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  • 0 references
  • Fluent in English, Italian; learning Russian
  • 37, Female
  • Member since 2015
  • Freelancer, Writer
  • Graphic Designer
  • From Brescia, Lombardy, Italy
  • Profile 75% complete

About Me

Learn about Life, the Universe and Everything.

Ciao! Here’s what you need to know about me: I’m a fun, easy to talk to, curious and passionate girl with a deep love for art and traveling. Among my many interests I can count: reading and writing (I’m a writer/screenwriter/freelancer), movies, books, food, cooking and creating things. Since I write for a living I’m always eager to listen to people stories, learn about how the world works and how other people live. This means I’m definitely going to ask you lots of questions about your life and your point of view on things. We can talk about everything you want.

Also I am an art enthusiast, which means that when I travel I'm usually interested in the museums and the art life of the town. So if you have any suggestions on the best places to visit, or some interesting art events I should definetly attend, I'll be happy to hear them.

What else?… I live in the northern part of Italy in a small village in the countryside of Brescia, close to Lake Iseo. The place where I live is called "Franciacorta". It’s a beautiful area renowned for it’s fine wines and the beautiful landscapes. It’s very peaceful and quiet around here, it’s nice to take walks or bike rides and admire the lovely view. If you are looking for some crazy night life or if you want to go clubbing this might not be the best place for you, maybe you can search places closer to the main towns for that. If you want to sent a request to stay at my place please read the My Home section for more informations.

I have a very large a family. I’ve got three sister, two brothers and two stepsister. Half of my family is form here, while the other half is from the U.S, but comes from all over the world really XD. I’ve got japanese, native american, mexican, and spanish descent. This might be one of the reasons I’m so interested in different cultures. Also I think that by finding out more about others, we learn more about ourselves as well.

If you have received a request from me I want you to know this: I read profiles carefully before sending requests, I will clean after myself and I will help you if you need anything (doing the dishes, cleaning around the house,ecc.) if you decide to host me I understand that in means you are welcoming me into your home, and I will respect that, if you want me to leave when you are not around, I will, and I’ll come back when you want me too.

Get lost and live adventures.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Moslty because I want to develop friendships from all over the world, and because I’m trying to learn as much as I can about people and different cultures. Whether it’s me doing the traveling, exploring the world with the eyes of a local, or whether it’s the other way around, CS it’s a way to connect with people and share life experiences, interests, lessons and knowledge using one thing we all have in common: the principle of hospitality.


  • animals
  • arts
  • writing
  • books
  • literature
  • tattoos
  • italian food
  • cooking
  • anime
  • movies
  • reading
  • music
  • surfing
  • art history
  • history
  • food
  • nature
  • tv series
  • manga
  • storytelling
  • biking
  • learning new things
  • stories
  • exploring
  • comic books
  • creative writing

Music, Movies, and Books

When I write I like to listen to classical or instrumental music. Some of my favorite artists are Nick Cave, Franco Battiato, Foo Fighters, Amanda Palmer, Avcii, Arctic Monkeys, Coldplay, Nicki Minaj, Lana Del Ray, Florence+The Machine, Sia, Eminem, Depeche Mode, Queen, David Bowie, Bob Dylan and John Lennon.

I love everything by Tarantino... and Hayao Miyazaki, also I like David Fincher and Christopher Nolan a lot. Here's a list of some of my favorites: The Shining, American Beauty, Labyrinth, Trainspotting, A Clockwork Orange, The Fifth Element, Natural Born Killers, Amadeus, The Nightmare Before Christmas and the classics like Gone With the Wind and The Sound of Music.

Oh Gawd where to start? I'm such a bookworm, I pretty much read whatever I can get my hands on, so for me it's hard to make a list. My favorite book is probably The Silmarillion by Tolkien, I absolutely love and adore Neil Gaiman and everything he does. Some of my favorite books are: American Gods, A Song of Ice and Fire, Pride and Prejudice, The Master and Margarita, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Slaughterhouse 5, Jonathan Livingstone Seagull, The Little Prince, Wuthering Heights, The old man and the sea, and The Kite Runner. Currently reading: The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I've met Neil Gaiman, my favorite author, about ten years ago. (If you look in my pictures you can see the pic I took with him).
A part from that surfing in Maui is probably up there.... I absolutely loved it.

Teach, Learn, Share

Well I can teach some Italian, for sure, or English. Also I can definitely teach you how to cook Italian food, since cooking is one of my passions ;p I'm a good listener so I'll be interested into listening to all the amazing stories you want to share: stories of your trips, of your life and the cool things you have done.

As for learning I'm trying to learn new languages. I'm currently learning Russian, so right now that is the language I'm most eager to practice and learn, but I'm open to other languages as well. Also I'm trying to learn to play the Ukelele, with very little success so far XD (mostly out of frustration for my poor tuning skills) So if you know how to play it please teach me.

What I Can Share with Hosts

I can share with you my stories and everything I've learned. I love to hold deep and meaningful conversations, and I've discovered that they often take place in front of a good meal, so I'll be happy to cook for you, or with you, if you want. Also if you need help around the house with chores and other stuff just let me know.

Countries I’ve Visited

Czech Republic, France, Haiti, Italy, Monaco, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, Vatican City State

Countries I’ve Lived In

Italy, United Kingdom, United States

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