netherlands, Singapore, Spain, Uruguay

Länder, in denen ich gelebt habe

Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States

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