Фотографии пользователя Jonathan Robert

Неполная верификация

  • Платежные данные проверены
  • Телефон не подтвержден
  • Личность не подтверждена

Принимает гостей

  • Последний раз на сайте: почти 14 лет назад

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  • 6 отзывов 2 Подтвержденные хостом и гостем
  • Знает English; изучает French, Japanese
  • 38, Мужской
  • Пользователь с 2008
  • Student, Vagabond, Peace Advocate
  • In my 5th year of university right now, working on two BAs
  • Из Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US
  • Профиль заполнен на 100%

Обо мне


Learn to communicate with others


I'm a speck in the cosmos, doing my best to gently collide with all the other particles out there. I love reading and writing, but not arithmetic. I love to play almost any sport, especially football (soccer) and rugby, and also skate and snowboard. I'm interested in radical thinkers but I try to maintain a balanced lifestyle, key word is "try". I love to travel, meet people, make contacts, play guitar, have campfires and learn about the millions of interesting customs and cultures around the world, and share as much of mine as I can. I love to fix and ride bikes and sleep outside.


All those who wander are not lost.

Что привело меня на Couchsurfing


Try to meet people, travel around Japan, and host people at college.


So far so good. One guy bailed me out huge when I first got to Japan, such a big help, I can't imagine a better outcome of what could have been a terrible night. Met a bunch of other CSers when I was traveling West in the States.


I think I kind of did that in the about you section.

  • writing
  • reading
  • traveling
  • socializing
  • guitar
  • snowboarding
  • sports
  • soccer
  • rugby

Музыка, кино и книги

This and That. Really just about anything. Good as opposed to bad. Try me.

Значки старожила

  • Значок "Первопроходец"

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