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  • 2 references 2 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English; learning French
  • 59, Male
  • Member since 2008
  • Former Senior Executive Business Analyst - Schaumberg, IL
  • MBA - 3.6 University of Phoenix
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

I am currently working toward the establishment of ICCOHR;
International Citizen's Council Organization for Human Rights.
"To promote the dignity, respect, personal agency, and individual honor of every human being, worldwide"
-Brent Teague, Founder

I am also working toward the establishment of EDI
Emotional Development Institute
"To promote the educative processes for, and the understanding of human emotions at every age"
-Brent Teague, Founder

I have a small place, but you are welcome to stay...

...i have traveled extensively through the USA, Europe, and Canada.

I lived in Florennes, Belgium two years.

Always enjoy meeting new and interesting people & discovering new places. Excited to get to make CS friends & exchange great travel stories & information.

Portland area is my home of choice - (my Sesame Street) ... 65% of my business travels were in Pacific Northwest, loved each visit to the areas....

General personal guideline toward others (philosophy)...

Be kind, respectful, & considerate. Live & let live.

Listen to others ~ make an effort to answer the question, "Where do our paths intersect?" or "Where is our common human ground?" That is the space where we break bread...aka communicate, hang out!

... and then, always bless everyone on their journey with peace....

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

PARTICIPATION GOAL IS: To provide an exceptional introduction to the city of Portland, Oregon, USA

COUCHSURFING EXPERIENCE: Have both hosted & been hosted. Thoroughly enjoyed both.


Yoga, Health & Fitness

Spiritual things . . . . such as:
~ ~ Thich Nhat Hahn - (Vietnamese Buddhist Monk)
~ ~Eckhart Tolle - (German Philosopher)
~ ~ Esther Hicks / Abraham Hicks- (American Inspirationalist)
~ ~ Confucius
~ ~ Mohamed
~ ~ Ghandi
~ ~ Elijah
~ ~ Cicero
~ ~ Jesus Christ
~ ~ Buddha
~ ~ Ancient Egypt
~ ~ Pythageras
~ ~ Aristotle
~ ~ Children
~ ~ Aged People
~ ~ People of other countries

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (ca.1948, and gaining momentum), i.e. Amnesty International, Human Rights Foundation, United Nations, etc.

Jazz music - can send links of music that may be new to you....maybe never heard before to sample.

Travel, of course.

Education - extreme interest and commitment to get into a PhD program within a short time. Looking at options in conjunction with current professional goals.

Once in hand, the PhD will be instrumental in advancing the causes of international human rights as far as my skills, talents, and abilities will allow.

  • arts
  • books
  • causes
  • education
  • human rights
  • dining
  • cooking
  • fitness
  • yoga
  • clubbing
  • shopping
  • traveling
  • music
  • jazz
  • business
  • teaching
  • philosophy
  • tours
  • business travel

Music, Movies, and Books

- Voodoo Lounge
- Chill Out Jazz
- Smooth Jazz
- Deep House
- Acid Jazz
..stuff most people never heard like -
Bonobo (not the monkeys)
Theivery Corporation
Audio Lotion
Cafe del Mar
Count Basic
Kruder & Dorfmeister
& more, etc, & so on & so forth....

- Seargent York
- Three Days of the Condor,
- Schindler's List,
- Food Inc.,
- To Catch a Theif
- Meet the Fokkers,
- Braveheart,
- Father of the Bride,
- Manchurian Candidate,
- Sound of Music,
- Bourne Series,
- Man from Snowy River,
- All the President's Men,
- Secreteriat,
- the Italian Job,
- Breakfast @ Tiffany's,
- Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,
- The Smiths,
- Mirage
- Falcon & Snowman,
- Matrix (1st Movie Only),
- Man in the Gray Flannel Suit,
..and too many more to name.

. . . a few . . .

- Mark Twain's Autobiography (Vol.1)
- Atlas Shrugged
- To Kill a Mockingbird
- We The Living
- Fountainhead
- All the scriptural books included in and excluded from the Bible (don't worry, i'm not a bible thumper, i simply rate Jesus as the greatest LOVE revolutionary of all time)
- William Fisk Harrah (Biography)
- ALL Raymond Chandler novels
- Robert Parker (Spenser series, detective novels)
- A General Theory of Love
- Aphrodite's Trade (the Evolution of Prostitution)
- Thriving on Chaos (Peters)
- the Walmart Effect
- & more . . .

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done


Waterloo (Belgium),
Luxembourg (Luxembourg),
Eifel Tower (Paris, France),
Bruge (Belgium),
Venezia (Italy),
Monte Carlo (Monaco),
Brussels ( Belgium),
Adana (Turkey),
Versailles (France),
Victoria (BC),
Garmisch (Germany / Bavaria),
Blankenberg (Belgium),
Van Couver (BC),
Athens (Greece),
Thun (Switzerland),
Empire State Building (108 stories high, built in 1 year!! - wow),
Mt. Rushmore,
Puget Sound,
Columbia River Gorge,
Million Dollar Highway (Uintahs of SW Colorado),
Yellowstone Park,
Wolf Creek,
....and too many more to name on CS.

Teach, Learn, Share

Yes, learning is important ABL ^ cubed:
Always Be Listening
Always Be Learning
Always Be Loving

Too many local food venues from which to choose, or I can cook for us. We can maybe go out & experience some of the local venues besides food...

What I Can Share with Hosts


One film school across the street from the main apartment building entrance North West School of Film, , another one just a block in the opposite direction. Five blocks from WORLD FAMOUS, Powell's Books - where you can see volumes in their "Rare Books Room" valued upwards of $300,000.

Portland is the Microbrew capital of the world.

Home of WORLD FAMOUS VooDoo Donuts...!!

Jimi Mak's Jazz Club - the ONLY REAL "Jazz Club" in Portland, Oregon

Home of the Shanghai Tunnels ghost tours!!

Major art exhibits within a block @ Portland Museum of Art

Safeway grocery 2 blocks south, Target shopping 2 blocks north.

ALL STREETCAR & TRIMET passenger rail within 3 blocks - all directions...!!

Still fairly new to area, so we can be learning together - I know a small variety of local venues to share with you, depending on your interests, an personal tastes.

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Belgium, United States

Old School Badges

  • Pioneer Badge

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