Fotos de Rick B

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Visão geral

  • 2 referências 1 Confirmado e Positivo
  • Fluente em: English; aprendendo: Spanish
  • 36, Masculino
  • Membro desde 2015
  • VFX Artist
  • Graduate
  • Nenhuma cidade natal listada
  • Perfil 100% concluído

Sobre Mim

-you must realise that we are not in the city centre of manchester - we're in Hindley Green, a town outside of the city. Please look up the location!

-The nature of our place means that we will use our discresion for if we offer to host or not. As we're reasonably new to this we would prefer to host verified people with complete profiles / descriptions and references. If you know you're above all of that then get in touch anyway.
-Regretfully we can't accept last-minute guests anymore, due to personal reasons.

I'm 28 and live with my fiancé, Laura and Greyhound, Sam.
I'm driven by creative and constructive hobbies, As soon as I get an idea I work at it and research the subject until the task is done. I've turned my hand to many things and feel like I have a rich knowledge of useless information! try me :)

I love anything that serves a purpose, anything that moves, ticks, tocks, clicks, cuts, or can be taken apart.

The more I go along in life the more it's revelaed that I've had a slightly sheltered past; so I look forward to meeting new people, new cultures and new ideas.

I'm a Visual effects artist and supervisor by day, and an audio/videophile & tinkerer/shed dweller by night.

About Laura (In Rick's words)
Laura is a lovely girl, she is polite, patient and manages to look after me and the dog despite the fact we are both so good at making a mess and getting all of our toys out to play with :D
Laura like yoga, crafts, and gaming.

About Sam,
Sam is an ex-racing greyhound dog, who never actually competed he was a very fast lad but the corners were a problem for him so he took to retirement early. He's 5 years old, is very large but is very gentle and increadibly lazy, with short-sharp-bursts of energy. He has no problem with strangers at all and loves everyone he meets!
he won't bother you if you don't want him to! (so don't worry about him - he isn't a pest.

Por que estou no Couchsurfing?

We got Started after I worked with Chris, from Berlin who surfs,

I've realised that I really like meeting people form different backgrounds and I love to talk about and compare cultures and ways of life.

I'm a notoriously fussy eater - please please do not take offence if I move my head side to side to avoid a spoonful of your local treats! pretending it's an aeroplane will not help - I know the difference!!

Laura tries most thing though( also doesn't enjoy seafood)


I can't deny that I'm a bit of a purist and like and I like really good quality things. I'm into technology, making life easier and making experiences better.

I guess my main interest can be summed up with investigating how things work and what things are made of. I'm the kind of person who will research any interesting thing I come across.

More normal hobbies include photography (I'm quite technical on this subject due to my day job), gaming, and DIY. I'm also an acomplished airbrush artist and custom painter - I like to tell people that but in reality I haven't picked an airbrush up since 2010 - It's a subject I'm very knowledgable on but not something I have the time to do any more.

I really really enjoy BBQ and Tandoor cooking (I made my own tandoor!) I buy charcoal briquettes 60kg at a time, and over the warmer months will cook and eat outside a lot.

Laura's interests counteract mine; she likes crochet and needlework, drawing silly pictures, yoga and animals.

Sam is interested in cheese, chicken, gaining access to rooms he's not allowed in. He also loves sniffing the air on a rainy day at the door and deciding 'today is not a day for walkies'

  • animals
  • dogs
  • photography
  • diy
  • cooking
  • cheese
  • bbq
  • yoga
  • crafts
  • technology
  • socializing
  • crochet
  • painting
  • drawing
  • last minute travel

Músicas, Filmes e Livros

Me and Laura share similar tastes in music, films and entertanment. We've tried the theatre 'thing' and it's not for us - we prefer gritty thrillers and comedies - I also like LOUD films!

Our top films include: Sightseers, Big Lebowski, Pulp Fiction, Snatch, American Beauty, and Into the Wild.

I don't read much - mostly just technical things; haynes manuals, wiring regulations; you know, interesting stuff :)

Laura likes trashy novels (In Rick's opinion) and biographies.

Sam likes reading amazon boxes before destroying them, leaving pieces of cardboard everywhere then sleeping in it while we tidy up around him.

Uma Coisa Incrível que Eu Fiz

-adopted a retired Greyhound :)

Ensine, Aprenda, Compartilhe

I'll gladly share any things I know on a given subject, it's really nice to share.

I can teach about:
-a lot of various technical things
-I have a Decent vocabulary, but also a uncanny knack for knowing what things are called.
-a lot of audio / visual subjects
-a lot of craft / making subjects
-hidden visual effects
-custom painting
-BBQ cooking and BBQ setup

I want to learn about:
-basic (but real) indian tandoor cooking (really want to learn more!)
-different cultures and backgrounds, language differences, work,
-I draw a hard line at eating things from the sea and hearing about conspiracy theories.
-yoga (for Laura)
-crafty stuff (for Laura)

We want to learn about:
We are currently learning Spanish, and not doing very well:( so would appreciate any Spanish speakers to help us learn :)

We're completely open minded and welcome anyone to share knowledge and tips.

O Que Posso Compartilhar com Anfitriões

our home, my hi-fi, our wi-fi.

Honestly I'm not sure what to write - just quiz me.

420 friendly.

Países que Visitei

France, Germany, Norway, Scotland, Spain, Turkey

Países em que Morei


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