Photos de Sabrina  and Gille

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  • 24 avis 21 Confirmé et positif
  • Parle couramment  Chinese (Simplified), English, French
  • 45, Autre
  • Membre depuis 2010
  • I'm trying to join my passions: China and mountain. Curre...
  • EICD 3A, a business and development school specialized on...
  • de Gap, a little paradise in the Alps mountains in France
  • Profil renseigné à 95 %

À propos de moi


The couch is now colonized by our little dragon Camille and his books, Legos...! But we have a bedroom for grandma and other passbyers.


After 9 years in Beijing, China, we're back in our home town, looking for some new adventures, enjoying our mountains, blue sky, snow soon (i hope), green food (big change comparing to what we were used to), ho!, and family too. Good good good!!!


Trying to keep open eyes without passing any judgment.

Pourquoi je suis sur Couchsurfing


I've allways participated even when i didn't know CS. I was invited to stay 2 months in the spare room of a guy in HK without knowing him. I had quite the same experience in China 3 times in a row 3 years later. So, from the moment I could have hosted people, I've allways done it.
After a year of hosting in Beijing, i started to surf couches as well but less frequently.


I was hosting Marion and Ilan in February 2010 and we went to the village of my "Chinese Grandparents" near the Great Wall with Cliff, an other CS and Marion's friend. We climbed to enjoy the sunset on the Wall and after a great diner cooked by our host, LaoWang teached us MaJong before we had a night, the 5 of us, on a warm kang (bed made of bricks). We had a brunch outside since the sun was warm enough, had a walk till "the end of the wall" and enjoyed a fresh beer up there. That was an awesome week-end and my first CS experience.
From then, we host people as often as we can. It's really interesting to see how people are traveling (big backpacks or tiny backpack, quick or slow travelers) and what they want to see or do during their trip.
We love getting to know new people and specially people we have great chance to meet again in the future like Marion, Luna, Cliff, Sophie...

Centres d'intérêt

Mountainneering, decoration, gastronomy, China (places, people, gastronomy, litterature, calligraphy and so much), hiking...

  • books
  • dining
  • cooking
  • recipes
  • beer
  • traveling
  • hiking
  • backpacking
  • calligraphy
  • medicine
  • mountains

Morceaux de musique, films et livres

A mix of profound and off-the-wall books/musics:

Books of : John Kennedy Toole, Douglas Kennedy, Roy Lewis, William Boyd, Paasilina
- Fred Vargas, Alice Ferney & Pierre Magnan (my madeleines de Proust),
- Shan Sa, Yan Lianke, Lao She, Yu Zhang, Qiu Xiaolong, Yu Hua

Comic books of Manu Larcenet, Corto Maltese, Peeters et Schuiten, etc.

Mostly French music (Higelin, Lavillier, Arthur H, Juliette, Dick Annegarn, Rita Mitsuko, Négresses vertes, Fatal Mambo...), Patti Smith, Kate Bush and Joe Jackson for the few Americans I listen, and Jazz (Chet Baker, Ahmad Jamal, Madeleine Peyroux, Roland Kirk, Eroll Garner, Yusef Lateef...). The playlist of the little boy is limited to Deep purple and ACDC.

Maybe some of you could make a portrait of us from that.

Une aventure extraordinaire que j'ai vécue

Touched the end of the Wall?
Being hosted by Jonathan and Annie in Luchun in their ghost house.
Quite a few related to hikes or mountain activities.

Enseignez, apprenez, partagez

Still learning Chinese. Need to practice, specially since we're back in France.

I want to learn calligraphy and would love to know more about the chinese herbs (some are much more efficient than medicine for a cold or sore throat for ex.). But would need time for that.

We love cooking so if you can teach us a dish, you're welcome! We could share some recipes. A notebook is waiting the recipes of our guests in their room so that we can keep memories of our guests.

Love sharing a few cups of tea with friends over interesting discussions.

Pays que j'ai visités


Pays dans lesquels j'ai vécu


Badges à l'ancienne

  • 3 Recommanders

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