Le foto di International Asshole (国际化混蛋)

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  • Ultimo accesso circa 8 ore fa

Iscriviti a Couchsurfing per visualizzare il profilo completo di International Asshole.

Informazioni generali

  • 85 referenze 62 Confermato e positivo
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente Chinese, English, Spanish; lingua che sta imparando Arabic (Egypt)
  • 30, Altro
  • Membro dal 2015
  • I try to stay away from that stuff
  • Unironically proud highschool dropout
  • Città di origine non indicata
  • Profilo completo al 100%

Chi sono

I've been traveling the world non-stop for over 10 years!

My favorite countries in the world (so far)
1. China 🇨🇳
2. India🇮🇳
3. Pakistan 🇵🇰
4. Mexico 🇲🇽
5. Vietnam 🇻🇳
6. USA 🇺🇸
7. Indonesia 🇮🇩
8. Jordan 🇯🇴
9. Ecuador 🇪🇨
10. Thailand 🇹🇭

Worst countries I've been to (so far)
1. Sweden
2. England
3. Germany
4. The Netherlands
5. Kyrgyzstan

Canada, while being the most authoritarian regime I've ever been to (besides obviously the UK) Doesn't make the cut for worst countries because of the breath taking beauty of the BC, Western Alberta and of the Yukon territory which the British isles lack. I can't wait to go camping up there again! I'd also like to explore Nunavut and the northwest territories sometime.... The only thing wrong with Canada is that it's full of Canadians 🤢

Best countries for food!
1. India 🇮🇳
2. China 🇨🇳
3. Korea 🇰🇷
4. Thailand 🇹🇭
5. Japan 🇯🇵
6. Vietnam 🇻🇳
7. Mexico 🇲🇽
8. Jordan 🇯🇴
9. Uzbekistan 🇺🇿
10. Jamaica 🇯🇲

Worst countries for food
1. Brazil
2. Kyrgyzstan
3. Myanmar
4. Cambodia
5. Literally anywhere in Europe including Italy

I've been to over seventy countries around the world. But I think that doesn't even tell the whole story. I think in some ways it's even higher than 70. Because some countries are special, big and wildly culturally diverse. I think you can't just go to Beijing and say you've seen China. Or just go to Cancun/Puerto Vallarta/Cabo and say you've seen Mexico. And whenever people do high country counts to me it's always like 30 countries in Europe and maybe like one island in Indonesia (always Bali) or like two/three cities in India (always Delhi, Goa and Agra), maybe Shanghai or Chengdu in China. Maybe cape town or one safari spot in Tanzania if they even touch Africa at all 🤣 I find it unfair that Belgium and India both only count as one country as far as experience goes. Shit, in my opinion India is worth like 20 Belgiums, Portugals or Denmarks. Likewise for China.

So in honor of this philosophy I offer you: My list of subdivisions in big/interesting/culturally important countries 😁 [skip and don't read, it's just a self indulgent circle jerk of places you've never heard of]

Provinces/regions/directly controlled municipalities(直辖市) I've done in China
1. Beijing DCM 北京
2. Shanghai DCM 上海
3. Jiangsu 江苏
4. Hunan 湖南
5. Guangdong 广东
6. Hong Kong SAR 香港
7. Sichuan 四川
8. Guizhou 贵州
9. Guangxi AR 广西
10. Henan 河南
11. Shaanxi 陕西
12. Hubei 湖北
13. Tianjin DCM 天津
14. Yunnan 云南
15. Gansu 甘肃
16. Xinjiang AR 新疆
17. Chongqing DCM 重庆
18. Qinghai 青海
19. Fujian 福建
20. Taiwan TBD (lol) 台湾
21. Heilongjiang 黑龙江
22. Jilin 吉林
23. Liaoning 辽宁
24. Shandong 山东
25. Anhui 安徽
26. Zhejiang 浙江
27. Hainan 海南
28. Macau SAR 澳门
29. Jiangxi 江西
30. Shanxi 山西
31. Hebei 河北

States I've done in India
1. New Delhi (NCT)
2. Utar Pradesh
3. Rajastan
4. Punjab
5. Maharashtra
6. Gujarat
7. Madhya Pradesh
8. Telangana
9. Goa
10. Kerala
11. Tamil Nadu
12. Himachal Pradesh
13. Ladakh

States I've done in Australia

States I've done in the USA

States I've done in Mexico
1. Sonoro
2. Chihuahua
4. Puebla
5. Morelos
6. Guerrero
7. Jalisco
8. Nayarit
9. Guanajuato
10. San Luis Potosi
11. Nuevo Leon
12. Coahuila
13. Durango
14. Sinaloa
15. Colima
16. Michoacan
17. Aguacalietes
18. Zacatacas
19. Queretaro
20. Hidalgo
21. State of Mexico
22. Tlaxcala
23. Veracruz
24. Oaxaca
25. Chiapas
26. Tabasco
27. Campeche
28. Yucatan
29. Quintana Roo

I need to add more Indonesian locations to this list 🤔🤔 Another giant country with many different cultures, peoples and regions. Unfortunately right now I only got bits of Sumatra and Java under my belt. I'll post when its higher. Another thing to do on my long list of things to do.

