Nate Horgan's Photo

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  • 11 references 4 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Dutch, English, French, German, Spanish; learning Icelandic, Korean
  • 36, Male
  • Member since 2006
  • English Teacher
  • BA in Germanic Studies
  • From Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


I want to see how many emus can fit into a 1967 Volkswagon Beetle, and then I want to see how many emus can fit into a 1997 Volkswagon Beetle and see if there's any difference. I'll need some emus, two Volkswagon beetles and a whole lot of patience.


I was raised underneath a trampoline in central Saskatchewan by a crop of genetically modified tomato plants. They found me as an infant and protected me from the ravaging wolf packs that threatened my tender human flesh. They provided for me by hunting the wild bison of the plains, which I eventually learned to do for myself. As I grew into a large lycopene, I knew that I was not one of them so I left to seek my fortunes elsewhere, which is what brought me to the climate monitoring station on Ellesmere Island that I inhabit now, with only my books, a Swiss army knife and a bottle of correction fluid for company. My daily pleasures consist of dancing to the music of the Arctic Wind, putting correction fluid on the black noses of any polar bears that come near, bathing in the warm waters of the hot tub that exists in my mind and finding new ways to arrange my books on the shelf.


There is nothing in life that is more important than running after happiness, except perhaps for running away from predators.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


How do I participate in the CS2 project. Well, I made a profile... erm... ah heck, I don't even know what the "2" stands for!


Over five of your mortal years as a couchsurfer, I have had few experiences with the experience, but they have all been positive. I don't like to play favourites, but that silverback gorilla in the Congo who hosted me was probably the most hospitable. He really just opened his heart and his home to me. God bless you, my primate buddy.


If I can live in or visit a place surrounded by trees that are good for climbing, then I will be OK. Actually, even without tree climbing I'd be OK because the world is crammed with so many things that interest me. Seeing a frog in a pond is one of the simple pleasures things I've recently discovered. I like the study of foreign languages and the tasting of foreign foods. A good game of risk with three or four good friends (or three or four complete strangers who are outgoing) accompanied with good food and drink is probably my ideal way to spend an evening, although it rarely happens.

  • books
  • dancing
  • dining
  • running
  • drinking
  • music
  • camping
  • hunting
  • rock climbing
  • languages

Music, Movies, and Books

Films: "Amelie," "Breaking Away," "Star Wars" (the original three), "The Princess Bride," "Eagle vs. Shark,"and "Adaptation." I like most genres except for horror, or movies about hip-hop.
Music: The Smiths; Owen Pallett; The Sugar Cubes; Rush; The Mars Volta; AFI; Gregorian chants; unaccompanied harp playing; Andbrownleaves; Vin Cat; Colourbook and all the melodies that my piano helps me invent.
Books: Anything by Douglas Coupland; "Lamb:The Gospel According to Bif, Christ's Childhood Pal" by Christopher Moore;" "The Hobbit" by JRR Tolkien; "Beginning German" by Otto P. Schinnerer; The Harry Potter series by that English lady and The Holy Bible by various authors.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

It's a toss-up between the Rila monastery in Bulgaria and that guy downtown who wears a Darth Vader costume and plays the fiddle.

Teach, Learn, Share

If you ever make a yogurt smoothie, but aren't going to wash the dishes right away, it's best to fill the blender with cold (not hot) water and let it soak until you're ready to wash it thoroughly. It makes the job much easier.
When camping at a cold time of the year, place a medium sized rock near the edge of the fire. When you're ready to go to bed, take said rock, wrap it in an old towel and put it at the foot of your sleeping bag. This will keep the bag as warm as possible, to prevent freezing of toes. Be sure the rock isn't TOO hot or you'll make the towel to smoke. Try it yourself!
I really wish I were better at tying knots. I was in Scouts for like 6 years and I still don't know the difference between a reef knot and a bow knot. I'm filled with SHAAAAME!! Someone teach me, please!

Countries I’ve Visited


Countries I’ve Lived In

Canada, Germany, South Korea

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