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  • 1 reference 1 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Urdu; learning French
  • 32, Male
  • Member since 2014
  • Student
  • Masters in Statistics
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

I've been living in Belgium since 2016 when I came for my Masters in statistics from KU Leuven. Afterwards I started working in Brussels. I enjoy both light-hearted joking around and deep conversations on interesting subjects. Always happy to learn from people coming from different walks of life, to share with them what I can offer.

I feel happiest amongst genuine people. It energizes me.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

When travelling in the past it has always been important for me to connect with the locals. I feel that I have learnt so much more from travelling and meeting people. Not just about the world but also about myself and why I do things the way I do.
Couchsurfing has helped create memories with some people I would have never met otherwise. Looking forward to continue doing so!


I have spent a long time travelling to different parts of Pakistan, being part of an adventure society during university. Helped organize multiple rock climbing, camping and skiing trips around the year for about a period of three years. The most enjoyable part of this experience was that a lot of people in Pakistan aren't aware of the beautiful places to be visited. A number of these people later thanked me for exposing them to this different side and this is something I am very proud about. Moreover, in travelling I loved the part where I got to meet the locals and learn about their history, culture, language and traditions. Pushing myself out of my comfort zone has allowed me to explore my own being and it is something I continually strive towards. The more I travel, the more I feel I learn about myself.

I also like listening to different sorts of music. I don't settle for a particular genre but tend to keep moving around, depending on my mood or how I am evolving as a person. I also like listening to some of the local music that we have in Pakistan, which to me, offers something unique with a blend of our socio-cultural roots. I recognize the potential for music to carry meaning, which is the reason I stay on the lookout for local/underground music. The most important thing I suppose is originality and how well the music is able to connect with me. I don't play any instrument, but it is a dream to learn to play the drums. I hope to do so one day.

I love to get into deep existential sort of discussions where I share some of the theories I have and update my beliefs based on the views of others around me. I would say I view reality as something perceived and thus by definition, evolving. I like to challenge myself by thinking about weird things. However, at the same time I also like to sometimes keep things really easy and just focus on the simpler things in life. If we keep questioning everything in life then when will we take out the time to enjoy ourselves :)

  • culture
  • traveling
  • music
  • drums
  • camping
  • skiing
  • rock climbing
  • history
  • statistics
  • tourism

Music, Movies, and Books

The best time for me to read is during my commute to/from work. I read technical books related to my work in data science but some random books here and there from any genre that interests me. Recently read 1984, The prince by Machiavelli and Sidharta and some urdu short stories. I have also read the Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings, God father, etc.

As for music, one of my favorite bands of all time is Tool. Genres in rock that I tend to like are progressive/alternative/post-rock/psychadelic/stoner/space. I also enjoy techno/trance music that is a bit minimal/progressive, hiphop, jazz.. So my music taste depends on my mood really. I also enjoy folk music from the subcontinent in general.

The movies I watch and enjoy typically depend on my mood. I generally go for an easy watch but that doesn't mean I don't watch more serious movies. Some of my favourites were the God father, V for vendetta, etc.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

During the winter of 2012, I attempted a 6100 m peak in the Northern parts of Pakistan as part of an adventure club from university. The hostile weather, grueling treks and exhaustion made this a trip where I really felt pushed to the limit. It was a great learning experience despite the attempt itself being unsuccessful. I have a few stories about hallucinations from dehydration and altitude sickness that I can fondly look back upon now.

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Slovenia

Countries I’ve Lived In

Belgium, Pakistan

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