As mentioned earlier, Brazil isn't one of my favorites but it is a big and culturally important country to the planet Earth. For it's amount of people and it's size. Therefore I think it's only right that I see much more states of Brazil as well. Right now I'm only at 3. Honestly I force myself to go to lots of countries I don't want to go to. Just because I wanna see every country in the world! If I did this solely for comfort and pleasure rather than adventure and the idea of seeing all of the planet I inhabit, I'd probably live everyday if my life in China, India and Vietnam! but then I'd just be a Asia traveler. Not a world traveler. Sometimes I actually have to fight myself from buying plane tickets to return to China because I've already spent too much time there. For instance as I'm writing this as of May 2024 and literally the last 12 months of my life, half of it was spent traveling in China. That can't be the only mission. Next mission is every country in South America (except maybe Venezuela) then I need to do ALOT more of Africa in 2025/2026 like maybe 20 African countries, what do you think? Anyone wanna go with me? 😁

Sometimes I feel I hate not only humanity but most individual humans in general too much to even be on couchsurfering anymore. Maybe I don't belong here. Maybe I don't belong anywhere. I suppose I'll stay here until you scumbags kick me off yet another platform 🤣

Also please feel free to write me hate mail about how "Taiwan isn't a part of China" as it makes my cock hard.

Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing

Adventure and traveling. The only two things in this life I care about. (And maybe music) Anything weird or crazy in life makes life more noteworthy and therefore interesting....


Shitting in Europeans mouths. Unfortunately my experience with this is very limited. Hopefully I can do it more in the future as I intensely hate that goddamn continent and all it's people. I'm not big into politics but my biggest fantasy (other than becoming a permanent foot slave to a cruel and dominant girl 😉) is for the USA to drop out of NATO and let those assholes defend themselves 🤣

I suppose traveling goes without saying as one of my interests on couchsurfing. I feel like almost everyone loves it but I'm crazy about it. I devote my life to it. I've been traveling the world non-stop since before I was legally able to drink alcohol. I'm basically never in the USA. The last time I was in the USA was September 2023. And even then I was only there for a couple weeks to purchase a vehicle, get a title in my name and start a trip from the USA down to Argentina completely by land. (Other than the boat for the Darian gap obviously) This new Latin American trip should last about 1.5-2 years. The goal is to do every country in the Americas!


I like trying food!

While traveling in other countries I am extremely adventurous when it comes to food. Anything and everything I will consume. From brains in 重庆 to bull testicles in Pakistan. I'm all about it. Food from around the world excites me to travel and to experience culture from food. Food actually might be half of the reason I travel. China has 8 provinces with speciality dishes. I'm tried my best to have alot of food from all of them. So if you can host me, please advise me where to get some good food 😍

I wouldn't say I'm into photography but I think we all like taking photos. I uploaded some photos of some of my favorite and most photogenic countries (China, Japan, India, Pakistan and now Mexico) I don't know, if you guys tell me you like them maybe I'll upload more. I wanna make a new album of just my car (the USS Enterprise) in different spots in Latin America haha I think that'd be cool!

I've never paid rent in my life. Kinda like work in that I don't really believe in the concept. Whenever I'm in the USA I live out of my car or in a tent. Eat food out of a can. Low level living. Stuff like that. The less I consume, the less I have to earn. Volunteering helps a lot with travel but I suppose that's for the Workaway app not here. Although recently I've come into some money so I guess my life is changing. Although I'll still never sign an apartment lease! How gross! 🤢 If I'm hosting in a city, keep in mind it will be at a hotel. I don't think I'll have a "home" at least for the next 20 years. Maybe never. But I can still hook you up 😁

Now that I think of it, not counting sexual/BDSM relationships. I don't think I've ever had an actual friend for as long as I lived 🤔 idk how to write that without coming off sad or depressed. Truth is, I absolutely love my life and am very happy with it. Maybe I'm fulfilled with my life because I don't have any bloodsuckers holding me down 🤣 it's nothing but me here (and the occasional travel partner of course).... Some people asked me why travel if I hate people. I remember in some interview I watched with George Carlin in it, he said how much he loved the individual but hated the group. I can't quote exactly but something along the lines of "In masses the people clot but individually humans are beautiful. You can see the universe in their eyes" and for me it's the complete opposite perspective 🤣 I find looking at what other cultures create is absolutely beautiful. The architecture, the food, the language, the religion, the music, the essence and soul of being on a pedestrian street balls deep in alien culture is the magic for me. Not interacting but rather observing. One on one humans to me are boring but what they create does truly impress me. But I probably wouldn't want to meet them one on one. It's like I fucking love nirvana but I don't know how well I'd get along with Kurt Cobain if I actually met him and had to talk to him. Does that make any sense? 🤣 Is this on?

