Yarema Holota's Photo

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  • 80% response rate
  • Last login about 4 hours ago

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  • 2 references 1 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Ukrainian; learning French
  • 21, Male
  • Member since 2019
  • Film student
  • Kyiv National I. K. Karpenko-Karyi Theatre, Cinema and Te...
  • From Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Hello! I'm Yarema, also known as Jeremy to some friends and foreigners. I'm an aspiring documentary filmmaker hailing from Kyiv, Ukraine. Initially trained as a cinematographer in film school, I decided to pivot towards a more liberating form of creativity in the third grade and try directing movies by myself. Although I joined Couchsurfing through Facebook in 2019, I have been actively developing my profile and have only been fully involved in the platform since the end of January.

Beyond my passion for filmmaking, I have a deep love for music. Whether it's listening or improvising on instruments like the piano, guitar, or vocals, music is a significant part of my life. However, my appreciation for art extends to various forms, including theatre, paintings, and architecture, serving as my gateway to understanding this intriguing world. I'm also enthusiastic about language learning, starting from my native Ukrainian and ending up advancing in French through platforms like Duolingo, Anki, movies, and the ChatGPT vocal bot.

I've received an invitation to attend the Cannes Film Festival from May 14-25 as a student and am currently seeking a host. Let's spend quality time discussing art, culture, and politics, or even memes! Cooking is another interest of mine, and although I'm a bit of a novice, I can whip up a delightful pot of Borscht with salo – that is, if you're a fan of salo, of course :) I'm eager to explore Berlin as a local, and it would be fantastic, if time permits, to take a stroll through some of your favorite spots, cafes, and clubs.

Additionally, I'm open to hosting fellow travelers in Kyiv. Despite the challenges posed by the war, I hope the limited number of travelers and my lack of reviews won't deter you from considering hosting me. Currently, the traveler list in Kyiv comprises only four individuals, making it a bit challenging. Nonetheless, I look forward to connecting with like-minded individuals and creating memorable experiences through Couchsurfing. ❤️

Here's my social media links:


Watch my short debut documentary on ADHD called "Attention Deficit" with me in the lead character

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Let's be straightforward. As a student in a country facing the challenges of war, financial constraints are a significant reality for many individuals, myself included. However, my perspective on Couchsurfing shifted when I discovered on Reddit that even affluent individuals use the platform, opting for cultural exchange over luxury accommodations. This realization broadened my understanding of Couchsurfing beyond a mere tool for "one-night stands" and sparked an appreciation for the rich opportunities it offers in fostering cultural connections.

Back when I was a film school freshman, I made a conscious effort to host classmates for extended periods, aiming to cultivate elevated communication skills and friendship. Today, my motivation to host new people remains rooted in this desire for meaningful interaction.

Being inherently social, I enjoy conversations with individuals from diverse backgrounds and occupations. Engaging with people on various levels allows me to identify commonalities, drawing parallels between their experiences and mine. I firmly believe that the most profound way to understand a culture transcends its food and attractions — It lies in comprehending the people who have shaped it across generations.

Embracing an open-minded approach not only adds depth to one's character but also contributes to creating a more diverse and compassionate world. I am convinced that fostering open-mindedness promotes a positive global environment. Also, while the majority of my friends are Ukrainians, I acknowledge that this limited circle can sometimes narrow my worldview. Therefore, my additional goal is to extend the reach of my perspective through cultural exchange, communication and online connections.


  • arts
  • culture
  • politics
  • piano
  • hitchhiking
  • filmmaking
  • phylosophy
  • activism
  • memes
  • queer friendly
  • rave
  • duolingo

Music, Movies, and Books

Music: Thom Yorke, La Femme, King Crimson, Воплі Водоплясова, Oleksii Podat, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Fontaines D.C.

Movies: The Tree of Life, Rebels of the Neon God, Burden of Dreams, Fire at Sea, The Color of Pomegranates, Eraserhead, La Dolce Vita, The New World (2005), The Tribe (2014), Repentance (1987), The Lovers on the Bridge, Orchestra Rehearsal

Books: Thus Spoke Zarathustra, The Catcher in the Rye, Three Comrades, The Art of Color, Зачарована Десна, Хіба ревуть воли, як ясла повні?,

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I flew on an airplane alone when I was 16 :D

Stayed in Kyiv home alone after the russian invasion right until the troops withdrew from the capital.

Teach, Learn, Share

Teach: music instruments (e.g. piano, guitar, cello, wooden flute "sopilka"), Ukrainian ✨iconic✨ words, borscht recipe, filmmaking, photography

Learn: I consider myself a super flexible person who loves acquiring new knowledge that makes my life a more interesting journey. I think one of my favorite aspects of learning is word etymology research. Pretty every European word has a common ancestor, and it's impressive.

Share: First things first I can show you my movies and photographs, obviously. Secondly, I can share with you some local political insights and RuMoRs.

What I Can Share with Hosts

A sleeping place, kitchen, food, jam sessions, movie sessions, sightseeing walks, and a beautiful view from the balcony.

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Belarus, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland

Countries I’ve Lived In


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