Fotos de Martin A. Petersen

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  • 113 recomendaciones 78 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien Danish, English, French; está aprendiendo Arabic (Egypt), Polish, Portuguese
  • 35, Hombre
  • Miembro desde 2008
  • entrepreneur, undercover hippie
  • An eclectic mix
  • De Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
  • Has completado un 100% de tu perfil

Sobre mí


go to sleep a better man than I woke up


Hello, my fellow adventurers!

Welcome to my life. I love it - and I love to share it :)

Autobiographies and me are like mountains and rivers: the first will stay still and the second will wear them down and move on.

I strive to have an iron will, a silver tongue and a golden heart... but currently I still consist of around seventy percent water, some incoherent thoughts and half a ton of ideas (yeah I've no idea how I manage to weigh less than eighty kilos either).

I've the patience of a rain-drop wanting to meet Earth and the ambition of the very same drop wanting to become an ocean.

I believe my senses, but have the good sense to believe I haven't sensed it all. If you've gotten this far, you've probably noticed that I usually resort to colourful language and leave sense-making behind; since misunderstandings often result in good laughs I leave it up to you to make sense of me and meanwhile I'll make the best of my time.

My appetite for life and pretty much anything else is wolfish and due to my (lacking) level of patience I'm rarely waiting for the next dish to be served before I'm all over it.

Besides that I'm extremely narrow-minded: I keep a strong focus on spending my time on people I enjoy.


Happiness is a state of mind. You don't need anything to feel it - the world is yours for the making!

(It ain't really fun unless you can die from it)

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing


I host, travel and laugh. Sometimes I scale walls and eat chocolate-covered strawberries as well. - nor am I beyond pirating a paddle boat to watch the sun rise over the lakes of Copenhagen in good company.


Excellent, brilliant and utterly human!

Some of the most interesting persons I've met is through couch-surfing. They're too numerous to mention and I couldn't do any of them justice with a paragraph.

If you have the chance, do your best to bump into them.

Buenos Aires has an amazing community! My thanks go to Rose May and Paulina Gomez for having been two so amazing and generous hosts!


Dancing (monkey dancing at clubs for some years now and it's been way too long since my last tango.. Tango is my favourite high)
Going out
Eating (if you catch the drift)
Limit testing and pushing (my own - not others... I hope)

  • arts
  • books
  • dancing
  • tango
  • dining
  • chocolate
  • running
  • clubbing
  • boating
  • traveling
  • surfing
  • swimming
  • entrepreneurship
  • history
  • languages
  • lakes
  • rivers
  • mountains

Música, películas y libros

Even before I could leave the country of my own volition, I discovered that with the help of a good writer, I could travel through time and space.

In a sense, and sometimes with all senses, this was my first true taste of freedom. Every book cover was a portal, a world waiting to unfold. I currently read less than I used to, but my way of thinking has been forever shaped by eloquent phrases.

Music moves my mood, and I use music consciously to spark certain sides of me.

Of the three, movies have had the least impact on my life. I guess that me not being a very visual person, has a big say in that regard (I couldn't remember in colour till I turned 18). Also, with most movies, I've missed the deep connection to the characters that books provide.

Algo increíble que he hecho

well, I'm still breathing... that's a pleasant surprise (also known as: life, the universe and everything)

My nephew doesn't qualify as a thing, but it is truly amazing to see him learn how to walk, talk and smile

Enseña, aprende, comparte

I can teach a little tango, some history and dishes enough to keep you smiling instead of hungry.

Recently a great power has been bestowed upon me. I can make alcohol taste like desert. Remember: if it is pink, it's dangerous.

For public speaking and energy management, I'm also skilled enough to feel confident sharing what I've picked up.

My most important skill though is how to learn and how to teach how to learn. This is a skill I'm constantly trying to improve and I've already made decent progress. I'm still a far way from the end goal, so let's share some tips and get better

Países que he visitado

Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Cabo Verde, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Egypt, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Lebanon, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Singapore, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, United Kingdom, United States, Viet Nam

Países en los que he vivido

Argentina, Denmark, France, Malaysia, Poland

Insignias antiguas

  • 5 Respaldars
  • Insignia de pionero

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