I don't drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, smoke weed, do any sort of drug. Actually, I'm so much of a pussy I can't even drink coffee or most types of tea 🤣🤣 So I guess you could say I'm the opposite of someone who likes to party. I think there's alot of other ways to make life insane, interesting, fun and crazy without other substances. I'm not saying I look down on people who do use such things. If anything I'm jealous because I can't. My body and mind just hate all intoxicants 😭

I want more hosting references but it seems unlikely as I kinda hate people now. Anyways if you can meet the following requirements I'll consider hosting you. And it will also prove you read through my longggggggggg and embarrassing cringefest of a profile.

1. You open the message with "foot worship" or "sadomasocism" so I know you read my profile and that you know my interests 😉
2. Tell me the most exciting thing to happen to you while using couchsurfing!
3. Tell me why you think you'd be a good match for me

~None of these requirements apply to you if you originally come from mainland China~

I love the Chinese people so fucking much. If you are Chinese I don't even care if you don't read my profile, I'll still host you 🤣

Now that I think of it 🤔 For that same reason this offer also applies to anyone from Pakistan 🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰 although I suppose it's way less likely I'll have the opportunity to help someone from Pakistan in this way. Because getting a USA travel visa while being Pakistani is completely fucked. Pakistanis are actually the most hospitable people on planet earth so if I get the chance, I'll help you too! 😉

To anyone else, if you don't read my profile then you don't get a response from me 🤣 I know my profile is a cringey autistic novel but I'm the dude you are trying to stay with in an expensive city. I make the rules 😇

Also.... if anyone wants to travel the world with me, send me a travel partner application. I read all such applications. As of May 1st 2024, Jess left me to go back to the USA to deal with personal/family matters. And by that I mean she got fucking arrested in the airport the moment she returned to American soil and at the time of me writing this she is actually in jail 🙄 So I'll be doing this shit solo again. Looks like my hatred of humanity has left me alone..... again.... Oh well 🤷🏻‍♂️ Maybe I can find another weirdo on this platform to join me. I did after all meet Jess here. Oh and don't worry if you don't have money. I have alot of it. Enough for both of us. I can even fly you here. The only thing you'll need is to travel with me is time. This won't be some two or three week getaway 🤣 I wanna do at least a year in South America and at least a year in Africa in 2025. I'm really just getting started..... The goal is going to every country on earth! Well except one and let's talk about that one. I said I don't like politics earlier but here's another political take, FUCK ISRAEL! And fuck the USA for being so cucked by them!

  • guitar
  • languages
  • food
  • bdsm
  • punk rock
  • rock and roll
  • feet
  • trip hop
  • synthwave
  • femdom
  • pissing people off

Musica, film e libri

I'm down for any punk rock or rock and roll. Newer stuff generally bores me. Slowly but surely I am getting into synthwave.

Una cosa incredibile che ho fatto

I love to brag so don't encourage me! Here's some off the top of my head

I went to the KPK province in Pakistan. A city called Peshawar which has so few foriengers ever visit there that I had a fully armed security detail following me around all day. They were provided to me by the local police who told me they were scared that terrorists/Pashtun insurgents might kidnap me 🤣 I posted photos of my time in Pakistan on here. I also visited the compound property where Osama bid Laden was hiding for years in that province as well.

I once spent 3 weeks hitchhiking in the middle of Australia, sometimes getting stuck for days at a time out in the driest desert on Earth. Did about 10,000km in total up, down and around that country just from hitchhiking.

I went from Thailand to the desert in Uzbekistan by land. And as of late 2023/2024 I'm driving from my home town in the USA (I'm from Ohio, fuck New York) to the southern tip of Argentina/Chile right now as part of a 2 year road trip. So I'd say that's pretty crazy lol

I lived as a live-in footslave 24/7 for an Indian girl for 3 months without breaking character once! Which if you don't know SM, can be very difficult to do and stay in character.

I taught myself Chinese and Spanish essentially for free. So not a lot of people can do that. Although I guess I don't have a fucking job so I have nothing better to do than learn languages. Now working on Arabic.

Speaking of education, one amazing thing I did was drop out of highschool at 16, never go to college. And still end up with more money than you by my 30s 🤑🤑 🤑 🤑

I went to a remote village so far into the Amazon that the people there didn't even speak Spanish. Only the native language of the incan empire. "KEY-chu-wha". Although that dude deleted his couchsurfering account. Actually I think I've lost a good 10-15 reviews from people deleting their accounts lol.. Since COVID couchsurfering seems like it's on life support. One time I lived with a girl in Melbourne, Australia for a over 3 months just based off of a single mesaage request I sent on couchsurfering. And now that review is gone! I want my Australian reference back 😒

Insegna, impara, condividi

Guitar? How to live out of your car? I know Chinese 😇

Cosa posso offrire ai padroni di casa


Paesi che ho visitato

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Belize, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, England, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Macao, Mexico, Monaco, Myanmar, Nepal, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Northern Ireland, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Turkey, United States, Uzbekistan, Vatican City State, Viet Nam, Wales, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Paesi in cui ho vissuto

Australia, Cambodia, China, Mexico, Tanzania, Thailand, United States

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