Shaun Brown的照片


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  • 8 评语 5 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 English; 正在学习 Spanish
  • 45, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2009
  • real estate investment/acting and producing
  • 未列出教育背景
  • 未列出家乡
  • 个人主页已完成 100%



meet cool people and write, act, produce films....and have fun everyday....


I am 32 years old and am from Michigan in the United States. I have been living in Argentina for the past 18 months and loving the country, culture and its people. Although unbelievably still struggling with the language pero todo bien!

Soy vegetariano, I am vegetarian....I love drinking tea and chai tea too is a fav...(real Chai not Oregon imposter chai):)

I love any creative endeavor art, making films, taking photos and just making things....I love capturing light, taking pictures of fuzzy light and specular highlights are an obsession.

I love indie and foreign films.

I need to be in nature on a regular basis hiking, camping or at the lake...

I really enjoy climbing things and jumping off them(trees, rock walls, sand dunes etc), Hitchhiking is so fun in South America too(dont knock it till you tried it.

Love second hand stuff(people and clothes)I also like sewing or at least fixing holes in clothes.

Farm markets are always fun in the summer.

I am always up for a road trip with new or old friends... Upper mich, florida, chicago, NYC or West Coast.... Vamos! lets go...


I think the universe always conspires in your favor and that is really cool!

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing


I like to host when I can and help people discover things around my local area...

I have hosted probably 30 travelers in Argentina on another profile and I have surfed many couches officially and unofficially throughout Argentina... Amazing experiences everytime!


I have hosted about 30 people in the past on another profile...

Couchsurfing has exposed me to some of the coolest and most open and free people I know...

One amazing experience after another, the universe continues to conspire in my favor through the people couchsurfing drops into my life.

The best way to travel and meet the "right" people anywhere u go....Always fun, always interesting always more than you expect...


I love to travel of course, trekking in the patagonia, drinking homemade beer with friends and neighbors in El Bolson, real estate investment,cooking with friends, vintage clothing, making short films with old school cameras(super8 and polaroid SX70 baby)Yoga y meditation, Vino de Argentina, Mountain climbing,latino culture, Art, Music, crazy people, talking to people from places I don't know, meeting complete strangers and having a good time or to share a brief travel, or beer or story...

I also like to make films, act, film, write, light, watch, think about, chill with film people.... anything with film y specular light....

Noticing minute details in life regarding light(its color, shape, quality, how it makes you feel)

I love futbol...

Playing, watching, talking about, anything futbol and life is good.

  • arts
  • culture
  • coloring
  • dining
  • cooking
  • beer
  • vegetarian
  • yoga
  • meditation
  • drinking
  • clothing
  • movies
  • traveling
  • music
  • hiking
  • camping
  • rock climbing
  • hitchhiking


I love low budget indie films from around the world, If turtles could Fly, whirly girl(sorry just saw it, teenage boys dream, lost highway,Biutiful, Motor cycle diaries, Amores Perros, Walk the Line, Blair witch project(because it almost made me give up camping, JK) mulholland drive, any David Lynch film, I love pointles art films that just are pretty, "amelie" is always a fun film, brokeback mountain, clockwork orange, Gummo(by Harmony Korine) check it out really cool film, Dreams by Akira kurosawa.

sonice youth, nirvana, lhasa, los pijos,soda stereo, beatles, doors, Mr Johnny Cash, bjork, pixies, Talking Heads, eminem(hes from michigan too, support the home grown talent), gogol bordello, John Lennon, old jewel, kimya dawson(love her to pieces), krishna das, REM, mazzy star, fionna apple, radiohead, red hot chili peppers, Sinead O'Connor, velvet underground, talking heads, Sigor Ros, Camille from France love her a lot right now, ...y mas


Summited Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa.

Mentally and physically one of the harder things I have done in my life...


This is the best part...

I have learned how to cook food from all over the world from other couchsurfers and I would love to learn more and cook with you...

Lets cook!

Trying to improve my spanish, that would be great...

Always looking for fun travel partners, that know cool places to see.

I am getting very good at making duct tape wallets and I can make one for you...And everyone I make is custom made just for you!!! Duct tape is so fun...


Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Slovenia, Tanzania, United States


Argentina, United States

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